NYIGF Winter 2013, Part 6

Today we’re jumping back into recaps from the NYIGF Winter 2013 market with two more posts full of fun eye candy! There’s an entire section dedicated to products for babies and children, from toys to clothing, and this year I took the time to properly browse and pick out a few favorites. I was thrilled when I spotted the 3 Sprouts booth – we already love their adorable bath towels (we have the walrus), and admire that they incorporate unusual animals like hippos and goats into their designs.

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (102)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (98) NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (101)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (103)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (93) NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (94)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (90)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (87) NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (91)

Finally, adorable storage boxes that fit PERFECTLY in the Ikea Expedit! I absolutely love the animal options – the dragon and unicorn are too cute!

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (97)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (100) NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (104)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (99)

3 Sprouts

I’ve been a fan of Wee Gallery since even before Sophie came along – we love their stamp sets, temporary tattoos, graphic black + white animal flash cards, I could go on and on!

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (21)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (22)

 NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (25) NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (18)

Super soft cotton baby blankets!

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (12) NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (20)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (13)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (8)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (5) NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (9)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (10)

Wee Gallery

I can’t wait until Sophie is old enough to play with some of the more educational toys, and these wooden block sets from Uncle Goose are at the top of my list. I absolutely love their language sets, which come in a staggering eighteen languages (!!), and the political nerd in me is completely crazy for the presidential block set.

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (35)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (34) NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (37)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (40)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (30)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (28) NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (29)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (31)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (32)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (33)

Uncle Goose

Petit Collage makes some of the most well-designed baby toys and decorations, from prints and decals to mobiles and puzzles. The beginner puzzle sets are so incredibly cute – the baby animal is always the key piece!

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (55)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (51) NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (43)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (45) NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (44)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (47)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (46) NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (49)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (48)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (50)

Petit Collage

I’m always on the lookout for baby and shower gifts that are both pretty and useful – and the knit toys and baby books from loralin design absolutely fit the bill. The books in particular are so great, from a baby gift record keeper and nursing journal to a baby visitor guestbook!

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (73)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (66)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (69) NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (62)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (60)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (65) NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (63)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (59)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (70) NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (56)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (57)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (67)

NYIGF Winter 2013 Baby + Child Exhibitors via Oh So Beautiful Paper (71)

loralin design

Check back soon for more from NYIGF!

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Quick Pick: IOU Letterpress

When Sophie was first born, we were so sleep deprived and consumed with baby-related tasks that it was hard to focus on the little parts of our normal routine. Running basic errands, doing the dishes, and even figuring what to eat were suddenly huge challenges. I will be forever grateful to the friends who came over with food, helped wash dishes or take care of our cats, and volunteered to run errands during those first few weeks. As a new parent, I absolutely LOVE the concept behind these letterpress printed promissory notes from IOU Letterpress – a collaboration between Christine of Ink Lemonade and Typecase Industries. The first set of cards is geared specifically for new parents, with IOUs for laundry, errands, cooking, even time to catch a bit of sleep. So perfect.

IOU Letterpress Promissory Notes via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3) IOU Letterpress Promissory Notes via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2)

IOU Letterpress Promissory Notes via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4) IOU Letterpress Promissory Notes via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1)

IOU Letterpress Promissory Notes via Oh So Beautiful Paper (5) IOU Letterpress Promissory Notes via Oh So Beautiful Paper (6)

IOU Letterpress Promissory Notes via Oh So Beautiful Paper (7) IOU Letterpress Promissory Notes via Oh So Beautiful Paper (8)

Available over at IOU Letterpress!

Photo Credits: IOU Letterpress

{happy weekend!}

I’m beginning to suspect that I’m coming down with a case of the winter blues, which definitely isn’t helped by the lack of progress in our house hunt. So I’m actually really excited to break up our routine this weekend – we’re heading to New York City for a few days! My husband and Sophie are coming along, so I’ll be attending the New York International Gift Fair and serving as a judge for the Louie Awards during the day and then meeting back up with them later in the afternoon. We’re taking the train (my favorite way to travel from DC to NYC), so right now I’m trying to figure out how on earth I’m going to fit all of our clothes and baby gear into a reasonable amount of luggage. Next week I’ll report back with some of my favorites from NYIGF! But in the meantime…

Tabletop Made

You’re My Favorite card by Tabletop Made

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

That’s it for me this week! I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday! xoxo

{happy weekend + reader survey!}

After all the ups and downs this week, I know I’m ready for a bit of R&R this weekend! But before you go running off, would you mind filling out a quick reader survey? It’s been a while since the last one, and I’d love your thoughts about Oh So Beautiful Paper as I prepare to make it bigger and better over the coming year! You can find the short survey right here! And in the meantime…

Original Image Credit: Aaron Huey

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

That’s it for me this week! Next week I have an AWESOME giveaway that you won’t want to miss – so be sure to check back in early next week. Have a wonderful weekend! xoxo

Sophie at 4 Months

Happy Friday everyone! I’ll admit that I’ve had quite the roller coaster of a week, from the trials of house hunting to being on the receiving end of some really disappointing behavior from someone that I thought was my friend. I usually try to keep Oh So Beautiful Paper a happy place, so I won’t get into too many of the details here. It’s just always a bummer to find out that someone that you care about doesn’t seem to hold your friendship in the same regard. So today I thought I’d help cheer myself up by sharing a few photos of Sophie at the 4-month mark!

Photo Credits: Oh So Beautiful Paper (13) Photo Credits: Oh So Beautiful Paper (10)

The last month with Sophie has really been so much fun – she’s full of smiles, tiny giggles, and we have lots of conversations full of all sorts of funny noises and grunting sounds. She still has plenty of meltdowns, usually when she doesn’t get a long enough nap, but she’s getting easier to soothe. She’s so curious and interested in everything going on around her, particularly people!

Photo Credits: Oh So Beautiful Paper (4) Photo Credits: Oh So Beautiful Paper (2)

Sophie recently went through a crazy growth spurt and gained around a pound in a single week – she’s still such a tiny thing, but she’s now double her birth weight at 12 pounds. She has officially outgrown all of her newborn clothes, which for me is such a bittersweet change. She’ll never be that tiny ever again! But she’s now doing all sorts of fun things like holding her head up and grabbing things!

Photo Credits: Oh So Beautiful Paper (9) Photo Credits: Oh So Beautiful Paper (7)

As you can see from these photos, her new favorite thing is to be a flying baby – she smiles and looks all around whenever we hold her up. I had a hard time getting any decent non-blurry photos because she was moving her head around so much to get a good look! It’s probably only a matter of time before she’s sitting up on her own, too.


Last night we took Sophie for her first hockey experience – an open Capitals practice at the Verizon Center – and she LOVED it! I’m not sure she even noticed the activity on the ice, but she enjoyed looking at all the people and the bright lights around the arena. We’ll probably wait a couple more months before we think about taking her to an actual game, but it’s good to know she doesn’t get overwhelmed in such a big setting. Sophie has also been a trooper in our house hunt – that’s her taking a nap (above) in one of the houses we looked at.


The house hunt has been pretty frustrating so far… nothing too surprising, we just haven’t seen much that would be a good fit for us. We’ve made one offer so far, which we didn’t get  â€“ also not really a surprise as we were competing with two other offers – but I’m happy to have at least made the leap of making an offer on something. At the same time, we’ve been circling around another property that has a TON of potential but will require some major renovations that could push it just out of our reach, which I think is actually the most frustrating part so far. For now we’re just continuing to look around and hope that something awesome comes on the market soon!

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper