Behind the Stationery: Belle & Union

I have a soft spot for this next stationery team I’m about to introduce. For one, they’re based out of the great state of Texas (where I’m from) and two, the boss lady and I share the same name. I remember seeing Belle & Union at their first booth at the National Stationery Show, and ever since then I’ve enjoyed seeing the growth of their line as they continue to branch into new product categories. No matter what it is, they are committed to manufacturing 100% handmade in the USA products and walk us through the why’s and how’s of that process. Here’s Meg and Josh! —Megan


Howdy y’all! Meg and Josh of Belle & Union, here to give you a small peek into our studio and small business life. We are a husband and wife team, Meg, the boss lady and doodler, and Joshua, the press whisperer, with moral support from our fur baby and shop dog, Ellie. Our studio is based in sunny College Station, Texas (whoop!), on the first floor of our carriage house apartment. We are busting at the seams with our new inventory, but are trying to make it work for the next few years before we settle somewhere post-graduation (for Josh, who is currently studying food science and technology. Yum!). We hope to open a little shop someday as part of our studio, and maybe even a little café next door.



We letterpress print all of our greeting cards in house (over 100 of them!) on our 10×15” Chandler & Price letterpress. Every product we make starts with pen to paper, where one of my doodles comes to life. We’ve got a soft spot for vintage American wit and wisdom, and goods that tote a bit of a foodie twist. To us, the kitchen is the heart of the home and the memories made in it feed our souls.


Our recipe? Start with all-American ingredients: the papers we print on, the cotton in our textiles, and the wood in our handcrafted gifts. Mix in my doodles and season with Josh’s mechanical moxie. Everything we do is handmade right here in the USA of American materials. It is what makes our line a little something extra special. Josh served as a soldier in the United States Army, sacrificing his time and many comforts of home while on deployments in Afghanistan and Korea. It became important to us to honor our soldiers and their efforts, and valuing American Made gave us that purpose. Our commitment to American Made is written on our hearts.

Our tea towels are notably something we are proud of. We spent eight months creating our own supply chain, taking the raw West Texas cotton, watching it become greige then finished fabric in the Carolinas, moving along to Georgia where it is stitched into blanks in preparation for its final phase, the addition of our graphics in an array of beautiful screen printed colors, all before heading back to us in Texas for packaging, coming full circle. The business is truly a labor of love and pure homegrown goodness.


While we love everything we create, the heart of our collection is rooted in our letterpress greeting cards. The cards are as storied as the words that get written on them. Many are based on Southern phrases and Americanisms handed down from generation to generation – meant to evoke a smile, a laugh, or even raise an eyebrow or two. I am always jotting down things I hear when out and about. One of my favorites is our “If a little is good, a lot is better” card – a phrase often heard in my grandmother’s kitchen. Usually a response to a little bit too much of an ingredient being added while cooking, specifically when a *certain* one of her granddaughters is adding sugar into suga – a sweet Italian spaghetti sauce, a family favorite for Sunday gatherings. Though I am sure she never meant it in reference to candles on a cake, it sparked a card and now hangs as a little art print in her kitchen, a place of honor.
Tea TowelsWe’ve really enjoyed taking our favorite greeting card phrases and breathing new life into them across various product categories, most notably seen in the kitchen. Josh loves to cook and I love to eat, so it is a natural extension of the brand, something really fun to see the doodles come to life in three-dimensional form. Included in the photos are some of our newest wares to the collection, including hand-carved kitchen utensils featuring our favorite phrases, laser-cut cake toppers, and even a ceramic salt and pepper shaker set (my personal favorite!).

Product_KitchenWares Product_SaltPepperSet

WithDogFollow along on our journey, @belleandunionco and @presswhisperer on Instagram and Twitter. All photos by Amanda Marie Portraits.

Interested in participating in the Behind the Stationery column? Reach out to Megan at [email protected]

Hello Brick + Mortar: NSS Mailers

It’s March, two months until the National Stationery Show. You’re in the thick of it and we don’t want to add anything to your list. On the contrary, this post is about breaking down the concept of NSS mailers so that you can pick the one that’s right for you, get it out the door, and get back to building your booth! And since we both receive a lot of mailers we thought we’d team up and tackle this subject together! –Emily & Nole


Illustration by Emily McDowell for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Some of you are asking if you even need to do a mailer? To this we could answer no (but we mean yes). No, you don’t need to. But yes, you should. Your business is paper and this is the National Stationery Show – a paper mailer is the best way to make a good impression with the retailers and press who will visit your booth. But what type of mailer? In other words, how much time and money should you invest?

First things first, let’s get to the heart of a trade show mailer. Mailers serve several interrelated purposes: 1) let retailers and press know that you’ll be exhibiting at a trade show; 2) tell them where to find you at said show; and 3) get everyone excited about the products you plan to bring to the show. If you’re a first time exhibitor your mailer may also serve as an introduction – no pressure! – but otherwise these are the essential goals. To accomplish these objectives your mailer must contain the following:

– Your company name (and social media handles)

– Your booth number

– Some sort of hint as to what we can expect from you at the show

And that’s really it! Everything else is totally optional. When it comes to mailer formats, there are a ton of possibilities (we’ll get into that a bit more below), but above all else your mailer should be a representation of your brand in a format that works for your brand. Be funny if your line is funny, pretty if your style is pretty, and make it letterpress if the rest of your line is letterpress (or if you’re introducing letterpress to an existing line). Creative and over the top can be a lot of fun – but only if it’s a good fit for your brand AND you have the time, resources, and energy to put together a quality mailer.

We went through some of our favorite mailers from last year’s show to pull a few examples of each type of mailer for you!

Simple Mailer or Postcard

  • When to do it: You don’t have much time and you’re already feeling overwhelmed by your massive NSS to do list, but have a stellar card that can be a print or a postcard or, you know, a card.
  • Pros: It doesn’t have to take too much time or money but can still be beautiful. It’s a good format to offer a show special or repurpose a botched batch of cards into postcards. It’s also often the perfect format for funny card lines!
  • Cons: It may get lost in the shuffle, if you’re mailing it as a postcard, be ready for it to be smudged/bent.


Iron Curtain Press


The Paper Cub


Sue Jean Ko


Think + Ink Studio



Katharine Watson


Fig.2 Design



Paper Lovely

Emily’s notes: As a general rule, I love this option. It’s simple, it reminds me of you and they’re easy for me to keep in my NSS file. They’re not going to knock my socks off, but it’s like getting a lovely note from a friend. Think & Ink did a great job of incorporating a show special. I also loved the combo-envelope on a card from Paper Lovely (and a few others!), it incorporates the fun of envelope opening in a playful way. Sue Jean Ko’s was a numbered edition screen print, a nice touch.

Nole’s notes: I also appreciate a simple mailer – and sometimes they actually do stand out when you’re flooded with lots of non-traditional mailers! – but if you go this route, do something to personalize your mailer and/or make your mailer unique. Include a quick hand written note (always a good idea). Make your envelopes really pretty with hand lettered addresses or beautiful stamps. Just something, anything, that will help make a connection with the person receiving the mailer.

This is What We Do Best

  • When to do it: You know who you are. You want to have some fun and show off some skills or special techniques. You have some time to experiment.
  • Pros: This is the type of mailer that really shows off what you do best – from laser cutting to block printing to split fountain printing. It extends your brand. You may really really enjoy it when it’s done.
  • Cons: This is likely to be a labor of love. You’re probably going to devote a fair amount of time to it and it may end up more in the “simple mailer/postcard” category in our eyes.

