Stationery A-Z: Thinking of You

It’s no secret that we love greeting cards here. No matter what the occasion, we’ve got the perfect birthday, congratulations, apologies or good luck card just waiting for you. Same goes for sanctioned holidays like Valentine’s Day, mothers day, Easter, etc. But what if there is no particular occasion or holiday? What if you simply want to reach out to a friend to say I miss you, you’re OK, or I’m here for you? Look no further! We’ve got those too, and they aren’t called Thinking of You cards for no reason. Friends need our thoughts and love just as much as spouses and parents, so make up your own occasion and send one of these beauties below. Shauna

Thinking of You CardsFrom top right:

1. A good friend deserves the limelight (just as much as they deserve a well-designed card from One Canoe Two).

2. I’d be smiling if I received this Sgt. Pepper inspired Lucky Horse Press design.

3. The best of ships ARE friendships! From Great Lakes Goods.

4. As if you need a reason to send an image of a fish riding a bicycle. Here’s one – it’s a FISH riding a BICYCLE. From Hello!Lucky.

5. Know someone going through a hard time? Show your support in a way that only granny panties can illuminate. From Lark + Raven.

6. Not sure what to say? Start with the basics with this wood type inspired design from My Darlin’.

7. Send this extra shiny Emily McDowell design to a pal who just, you know, gets it.

8. I’ve asked this question so many times. But seriously, how come all my best friends can’t just move in next door? We can share wi-fi. From Farewell Paperie.

9. I like veggies. You like veggies. Let’s be friends. From Clap Clap Design.

10. If they’ve been a good friend, why not let them know how much you truly appreciate it? From Hollow Brooklyn.

11. Best friends are magic – remind yours why they matter with this caffeinated pun from Amy Heitman.

12. Miss someone? Let them know! From Anemone Letterpress.

Stationery A-Z: Dessert Birthday Cards

There are a lot of fun activities associated with birthdays, but for me, the excuse to pile on the sugar tops the list. Whether you prefer birthday cake to cupcakes, donuts to pie, there are endless ways to celebrate! Have a friend with a birthday coming up? Whip up an extra delicious treat (this one sounds pretty perfect) and pair it with a corresponding dessert-inspired card design! From anthropomorphic slices of cake to a triple stacked ice cream cone, we’re rounding up some awesome dessert birthday cards. Yum! – Shauna

Dessert Birthday Cards!

From top left:

1. This smiling cake is sure to make anyone’s birthday just a little bit sweeter. From Hello!Lucky.

2. This risograph printed design doesn’t mince words (or delicious sugary images). From another San Francisco-based stationer, Yellow Owl Workshop.

3. Treat yourself to this fun scratch off donut birthday greeting card courtesy of Inklings Paperie.

4. This Idlewild Co. design looks almost too delicious to send. I wish I knew what real life pastries these were based on!

5. Isn’t the entire point of baking for friends so that you can partake too? Mr. Boddington definitely agrees.

6. This Shannon Kristen painted birthday design would make a delectable side dish to a real life matching one.

7. Say it with ice cream, or don’t say it all all. Especially a triple decker number from Anne & Kate.

8. Don’t let gluten hold you back! Embrace the gluten-free diet with this hand-lettered design from Smudge Ink.

9. Richie Design offers two items with universal appeal: cupcakes and letterpress printed greeting cards.

10. Loving this clever play on everyone’s favorite 50 cent birthday number. By the clever cats over at Ladyfingers Letterpress.

11. This sweet illustrated monkey offers up just as sweet a birthday treat. From JooJoo Paper.

12. More puns and more cake from Grove Street Press. What could be wrong?!

Stationery A-Z: Rosè All Day

It’s finally summer time (whew!), which means its also…Rosé time! Everyone’s favorite pink beverage is showing up in all forms these days – from beach towels to candy to, you guessed it… Rosé-themed greeting cards! If you haven’t jumped on the think pink train yet, it’s high time to give ‘summer water’ a try (it’s really quite good). Grab a glass, sit back and enjoy our round-up below. Cheers! -Shauna

Rosé-Themed Greeting Cards

From top left:

1. This illustrated card from redcruiser is so versatile! Use it to congratulate a friend on a new job, send a quick pep talk before a big event, or even to help cheer up someone having a bad week.

2. I’m more than grateful for rosé. I’m guessing Boss Dotty is too. Respect for that manicure as well.

3. This sweetly illustrated, message-forward greeting comes from New York-based Nicole Marie Paperie.

4. Is current politics driving you to drink? Combine trends with this scripted letterpress printed message from Creativity Cards.

5. Want a little extra bang for your buck? This Valley Cruise Press greeting card not only comes with a clever pun from perennial favorite The Bachelor but also a fun enamel pin. Everybody wins!

