October Desktop Downloads!

Hello October! Fall has definitely arrived here on the East Coast, and what better way to celebrate than with brand new illustrated wallpapers for your phone and desktop?! I’m thrilled to share four gorgeous illustrated wallpapers with all of you – two each from Swiss Cottage Designs and The Good Twin – celebrating both the warm and cozy side of October and the creepy crawly Halloween season. Which one will you choose???

October Illustrated Wallpaper for Desktop and iPhone from Swiss Cottage Designs

Desktop | iPhone

October Moon Illustrated Wallpaper for Desktop and iPhone from Swiss Cottage Designs

Desktop | iPhone

Hamsa Hand Illustrated Wallpaper for Desktop and iPhone by The Good Twin

Desktop | iPhone

Ghosts Illustrated Wallpaper for Desktop and iPhone by The Good Twin

Desktop | iPhone

For personal use only. All illustrations by Swiss Cottage Designs and The Good Twin for Oh So Beautiful Paper

If you’re a designer or illustrator interested in contributing your own designs to this column, please email your design to submissions(at)ohsobeautifulpaper.com with the subject line “desktop downloads.” If it’s a good fit I’ll add it to the post for the following month!

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! Are you ready for the long Labor Day weekend? I know I am! Also, on Monday, I turn 35. I don’t get as excited about my own birthdays anymore these days, since my two girls have birthdays only 7 and 11 days later, respectively, so I’m usually focused on celebrating them. But 35 kind of feels like a big one. I’m looking forward to a quiet celebration with my family and soaking up these last few summer days (although I seriously cannot wait for the cooler weather to arrive!). But in the meantime…

Plume Calligraphy / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Image by Plume Calligraphy via the #dailydoseofpaper feed on Instagram

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

That’s it for us this week! We’ll be back later this afternoon with this week’s cocktail recipe (and a brand new cocktail theme for September!) – so definitely check back for that. I hope you have a wonderful and restful long weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Tuesday! xoxo


September Desktop Downloads!

Aaaaahhhh…. September. Such a wonderful month, isn’t it? And the beginning of a whole new season! Back to school and the promise of fall weather are enough to make September one of my favorite months of the year. But it’s also a big birthday month in my family, with my birthday and both of my girls’ birthdays falling in the first half of the month. Here are two beautiful new back-to-school-inspired illustrated wallpapers from The Good Twin to help celebrate the new month!

September Desktop Downloads: Back to School Backpack Illustrated Wallpaper by The Good Twin for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Desktop | iPhone

September Desktop Downloads: September Illustrated Wallpaper by The Good Twin for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Desktop | iPhone

For personal use only. All illustrations by The Good Twin for Oh So Beautiful Paper

If you’re a designer or illustrator interested in contributing your own designs to this column, please email your design to submissions(at)ohsobeautifulpaper.com with the subject line “desktop downloads.” If it’s a good fit I’ll add it to the post for the following month!

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all had an excellent first week of August! This week was a bit of a whirlwind for me, so I’m looking forward to a (hopefully) relaxing weekend. We went blackberry picking last weekend, but it was SO hot and the girls ran out of steam after about 15 minutes, so I’m thinking we’ll just hang poolside this weekend (if the weather cooperates). But in the meantime…

Rachelle Sartini Garner Calligraphy / OSBP

Image by Rachelle Sartini Garner Calligraphy via Instagram

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper – we were almost entirely dedicated to recaps from the 2016 National Stationery Show!

That’s it for me this week! We’ll be back later this afternoon with this week’s cocktail recipe – we have a brand new recipe theme for this month that I’m excited to share with all of you! Have a fantastic weekend, and I’ll see you back here next week! xoxo

August Desktop Downloads!

Seriously. How is it August already!?! I know I said this last week, but this summer is just flying by… it feels like we were celebrating the Fourth of July just a few days ago. Anyway! Here are a few beautiful new illustrated wallpapers from The Good Twin to help celebrate the new month!

Desktop Downloads: August Illustrated Wallpaper by The Good Twin for Oh So Beautiful Paper

 iPhone | Desktop

Desktop Downloads: August Illustrated Wallpaper by The Good Twin for Oh So Beautiful Paper

iPhone | Desktop

For personal use only. All illustrations by The Good Twin for Oh So Beautiful Paper

If you’re a designer or illustrator interested in contributing your own designs to this column, please email your design to submissions(at)ohsobeautifulpaper.com with the subject line “desktop downloads.” If it’s a good fit I’ll add it to the post for the following month!