Namoo Baby Quilts

Also at Crafty Bastards, I came across the most lovely handmade cotton baby quilts from local artisan Namoo.  I love the modern patterns, and the cotton fabric is so incredibly soft in person!  And while kids aren’t in my immediate future, I’ll definitely be keeping these quilts on my list for when the time comes:

organic cotton baby bedding

organic cotton baby bedding organic cotton baby bedding

organic cotton baby bedding

Check out the full selection right here!

{image credits: namoo}

{happy weekend!}

Ok, I’ll admit it, this week totally won.  I’m exhausted and ready for a much-needed weekend.  I’m also really looking forward to this weekend, because tomorrow is the annual Crafty Bastards fair here in DC!  If you’re in the DC area, you should definitely come check it out.  Also relevant to DC-based readers, one of the many projects I’ve been working on recently is almost done!  Want a sneak peek?  I’m so excited!  But in the meantime…

…a few links for your weekend:

…and just in case you missed it, a round-up of this week’s posts:

That’s it for me this week!  I hope you all have a wonderful (and hopefully relaxing) weekend, and I’ll see you all back here on Monday!

{photo by aimee, who has the most lovely photostream, found via design crush}

{happy weekend!}

How is it Friday already?!  This week has completely flown by for me – which I’m sure is at least partly due to the fact that I seem to be testing my limits regarding the total number of projects that I can handle all at once.  This weekend is shaping up to be a working weekend for me, but this kind of busy is the best kind of busy, so I’m not complaining.  I hope you all have fun plans for the weekend!  But in the meantime…

…a few links for your weekend reading!

…and just in case you missed it, a quick summary of this week’s posts:

That’s it for me this week!  I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday!

{image credits: illuminatedperfume via mary ruffle}

{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday everyone!  The siren call of the weekend is absolutely calling my name today.  I find myself getting more and more excited for each weekend to arrive, since I know that Fall is only a few more weekends away.  I can’t wait for cooler weather and everything else that Fall brings – the ability to turn off the AC, fall clothing, and changing leaves.  I’m heading off for a weekend with no specific plans, which is actually kind of a nice change – but in the meantime…

{love this William Morris quote from the Wild & Wolf booth at NYIGF}

…a few links for your weekend!

And in case you missed it, a quick round up of posts from this week:

That’s it for me this week!  I have stunning wedding invitations from one of my favorite bloggers to share with you next week, so I’ll see you all back here on Monday!

{photo by my dad}