The 2016 National Stationery Show, Part 7

It’s probably more than obvious around here, but I’m completely in love with calligraphy and hand lettering. Watching a calligrapher or hand lettering artist at work is one of my absolute favorite things – it’s like magic! So for today’s recap from the 2016 National Stationery Show, I thought we’d focus in on a few of the calligraphy and hand lettering booths at the show. Let’s start with an exhibitor making their debut at this year’s show, Shannon Kirsten! Shannon combines her unique calligraphy with gorgeous illustrations – I love all those amazing florals!

NSS 2016 – Calligraphy and Hand Lettering: Shannon Kirsten / Oh So Beautiful Paper

NSS 2016 – Calligraphy and Hand Lettering: Shannon Kirsten / Oh So Beautiful Paper

NSS 2016 – Calligraphy and Hand Lettering: Shannon Kirsten / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Continue reading after the jump for more from Shannon Kirsten, laLa Grace, Leen Jean, Bundle Design, Imogen Owen, Printable Wisdom, Sea & Lake, and Ladyfingers Letterpress!

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Happy Weekend!

Yay Friday! Can you believe we only have one week left in June?? Now that school is over and summer has officially kicked in, I’m trying to make summer vacation plans. We hardly ever take vacations (other than going to see family), but I want to make sure that we actually enjoy our summer! I’d love to take the girls to a beach and Sophie has been asking to take a plane trip somewhere, but that’s about as far as I’ve gotten. What are your summer vacation plans?? Any suggestions for a family with two kids under 4? I’m all ears! But in the meantime…

Peaches Illustration by Brainstorm / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Peaches illustration by Brainstorm via Instagram

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

That’s it for me this week! Check back in a bit for this week’s cocktail recipe, and another recap from NSS 2016! I’ll see you back here on Monday! xoxo

The 2016 National Stationery Show, Part 6

Today’s recap from the 2016 National Stationery Show is less about a common design style or color palette, and more about an overall vibe. In my head, I’ve been calling this group of booths the New Bohemians. Each booth has a laid back, offbeat vibe, with plenty of botanical details throughout. Let’s start with Wild Hart Paper, which was full of beautiful greeting cards, art prints, gift wrap, and more!

NSS 2016: Wild Hart Paper / Oh So Beautiful Paper

NSS 2016: Wild Hart Paper / Oh So Beautiful Paper

This post is FULL of photos – so keep reading after the jump too see more from Wild Hart Paper, along with the booths of Our Heiday, The Great Lakes Goods, Katharine Watson, Ferme à Papier, Idlewild Co., Heartell Press, and Banquet Workshop!

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Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! After a long and tough week, I’m looking forward to a happy and special occasion today: it’s Sophie’s last day of school! Back in August she started her first year of preschool, and she has one more year of preschool next year before she starts kindergarten in 2017. But still! It’s the official end of our very first year of official school. Sophie will start summer camp next week with a couple of her friends from preschool, but I’m looking forward to more relaxed schedules and routines over the summer months. Yay! But in the meantime…

Juliet Meeks Design / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Papercut by Juliet Meeks Design via Instagram

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

The 2016 National Stationery Show, Part 5

Earlier this week I shared a recap from the 2016 National Stationery Show that was all about color – or at least the first installment of that theme, since there were a LOT of colorful exhibitors at this year’s show! Well, this recap is all about FOIL, from the now classic gold foil to my current favorite hologram foil and everything in between! In some booths foil was definitely one of the brightest stars of the show, while other exhibitors used foil sparingly to complement offset or letterpress printed designs. First up, the ladies of The Social Type with an exuberant booth full of glittering and shiny foil!

NSS 2016: The Social Type / Oh So Beautiful Paper

NSS 2016: The Social Type / Oh So Beautiful Paper

NSS 2016: The Social Type / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Okay, seriously – how gorgeous are these navy and gold foil matchboxes???

So many more photos after the jump – so keep reading below!

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