Anemone Letterpress


Ink Meets Paper (photo via their Instagram)



The Pink Orange


Smock + Bella Figura


Alexis Mattox Design (image via her Instagram)

Emily’s notes: I loved opening the mailers from Anemone Letterpress and Farewell Paperie. They weren’t over the top, but both were such true examples of who they were. Also, I’ve often seen these done as an experiment, but the reception is so warm, they become a staple card or print.

Nole’s notes: These are often my favorite mailers! They’re usually beautiful without going over the top, and they’re a great way to demonstrate a level of craftsmanship, like the rainbow roll mailer from Anemone Letterpress, the laser cut gorgeousness from Alexis Mattox Design, or the digital/foil combination from Smock.

The Modified Look Book

  • When to do it: You said you were going to keep it simple this year, but it turned out you had a lot to say. Or maybe you had some nice photos taken and why not turn it in to something a bit more than a postcard…
  • Pros: It can tell a story about your line. You can include a heck of a lot of information.
  • Cons: These can get really busy and overwhelming really fast. Make sure the mailer tells a story or it may end up in the discard pile.




Emily McDowell




Belle & Union



Constellation & Co.

Emily’s notes: I didn’t love folding and unfolding these, but I did like following the stories once they were folded out. I also liked Constellation & Co.’s styled photo: it situated me with their line and the longer envelope stood out.

Noles’s notes: This isn’t a format that works for everyone, but I loved all three of these mailers – and (unlike Emily) I enjoyed the fold out format! Emily McDowell’s was funny and a joy to read (and included a great teaser for those tote bags), Belle & Union’s told a story and was true to her brand, and the newsprint format from Constellation & Co. was really unique.

Functional Item or Samples

  • When to do it: When you have a great idea, a line that offers items other than paper, or you want your NSS mailer to double as an introduction packet.
  • Pros: If it’s good, a retailer will use it and remember you throughout the year. If it’s really good, you could end up with a brand new product for your line!
  • Cons: It may be pricy and time consuming to construct and it might just be a throwaway (ak!).



Near Modern Disaster (there were samples in here, but as you can see – I totally used them! –nole)


Fancy Seeing You Here




Lilikoi Design & Letterpress

Emily’s notes: I get such a kick out of Near Modern Disaster because she picked my favorite and least favorite cards from her line – bottom line, it made me visit and tell her this, which made me love her because she rolled with the fact that I told her I threw the “hang in here” card away because I couldn’t look at it. I kept Fancy Seeing You Here’s cozy for months even though I have never actually used a beer cozy in my life. I ended up giving it away, but it is one of the most memorable items I received. Lilikoi’s tea towel was one of my favorite items from the show. I went to their booth specifically to ask if they sold them wholesale and placed an order shortly after.

Nole’s notes: Sending samples is a great idea, particularly for first time exhibitors, but just make sure they’re usable samples! Don’t use adhesive that will destroy the back of the card. Include envelopes for mailing the cards. Functional items other than card samples can be more tricky. If you have a fantastic idea and can execute it properly then you should totally do it. The beer cozy from Fancy Seeing You Here was super memorable and one of my favorites from last year’s mailers. The calligraphy tea towel from Lilikoi Design & Letterpress was absolutely stunning. But if a functional item isn’t special, or looks really cheap, it can make a bad impression with the recipient. In that case it’s better to focus your resources elsewhere.

Out of the Box Creativity

  • When to do it: It’s your first year and you have everything else under control. Or it’s not your first year, but you’re ready to have some fun. You want to introduce a new product. You want to be remembered.
  • Pros: This is the hight of attention getting. It gets you buzz before the show when begins – especially in the world of Instagram! It ensures that you stick in your retailers minds as other mailers come and go. It makes you a destination at the show.
  • Cons: It can be incredibly pricy and time consuming. Also, make sure you choose the appropriate container, as these are often the items that arrive torn/damaged.


