{happy weekend}

September is my big milestone month. Yesterday I celebrated my 32nd birthday. Sophie’s first birthday (!!!) is a week from today. On Sunday, Oh So Beautiful Paper will celebrate its 5th anniversary. Oh, and while I’m at it, Andrew and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary in May and I celebrated 3 years of self-employment in early July. Anyway, I normally reserve my goal setting for the end of the year, but I’ve been in an introspective mood these last few weeks. So, a few thoughts before we get to our weekly round up…

Rosewater Chocolate Cake by Sweetapolita

Photo Credit: Sweetapolita

The truth is: as many wonderful things happened in my 31st year, it has been quite a struggle. I’ve struggled to find my footing as a working mother, struggled to manage caring for my child with growing my business, and struggled to regain a sense of normalcy after our big move back in March. I made it through Sophie’s first year of life, but just barely. So today I’m looking forward to a new age and a new year, hopefully filled with a little less anxiety and a bit more peacefulness. I don’t like to focus on anything negative here because, well, this blog is my happy place, but like anyone else I need to grow and evolve. Reflect and make changes. I’d like to share some of those changes here, with all of you. I’ve always shared things that inspire me beyond invitations and stationery, but I’d also like to share a little bit more of me here. I mean, it’s been five years… it would probably be nice if you actually knew me, right? I don’t entirely know what that means just yet, but stay tuned!

Grow in Grace by Todd Wendorff and Anna Zajac

Image Credit: Todd Wendorff and Anna Zajac

As always, a few links for your weekend:

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

A big welcome to the newest member of the Designer Rolodex: Julie Song Ink!

Check back soon for this week’s cocktail! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here next week! xoxo

Quick Pick: Bowerbox Press

I don’t know much about chickens, being a city girl and all, but these prints from Bowerbox Press definitely bring a smile to my face. Who knew there were so many varieties? And such interesting plumage! Originally created as watercolor paintings, each print is digitally printed with a white border for easy framing. So fun!

Letterpress + Watercolor Chicken Prints by Bowerbox via Oh So Beautiful Paper (8)Letterpress + Watercolor Chicken Prints by Bowerbox via Oh So Beautiful Paper (6)

Letterpress + Watercolor Chicken Prints by Bowerbox via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1)Letterpress + Watercolor Chicken Prints by Bowerbox via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2)

Letterpress + Watercolor Chicken Prints by Bowerbox via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)Letterpress + Watercolor Chicken Prints by Bowerbox via Oh So Beautiful Paper (5)

Letterpress + Watercolor Chicken Prints by Bowerbox via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)Letterpress + Watercolor Chicken Prints by Bowerbox via Oh So Beautiful Paper (7)

More over at Bowerbox Press!

Photo Credits: Bowerbox Press

{happy weekend!}

Happy August everyone! July flew by especially fast thanks to our trip to California and I’m having a hard time accepting that we’re more than halfway through summer! Luckily, August is my favorite month in DC – the college students are all back home and Congress is on recess, making the next few weeks the perfect time to go to museums, the zoo, or snag a table at a popular restaurant. I’m looking forward to making the most of these last few weeks of summer. But in the meantime…

Cassia Beck: Deserted Beach via Society6

Photo Credit: Cassia Beck, available via Society6

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Check back soon for this week’s cocktail! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here next week! xoxo