NYIGF, Part 4 — My Favorites!

My official favorite find at NYIGF was an awesome Australian stationery studio called Lox + Savvy.  Designer Lisa Loxley creates super fun stationery, note pads, wrapping paper sheets, paper chains, and paper pockets (perfect for scrapbooking) – all in bright colors and bold, graphic patterns:

Lox + Savvy Modern Paper Goods

Lox + Savvy Modern Paper Goods

Lox + Savvy Modern Paper Goods Lox + Savvy Modern Paper Goods

Lox + Savvy Modern Paper Goods

Lox + Savvy Modern Paper Goods

Lox + Savvy Modern Paper Goods

Lox + Savvy Modern Paper Goods

Lox + Savvy Modern Paper Goods Lox + Savvy Modern Paper Goods

Lox + Savvy Modern Paper Goods

Lox + Savvy Modern Paper Goods
{lox + savvy}

Another favorite find from this year’s show came from the handmade section – Gauge NYC, a metal crafting shop located in Brooklyn, New York and founded by Paul Smotrys.  Gauge NYC creates beautiful jewelry and decorative metal letters:

modern silver jewelry

modern silver jewelry

I love these modern alphabet necklaces – you can even layer two on the same chain!

modern silver jewelry

silver quilled letters

Paul recently began experimenting with these beautiful quotes made from memory wire that can stick directly into a wall or surface like push pins.  Wouldn’t these be amazing in an office or child’s bedroom?

memory wire quotes
{gauge nyc}

I’m a huge fan of the ceramic and stationery collections from Bailey Doesn’t Bark, and it was wonderful to see it all in person at NYIGF!  The letterpress four seasons and heart notecards are still among my all-time favorites:

bailey doesn't bark modern ceramics and stationery

bailey doesn't bark modern ceramics and stationery

bailey doesn't bark modern ceramics and stationery bailey doesn't bark modern ceramics and stationery

bailey doesn't bark modern ceramics and stationery

bailey doesn't bark modern ceramics and stationery

bailey doesn't bark modern ceramics and stationery

bailey doesn't bark modern ceramics and stationery
{bailey doesn’t bark}

I loved the entire kid-focused collection from Florida-based Wee Gallery – from animal flash cards to letterpress art prints to wall decals.  I also love that they think beyond traditional farm animals, incorporating insects and marine animals into their stamp sets, wall decals, and art cards:

wee gallery modern kids accessories

wee gallery modern kids accessories wee gallery modern kids accessories

wee gallery modern kids accessories

LOVE the stamp sets – there’s even a safari edition!

wee gallery modern kids accessories

Gorgeous limited edition letterpress prints!

wee gallery modern kids accessories

wee gallery modern kids accessories
{wee gallery}

That’s it for me from NYIGF, at least until the January show!  Which ones were your favorites from this summer’s show?

{all photos by me}

NYIGF, Part 2

On Day 2 of the NYIGF I was lucky enough to have my Dad (a professional photographer) join me at the show.  My Dad and I had a great time walking the floor, and I had a blast introducing him to some of my favorite companies exhibiting at the show!  First up for this afternoon, the Jonathan Adler booth – which was, as always, full of color and gorgeous textiles:



Jonathan-Adler-NYIGF-Lighting-Display Jonathan-Adler-NYIGF-Kids

I’m loving the new Jonathan Adler kids collection – the giraffe growth chart and rug are both just too cute!

Jonathan-Adler-NYIGF-Kids Jonathan-Adler-NYIGF-Kids

Jonathan-Adler-NYIGF-Display Jonathan-Adler-NYIGF-Pillows
{jonathan adler}

We also loved these embroidered pillows, wall hangings, tote bags, and other textiles from Cat Studio – each hand embroidered with emblems from a particular state or region.  Don’t they remind you of vintage post cards?


Cat Studio Vintage State Pillows

Cat Studio Vintage State Tote Bag Cat Studio Vintage DC Pillow

Cat Studio Vintage California Pillow


{cat studio}

Two’s Company had one of the most impressive overall booth designs at the show.  The entire exhibition stretched over several interconnected booths, each with its own custom exterior and decorated with its own theme.  My favorite was the Curiosity Shop with its book page wallpaper and the most beautiful antique cabinet I think I’ve ever seen!


Twos-Company-Outside Twos-Company-Book-Wall


Twos-Company-Curiosity-Shoppe Twos-Company-Antique-Wood-Cabinet


Seriously, is this not the most beautiful cabinet ever?  I want one!

Twos Company Curiosity Shop Twos-Company-Birch-Birds


Twos-Company-Pattern-Room Twos-Company-India-Room

Twos-Company-Green-Room Twos-Company-Green-Room
{two’s company}

My Dad also really loved these wood cases from Monacca – a Japan-based company that makes briefcases and purses from several layers of cedar wood veneer.  I’m hoping they’ll start making iPhone and iPad cases soon!



Any favorites so far?  I’ve got lots more to share, so I’ll be back with more from NYIGF soon!

{all photos by stephen michael garey and nole garey for oh so beautiful paper}

Quick Pick: Rob Ryan + Mary Kate McDevitt

My love for anything created by Rob Ryan has been pretty well documented over the past two years, but if anything I’d say my affection has only grown stronger over those years…

rob ryan wall decal rob ryan office wall art

These wall decals featuring Rob’s amazing designs have been on my wish list almost two years to the day.  My birthday  is coming up in a couple of weeks, so perhaps a little birthday treat for myself?  I also spotted the real thing in Cath Kidston’s living room in the latest issue of Lonny.  So pretty…

rob-ryan-papercut-cath-kidston-home rob-ryan-papercut-cath-kidston-living-room

I’m also really loving these prints and cards from Mary Kate McDevitt – I love the quote from Abraham Lincoln!

happiness art print abraham lincoln quote


{image credits: domestic, patrick cline for lonny, mary kate mcdevitt via seesaw}

{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday everyone!  Wow, I don’t know about you, but this week just totally flew by for me!  After one busy week and with expectations for another one next week, I’m definitely looking forward to a relaxing weekend.  If you’re looking for a bit more papery goodness this week, check out my second California wedding invitation post over at the haystack needle!  Otherwise, I’m off to go meet up with a friend about a fun new project that we’re working on (I can’t wait to tell you all about it!) and get started on the weekend.  But in the meantime…

vintage floral blouse

…a few links for your weekend!

And in case you missed it, a few favorite posts from this week:

That’s it for me this week!  Have a lovely weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday!

{image credits: sugarflower via it’s mary ruffle}

{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday everyone!  It’s so hot and humid at the moment here in DC that I can’t really think about anything other than giant iced teas and air conditioning.  I would wish for a hammock like the one below, but it’s almost too hot even for that!  Hopefully it’s a bit cooler where you are and you can get outside to enjoy your weekend.  But in the meantime…

…a few links for your weekend!

And in case you missed it, a few favorite posts from this week:

That’s it for me this week!  I’ll be back on Monday, and I have a fun giveaway planned for all of you next week!  I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you all back here next week!

{image source unknown – if you know the original source, please let me know!}