Ladyfingers Letterpress


E. Frances Paper


Farewell Paperie


Brainstorm Print & Design


Moglea (image via her Instagram)


Power & Light Press

Emily’s notes: What do I like about these? Oh, I don’t know, probably everything. I love when lines take the time to really play and shine. It’s like Tina Fey and Amy Poehler at the Grammy’s: you’re clearly having fun and I’m eating it up. Ladyfingers’ honeycomb card, E. Frances’ perpetual adorable personalization, Brainstorm’s interactive die-cut briefcase, Power & Light’s peep show. I’m on the floor. This reminds me, you should all include your social media handles on these mailers. If I love someone, I post it on Instagram immediately and having your @ there makes it effortless.

Nole’s notes: These were all fabulous mailers, and they represented each brand in a unique and special way. Brainstorm’s mailer highlighted their illustration skills, Power & Light’s hinted at her raunchy sense of humor, and the Ladyfingers Letterpress mailer introduced their new deluxe line. If you have a fantastic (and original) idea for an NSS mailer, it’s a great way to be remembered!

Mailers are really the most fun time of year (for those of us receiving them). There were so many good ones that we didn’t share here, but we hope this post has your gears turning. So go, spend a day brainstorming, spend a week(end) making and mailing. Use that idea you’re not sure of yet, or find a way to repurpose a mistake. Aim to send them out a month before the show, but don’t worry if you’re just getting them in the mail two weeks before (we receive them right up until the show). Consider scheduling a simple reminder email for retailers in the week leading up to the show if you have time, because there are surprisingly few emails from you coming in as we sit waiting for the trains/planes/automobiles. Use the #nss2015 hashtag on Instagram to share your progress (+ find us to share: Emily and Nole). We can’t wait to see this year’s crop!

Photo Credits: Except where noted, all photos by Nole Garey and Emily Blistein for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! Spring is in the air – my favorite season here in DC! Sadly my entire family seems to be working through a cold this week – so I’m really looking forward to a couple of days of rest and recuperation. But in the meantime…

Thuss Farrell Paper to Petal via Instagram

Photo by Thuss Farrell via Instagram

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Check back this afternoon for this week’s cocktail recipe! Have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday! xoxo

Behind the Stationery: Ladyfingers Letterpress

Morgan and Arley-Rose are the incredible team that is Ladyfingers Letterpress. They have such a dear history with Nole and this blog, so I am especially honored to share their story with you today. The combined effort in their designs and production make for some of the most innovative custom invitations that will, no doubt, rock your world. Read on about their creative processes and how downsizing their business was right for them! –Megan


ArleyDrawing2Photos by Anthony Delao Photography

Our dreams all came true when we got married in 2011, not only because it was the year we tied the knot, but also because it was the year that photos of our wedding invitations were discovered by Nole Garey, who you all know as the editor of this amazing blog! Our unique poster-sized, hand-lettered and neon letterpress-printed invitations were featured right here and from that moment on, we’ve been totally inundated with requests for custom one-of-a-kind invitations. Our business began as we worked personally with each couple to design a totally unique wedding invitation and we soon had people returning asking if we had any greeting cards to celebrate a new baby, birthdays, holidays, and more. So we said, “why not?”.

WholesaleInventory Photo by Anthony Delao Photography

Photo by Arley-Rose Torsone

In 2013, we launched our greeting card line at the National Stationery Show in New York with about 70 products which included cards, booze bags, art prints, drink tags, and a line of custom hand-lettered rubber stamps. When we returned in 2014, we edited down our line and added a bunch of cool new stuff — including a line of Deluxe cards which feature moving parts, fun pop-outs, and 3D paper magic!


PolymerPlatePhotos by Love Roots Photography

Since all our design and production is done in house, we use many tools to create our work! It all begins with a Micron pen and a sheet of paper, where Arley-Rose creates her hand-lettered and illustrated designs. She then scans her drawings and digitizes them so we can produce films from her black and white PDFs. With those films, we create our polymer plates and when those plates are dry, we mount them to a type-high printing base and lock them onto the printing beds of either our 10” x 15” Chandler and Price, Vandercook 219, or Miehle v40 letterpresses. We mix all of our own inks, cut and score every sheet of paper, and hand pack each box with the same love and care that was put into creating each piece.

