Mother’s Day Brunch Inspiration

Nikki from Akula Kreative sent over this lovely brunch that she and her family put together to celebrate her mother’s 60th birthday. Nikki and her co-conspirators drew inspiration from her mom’s favorite activities – cooking and reading – to create this library-inspired brunch. And not only is it a beautiful birthday party, but with Mother’s Day coming up it also provides some fabulous Mother’s Day brunch inspiration!


From NikkiAs far as hobbies go, my mom loves two things: cooking and reading. We (her kids) always joke about how “fancy” her book club is because the ladies spend WEEKS preparing to host. Each meeting is centered around a multi-course dinner in which the food, décor, and even music corresponds to that month’s book. So, when it came time to think of a surprise for her, I decided on a “brunch party” set on the library patio of a local inn. Over the fireplace, we hung tassel garland in gold and pink (the colors of the party). Under it, we placed a framed sign that read, “Welcome to the Li-brary :: food and drink required.” (Our family name is Li.) Flanking the frame we placed my mom’s initials: giant wood letters covered with pages of a vintage dictionary.


For the invitation, I made a mini book titled “The Book of Momisms.” On the inside cover, I defined “momism” as “a mother’s spoken phrase or word (real or invented) that provides endless entertainment to her children.” In other words…if my mom isn’t making up a new word, she’s making up a new definition for an existing word or saying something ridiculous. It’s endearing, frustrating, and funny all at the same time, and my brother and I record them on a regular basis.


On subsequent pages of the invitation, I included brunch details, a map, and a few prime examples of momisms. One of my favorite details is the custom wax seal of a fork and spoon. We glued these to ribbons that guests could use as bookmarks for cookbooks.


On the tables, we used a kraft paper runner printed with giant silverware. On top, we placed small groupings of vintage books (borrowed from the library) next to the existing vases of flowers at the inn. Inside each vase was a stick-mounted sign that read “Shhh” on one side and “Less talking, more eating” on the other.


Sprinkled throughout were votives (also mod-podged in vintage dictionary pages) and the fork-and-spoon motif cut from gold paper.
Table tent cards were designed to mimic library cards, each highlighting a classic momism. For favors, my aunts baked homemade biscotti. Attached to each bag was a mini tear-off bookmark that read “Eat, read, and be merry.” Last but not least, we splurged on tray-passed Mom-osas.



Thanks Nikki!

Photo Credits: Caroline Tran

Party Paper: An Easter Egg Hunt

Did your family throw Easter egg hunts when you were a kid? Or did you attend any in your town? They were probably my most favorite thing about Easter. So I couldn’t resist getting in the egg hunt spirit for today’s party paper post! There’s so many paper pretties out there now that are perfect for an Easter family rendezvous, even if all the kids really care about is what’s inside the eggs! —Kelly

Party Paper: An Easter Egg Hunt via Oh So Beautiful PaperNo. 1 Easter Egg Hunt Kit by Meri Meri from The Land of Nod, No. 2 Color Block Plate from Oh Joy for Target, No. 3 Polka Dot Party Hats from Oh Joy for Target, No. 4 Easter Egg Hunt Invitations from Fable Paper Co., No. 5 Bunny Cups by Meri Meri from The Land of Nod, No. 6 Floral Paper Straws from Shop Sweet Lulu

{images via their respective sources}

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone – and Happy Spring! Thankfully it actually feels like Spring today in DC, even if it doesn’t quite look like Spring just yet. Hopefully soon! But in the meantime…


Pink Hellebore Floral Arrangement by Sarah Winward / Photo by Kate Osborne via Snippet & Ink

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Check back soon for this week’s cocktail! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here next week! xoxo

Lisa’s Rainbow Geometric Baby Shower Invitations

Designer Lisa Bardot from The Goodness and her husband Geoff welcomed their first child – a baby boy! – in January. For their baby shower, Lisa and Geoff decided to forgo a traditional shower in favor of a co-ed baby party (a concept that I’m personally very fond of). To keep things happy and gender-neutral, Lisa went with a bright rainbow color palette with lots of geometric shapes. So fun!