6. Yes Way Rosé just goes to show that Instagram is no joke. Two NYC friends, one passion for pink wine, and 42K followers later…

7. Another stellar rosé themed greeting from Boss Dotty, this time in birthday form. Salut!

8. Flowers AND wine? Say it all with another clever pun masquerading as a birthday greeting card from The Good Twin (a fan of The Good Twin? Be sure to check out our June desktop downloads here!)

9. Rosé all day? Yes PLEASE. Send this Pinwheel Print Shop design for as a birthday card, thinking of you note or an invitation to your next summer BBQ (little know fact: rosé is the best wine to pair with barbecue).

10. Really enjoying Styled in Print‘s muted monochromatic palate and detailed illustration.

Behind the Stationery: Ashkahn

Today we’re going behind the stationery with Ashkahn, the owner and designer of his namesake brand. His witty, irreverent humor is reflected in his designs, which always have a bright and fun touch to them. With a variety of projects under his belt, Ashkahn shares how he prioritize and writes creatively meaningful greeting cards. –Megan Soh

Behind the Stationery: Ashkahn

From Ashkahn: Ashkahn started all by complete accident! It was a friend’s birthday, and I was too lazy to run to the local Rite Aid and buy him a birthday card so I made my own. Shortly after the birthday, my friend told me that people were asking him where the card I gave him was from. I started selling it. It was fun, drinking money. The ideas for more cards came pouring out and I presented a 12-card collection to Reform School, a store in Los Angeles, and they placed a huge first order. It sold out really fast and the rest is history as they say.

Behind the Stationery: Ashkahn

My studio is located in the arts district of downtown Los Angeles. We do all of our fulfilling and design there.

Behind the Stationery: AshkahnBehind the Stationery: Ashkahn

I start the day off with coffee made from my Bialetti and two hard boiled eggs. After that I walk around in my favorite robe for an hour or so, and usually get in the studio around 10am and work until around 6pm.

Behind the Stationery: Ashkahn

I don’t like to force ideas. The best ones come to me organically and out of nowhere. I see them as little gifts that you need to catch and write down before it disappears. From there, I write it down and simplify it even further to get to the meat of the idea and communicate what I want to say.

Behind the Stationery: Ashkahn

Behind the Stationery: Ashkahn

It’s a lot of writing and all of my designs are hand drawn. I then digitally manipulate it in Illustrator and get it ready for print. I start sampling color and scale, then letterpress print everything.

Behind the Stationery: Ashkahn

I spend most of my time on the greeting cards. I try to make the writing better and better with each passing card. It’s really important to me to find new and interesting ways to communicate common messages like, “I love you” and “Happy Birthday” in a new way. Love, liquor, and great food keep me inspired.

Behind the Stationery: Ashkahn

Behind the Stationery: Ashkahn

Photos courtesy of Ashkahn.

Want to be featured? Reach out to Megan at megan[at] for details.

Stationery A-Z: Wedding Congratulations Cards

Remember waaaay back in the winter when all your friends were suddenly engaged? Well, wedding season has finally arrived! Which means it’s time for a round up of our favorite wedding congratulations cards! Break out the heels, get your summer suit cleaned up and start writing the world’s least boring, most endearing, tear-inducing wedding speech. And while you are at it, don’t forget to include a meaningful congratulations card that two people you deeply care about have decided to profess their love for each other in front of friends and family. And while you are at it, be sure to say thanks for the open bar. Shauna

Stationery A-Z: Wedding Congratulations Cards

From top left:

1. Love this naive floral illustration (in a bright spring palate) from our friends over at Egg Press.

2. Will you take this peony and wild rose bouquet from Banquet Workshop and Atelier to have and to hold from this day forth?

3. Personally, my favorite part of my wedding was the honeymoon. Celebrate an adventurous couple with a travel-themed design from Idlewild Co.

4. Not a fan of the institution of marriage? Call it like you see it with this foil and letterpress greeting card from Ashkahn.

5. Weddings aren’t just for brides and grooms. Celebrate ladies who love (and commit) with this fashion forward illustration from Ferme A Papierby Cat Seto.

6. Their big day deserves a callout – especially one that is hand lettered with silver foil (from Lionheart Prints).

7. Two misters? Two times the party! Get the celebration started with extra shiny holographic foil from The Social Type.

8. Sometimes life can be a fairytale….give this Antiquaria foiled design to the most romantic couple you know.

9. Marriage requires work and if you’ve made it through the wedding planning process, you’re well on your way to a successful lifetime partnership. From Paperboy London.

10. Did you know that swans mate for life? Anne and Kate do.

p.s. A few more favorite wedding congratulations cards from a couple years ago!