MiehlePhoto by Anthony Delao Photography

People ask us all the time, “You’re married? How do you guys work together without killing each other?”. Luckily we are very different people with different talents and we don’t try to do the other persons job. Each piece that we create – whether it is a custom wedding invitation or a new holiday card – begins with a brainstorming and planning session by the two of us so we’re both on the same page about what will be created. Finding inspiration in a good pair of headphones and a fleeting melody, Arley often finds that the rhythm of a song and the way a pen dances on paper are not too different from each other. She then gets to work with the lettering and illustration and calls Morgan in during the final stages to help tweak the design to perfection. Between piloting a hot air balloon that she built herself as a senior at the Rhode Island School of Design and thinking about the ways that uncommon materials come together to make something new and beautiful, Morgan handles the printing, production, and project management. Together, we keep a journal next to the bed so that when an idea strikes (usually right before we’re about to nod off) we can scribble it out, often finding in the morning that we are totally nuts. And what the heck is that drawing of a cat with cucumbers over its eyes supposed to mean?


MadelineBrimmerPhotoPhotos by Anthony Delao Photography

We recently relocated from Rhode Island to Colorado to be closer to family and in the process re-evaluated the size of our studio and number of jobs that we take on. Back in Rhode Island, our team consisted of seven amazing folks who we were thrilled to work with every day. Once we made it out to Colorado, we realized that for us success wasn’t measured by how big our studio was or how many people worked with us, but rather by how happy our work made us. We realized that we preferred working with each other in a smaller environment, similar to how we got started. We now take on fewer custom clients, which allows us to work with people who are excited to give us a lot of creative freedom and are also looking to redefine what it means to invite their loved ones to a special event.

IMG_5437 IMG_7488

Photos by Arley-Rose Torsone

We now basically operate two branches of Ladyfingers: our custom invitation service, which we still create on a one-on-one basis with a select number of clients per year, and our greeting card line which can be found in over 200 stores worldwide and in our online store. Of our custom invitations, we’ve had a terrific response to our own wedding invitations, Sophie’s Constellation Starfinder Birth Announcements, as well as Kate and Alex’s Elegant Rustic Wedding Invites and Shelley’s Destination 40th Birthday Party Invitations. Of our greeting card line, we’ve had the best responses to our Deluxe line where the card is often the gift (our Baby Bump Surprise! for example!) as well as some other punny letterpress cards such our Dog/Cat Love Card.


Photo by Arley-Rose Torsone

 Interested in participating in the Behind the Stationery column? Reach out to Megan at [email protected]

NYNOW Winter 2015, Part 3

As promised I’m back with more stationery from the NYNOW winter market! Prepare yourselves for some seriously awesome cards – and you can see even more over on Instagram! Here are a few favorites from the show…


1. So many great cards from Pistachio Press – the animal valentines featuring llamas and otters are my new personal favorites.

2. Colorful new letterpress greeting cards from Blackbird Letterpress and her wonderful menagerie of die cut animal cards!

3. Beautiful cards with floral illustrations and hand lettering from Banquet Workshop – not to mention an amazing new textile line with graphic prints in black and neon pink! I’m also loving that hand art print.

4. It’s impossible for me to walk through the Sapling Press booth without cracking up. These are just a couple of my many favorites.

5. There was so much awesomeness in the Crow & Canary booth that I dedicated an entire day to it on Instagram! These represent just a few of my favorites: a wall of amazing block printed greeting cards from Ghost Academy; beautiful cards from Moglea featuring brush strokes on kraft paper (!); gorgeous foil-dipped cards from The Social Type; and a range of beauties from Ferme à Papier.

More from NYNOW coming up soon!