Maple Bourbon Hot Toddy

Even though – or maybe because – I grew up in Syracuse, I’m not a fan of the cold. Which means lots of hot toddies over the winter in a desperate attempt to keep the cold at bay. But there’s something that’s always bothered me about hot toddies: their texture is a bit thin and watery, which in turn can leave the booze tasting too sharp. But I think I’ve found a solution! It’s called gum syrup, or sometimes gomme, a relic from the classic age of cocktails that gives drinks a rich, silky texture. This is the only way I’ll be making my hot toddies from now on, starting with this Maple Bourbon Hot Toddy. – Andrew



Illustration by Shauna Lynn for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Maple Bourbon Hot Toddy

2 oz Bourbon
6 oz Hot Water
1 tsp Maple Syrup
1 tsp Gum Syrup
2 dashes Pecan Bitters

Combine all the ingredients in a heat-proof glass and garnish with a lemon peel and cinnamon stick. Enjoy!

Gum syrup is an ingredient that shows up in just about every cocktail from the late 1800s – it was pretty much guaranteed that a simple syrup in a cocktail was gum syrup. Gum syrup is made with gum acacia, also called gum arabic, a fine white powder made from the sap of the acacia tree. You can order it online or find it in specialty shops; anyone in the DC area can pick some up at Bazaar Spices at Union Market. Here’s a quick and easy way to make a batch:

Combine two ounces of gum acacia and two ounces of water in a plastic container and stir, then cover and let it sit for two days. This will let the water completely dissolve the gum; just don’t get it wet until you’re ready to work with it because it gets sticky fast. Once it’s ready, make a rich simple syrup by gently heating six ounces of water and twelve ounces of super-fine sugar. Fold the gum mixture into the simple syrup until it’s fully incorporated, then remove from the heat, let it cool, and bottle. This will give you 10-12 ounces.


Gum acacia acts as an emulsifier, preventing the sugar from crystalizing and giving the gum syrup a rich silky texture and a big mouthfeel. Because the gum has very little flavor of its own, it adds sweetness and texture but not much else. It’s best in all-spirits drinks like the Manhattan or Sazerac, and perfect for the hot toddy.

So our hot toddy is warm, oaky, sweet, and just a bit spicy – but also with a rich, velvety texture you wouldn’t otherwise find in a drink like this. Easy drinking.


Oh, and those pecan bitters? Easy. Take a bottle of aromatic bitters, like Angostura, and combine it with a cup of chopped, lightly toasted pecans in a glass jar. Let the bitters sit for a few weeks, giving the jar a shake every day. Then strain out the pecans and rebottle. Many bitters have a very high proof, so they’re pretty easy to infuse. Feel free to play around with new combinations.

(Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, where we’ve been posting our experiments before they make their way onto this column!)

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Alice’s Hand Painted Rose Gold Foil Birth Announcements

Happy Monday everyone! My family welcomed our second little girl back in September – and today I’m excited to share her birth announcements! I was delighted to work with the amazing Jenna of Mon Voir and Bella Figura to bring my daughter Alice’s announcements to life. I couldn’t be more thrilled with the way they turned out!


Since Alice is most likely our last baby, I wanted to do something really special for her announcements. I’ve been drawn to the combination of calligraphy and abstract painting for a while now. I came across a couple of painted pieces by Jenna on Instagram and thought she’d be the perfect fit for what I had in mind. I wanted Alice’s announcements to feel colorful and modern and just a little bit romantic.



We started with the text, which combined Jenna’s calligraphy with a classic serif font. For the wording, I really wanted the announcement to be Sophie introducing her new baby sister – so that’s exactly what we did! We sent the text over to Bella Figura and they printed the announcement on their gorgeous new smooth cotton paper in rose gold shine foil with vibrant pink edge painting.




Jenna then hand painted each individual announcement using a color palette of pink, peach, yellow, and blue. Jenna and I came up with a general concept of how we wanted the announcements to look, but she made each one completely unique with different color combinations and brush patterns.





We included a cute photo of Alice taken by the ladies of Sweet Root Village and tied both pieces together with Angela Liguori’s gold metallic line cotton ribbon.


