April Desktop Downloads!

Ah, April. The first full month of Spring! And also known for lots of rain, which is totally fine with me since it means lots of flowers in May! Here in DC, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, tulips and daffodils are everywhere, and the days are getting longer – all of which make me so very happy. To celebrate the new season, we have a wealth of illustrated wallpapers to help brighten your screens this month, with four new designs from Swiss Cottage DesignsThe Good Twin, and Nathalie Ouederni! Pick your fave (or two!) and download the files via the links below! xoxo

April Showers Illustrated Wallpaper by Swiss Cottage Designs

Desktop | iPhone

Illustrated April Wallpaper by Nathalie Ouederni

Desktop | iPhone

April Maze Illustrated Wallpaper by The Good Twin

Desktop | iPhone

April Showers Illustrated Wallpaper by The Good Twin

Desktop | iPhone

Illustrations © Swiss Cottage DesignsThe Good Twin, and Nathalie Ouederni. All artwork is made available for personal use only. By downloading the wallpapers you agree to the terms of use.

p.s. If you’re a designer or illustrator interested in contributing your own designs to this column, please email your design to hello(at)ohsobeautifulpaper.com with the subject line “desktop downloads” and image files in both desktop and iPhone retina screen sizes. If it’s a good fit I’ll add it to the post for the following month!

March Desktop Downloads!

Welcome to March! Spring is definitely marching its way into DC, with daffodils and crocus poking up out of the ground and half our flowering trees already in bloom. We don’t normally see these signs of Spring until late March or early April, which is both great and kind of disconcerting. But with signs of Spring everywhere, it’s totally appropriate that each of this month’s illustrated wallpapers from The Good Twin and Nathalie Ouederni feature plants and flowers in one form or another. Enjoy!

March Illustrated Wallpaper by The Good Twin for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Desktop | iPhone

March Illustrated Wallpaper by The Good Twin for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Desktop | iPhone

March Illustrated Wallpaper by Nathalie Ouederni for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Desktop | iPhone

For personal use only. All illustrations by The Good Twin and Nathalie Ouederni for Oh So Beautiful Paper

If you’re a designer or illustrator interested in contributing your own designs to this column, please email your design to hello(at)ohsobeautifulpaper.com with the subject line “desktop downloads” and image files in both desktop and iPhone retina screen sizes. If it’s a good fit I’ll add it to the post for the following month!

Happy Weekend

Three Potato Four via Instagram

Image from Three Potato Four via Instagram

Hi everyone! I haven’t written one of these Friday posts in a while… mostly because I honestly don’t know what to say most of these days. I know you come here for the general inspiration and some happy sparkle in the middle of the day, and many of you don’t want any political discussion on this platform. But I can’t just pretend that everything is light and happy given our current circumstances. So I’m going to change up this Friday round up post to share a few of the more serious stories and links from the week, along with some of the things bringing me joy during the week. We’ll see how it goes!

Some of the many reasons why the immigration ban will not help make us more safe.

What you need to know about the terror threat from foreigners

Over 100,000 visas have been revoked due to the ban.

We said Never Again in 1945. We have to mean it.

Maybe it’s because I live in DC, but I find this endlessly fascinating: How the National Mall evolved over 200 years to become what it is today

From a couple of weeks ago: How the White House transitions from one president to another in five hours

Such a cute idea: DIY Valentine Balloon Surprise Box

I desperately want a set of these iridescent mini bowls

I seriously can’t get over the gorgeousness of this embroidered jacket (or this one!)

Loving these new blue, gray, and black bamboo papers from Bella Figura

Congrats to BerinMade on their beautiful new website!

Feeling frustrated by your political representatives? Run for office!


And this week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Brand new illustrated desktop and phone wallpapers for February!

Printable Valentine’s Day envelope liners

Beautiful custom calligraphy Valentines from Betsy Dunlap

And some Valentine’s Day cards for friends!

Bilingual wedding invitations with a gorgeous illustrated envelope liner


February Desktop Downloads!

Welcome to February everyone! We have a wealth of illustrated wallpapers to help brighten your screens this month, with four new designs from Swiss Cottage Designs, The Good Twin, and Nathalie Ouederni! This month we’re both celebrating the season of love – very much needed these days – and looking ahead to the promise of Spring. Pick your fave (or two!) and download the files via the links below! xoxo

February Illustrated Wallpaper by Swiss Cottage Designs

Desktop | iPhone

February Illustrated Wallpaper by The Good Twin

Desktop | iPhone

February Illustrated Wallpaper by The Good Twin

Desktop | iPhone

February Illustrated Wallpaper by Nathalie Ouederni

Desktop | iPhone

For personal use only. All illustrations by Swiss Cottage Designs, The Good Twin, and Nathalie Ouederni for Oh So Beautiful Paper

If you’re a designer or illustrator interested in contributing your own designs to this column, please email your design to hello(at)ohsobeautifulpaper.com with the subject line “desktop downloads” and image files in both desktop and iPhone retina screen sizes. If it’s a good fit I’ll add it to the post for the following month!

January Illustrated Wallpaper!

Happy New Year everyone! Are we feeling excited about 2017? I’m definitely feeling ready to put 2016 behind me and step forward into the first month of a brand new year. So let’s start things off on the right foot with some gorgeous new January illustrated wallpaper from Swiss Cottage Designs and The Good Twin!

January Illustrated Wallpaper: New Year Cheer by The Good Twin

Desktop | iPhone

January Illustrated Wallpaper: Today is Brand New by The Good Twin

Desktop | iPhone

January Illustrated Wallpaper: Constellations by Swiss Cottage Designs

Desktop | iPhone

For personal use only. All illustrations by Swiss Cottage Designs and The Good Twin for Oh So Beautiful Paper

If you’re a designer or illustrator interested in contributing your own designs to this column, please email your design to hello(at)ohsobeautifulpaper.com with the subject line “desktop downloads” and image files in both desktop and iPhone retina screen sizes. If it’s a good fit I’ll add it to the post for the following month!