For the envelopes, we went with a classic kraft paper and one of Bella Figura‘s stunning new foil-printed envelope liners (also in rose gold shine foil). I had originally considered doing a graphic pattern like polka dots or stripes to contrast against the painterly elements, but the minute I saw that floral pattern I knew it was the perfect fit. Jenna addressed the envelopes in white ink in her signature calligraphy style.



I hope you love Alice’s announcements as much as I do!

Calligraphy and Hand Painting: Jenna Rainey of Mon Voir

Printing, Edge Painting and Envelope Liners: Bella Figura

Metallic Cotton Ribbon: Angela Liguori

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper / Alice’s newborn photo by Sweet Root Village

Tiki Hot Chocolate

We haven’t featured a boozy hot chocolate in a while – over a year ago, when we showed off our Mezcal hot chocolate. So it’s about time we showed off another one. Unlike that smokey, savory version, this one embraces everything about Tiki drinks: layers of rums, spices, and citrus that make for an amazing dessert drink. Wintery hot chocolate and summery island flavors are just what we need right now. – Andrew



Illustration by Shauna Lynn for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Tiki Hot Chocolate

1 oz Aged Jamaican Rum
1 oz Golden Rum
1 tsp Cinnamon Bark Syrup
1 tsp Orgeat Syrup
8 oz Hot Chocolate

Make the hot chocolate as you please, then add the rum and syrups and give it a stir. For a frothier version, try shaking everything in a cocktail shaker (with a firm grip on the top to keep it from flying everywhere), then pour into a mug and microwave until hot to stabilize the foam.


Or just garnish with some whipped cream. We made our own whipped cream with heavy whipping cream, powdered sugar, freshly grated nutmeg, allspice, and lime zest. (If you’re serious about making cocktails, then you seriously need to consider getting a Microplane grater.) All this adds another layer of warm and spicey island flavors to an already rich drink and is pretty much the best thing I have ever used as a garnish.

The basic principle of Tiki drinks is the layering of flavors: using different rums, syrups, and fruits to create complex new flavors, the sum being greater than its parts. We used two rums, Appleton Estate V/X – a funky but mellow Jamaican rum – and Bacardi Gold – a softer, vanilla-forward golden rum.


To that we added cinnamon bark syrup, which is an ounce of crushed cassia cinnamon stick simmered in a cup of water and raw sugar. It’s also one of my new favorite ingredients, something I came across in the Death & Co book that is deceptively easy to make but adds lots of soft, warm spice to a drink. We also added orgeat, that almond-and-rosewater flavored syrup that’s a bedrock of Tiki.

Some hot drinks end up too rough for me: the flavors don’t come together and the alcohol feels rough and sharp. But that’s definitely not the case here: this one is warmly spicy, mellow, rich, and, oh, right – chocolaty. It’s one of my personal favorites of all the recipes I’ve concocted. Let’s Tiki this winter away.

(Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, where we’ve been posting our experiments before they make their way onto this column!)

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone – and happy almost-Valentine’s Day! We don’t have any special plans for this weekend; with two small children I’m usually just happy to have made it through another week! So it’s a low key weekend at home for us – and if we’re extra special lucky maybe the girls will sleep in a bit so we can catch up on some sleep? But in the meantime…


Image by The Hive Studio via Instagram

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Check back this afternoon for this week’s cocktail recipe! I hope you all have a wonderful long holiday weekend – and a wonderful Valentine’s Day – and I’ll see you back here on Tuesday! xoxo

Best of 2014: My Favorites!

I love doing these “best of” round up posts because they help me see just how much we really packed into a single year. When you’re publishing new content on a daily basis (10-15 times per week!) and you’re constantly focusing on what’s next, it can be easy to lose sight of the posts that made an impact in the previous months or weeks. So here are a few of my personal favorite posts – from guest posts to Emily’s Brick + Mortar column and a few others along the way.

Envelope Address and Hand Lettering Tutorial by Ladyfingers Letterpress for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Envelope Address and Hand Lettering Tutorial from Ladyfingers Letterpress

A Peek Into the Process of Swiss Cottage Designs

Caroline’s Strawberry First Birthday Party

A Day in the Life with Erin Austen Abbott of Amelia

Brick & Mortar: Raising Your Baby and Your Business

10 Tips on Opening a Retail Shop from Urbanic

Where to Find Vintage Stamps for Wedding Invitations

Paper Party 2014!

DC Guide: The National Postal Museum