From Lisa: When we got to thinking about our baby shower, my husband and I knew we did not want a traditional shower. More of a big celebration with all of our friends and family, and so we decided to have a “Baby Party” instead! It was for women, men, and kids with lots of fun, food, and drinks. We had a photo booth, taco cart, dessert bar, gender raffle, and a just a couple of fun games.


The theme for the baby’s room is hip, modern, fun, geometric, and COLORFUL. So we decided that would also be the theme of the party. Plus we hadn’t yet announced the gender of our baby and we were really big on being gender neutral. The invitations used a very colorful triangle background with bold white text on top.



Simple kraft paper envelopes complemented the colorful invitations. One of my favorite details is the envelope liner with “baby” song lyrics on the inside. I also designed matching thank you cards.




I designed a few other items for the party including signage, guestbook pages for our photo booth guestbook, gender raffle tickets, and “new parent coupons” (a fabulous idea by my sister!). Décor included lots of rainbow triangle and circle garland, along with a rainbow of floral arrangements on the tables outside. The party was absolutely perfect and tons of fun!



Thanks Lisa – and congrats! You can also see more from Lisa and Geoff’s baby shower right here.

Photo Credits: The Goodness

Hello Brick & Mortar: We’re in this together (also, You’re Killing it)

This was going to be a nuts-and-bolts post about orders, but January has been full of ups (new ideas, new vendors!) and downs (all of the germs from daycare in my home/nose). Effectively useless at work, I had time to ruminate: As retailers and stationers, we’re often on opposite sides of the business equation, but our bond as small, creative business owners ushers us into the same boat. As a woman hell-bent on the belief that a rising tide lifts all ships, I thought I’d focus this post on how we can continue to swell the tide for our businesses in 2014. All aboard!  â€“ Emily of Clementine


Illustration by Emily McDowell for Oh So Beautiful Paper

1. We’re in this together. Let’s start with the obvious: Owning a small business is hard. Whether you’re a retailer, stationer or small business owner, there are lonely times. It is more rewarding that anything we ever imagined, but let’s also assume we’ve all cried on the bathroom floor and vowed to go back to a 9-5. I don’t find blog lists about achieving that elusive work/life balance particularly helpful. However, when I connect with other small business owners to share tips and resources, I am buoyed and my business grows stronger. In that vein, here are my tops:

  • Gather together. Most of us work alone, which is great, except when it’s not. Last year, I organized an informal group of small-business owning women. We have drinks and unpack the tough stuff (shipping, taxes, online sales), volley ideas, cheer each other on, and three of us spun off to create a great pop-up shop. I am always flush with love for them. Because they get it.
  • Listen in. I’m a huge fan of Design Sponge’s Biz Lady columns. Even better for the multi-tasking small-business owner: Grace Bonney’s new(ish) podcast, After the Jump. You can listen while making dinner, or packing orders.
  • Adopt a Mentor. She doesn’t even need to know you’ve adopted her. I devour everything Rena Tom writes/compiles. She’s smart, on-point and makes you feel like your small business is a part of something greater. Want a snippet?

“I met more people who were doing their own thing, and that actually meant more women. My friend Maggie calls this The Lady Web. It’s a mystical land where women recommend other women to each other and get shit done. We joke about it, but it kind of exists.” Sound familiar? Read more: here.

  • Consider your strengths. Take/retake a Meyers Briggs, or other personality test. Revel in your skill set, write it down, start telling people. When clients ask you to take on projects, reply based on a knowledge of your strengths. Recommend people you admire if you can’t take the project on. Also, think about what you’re not good at and…
  • Offload the thing that makes you want to hide under the covers. I recently interviewed a bookkeeper and had to refrain from hugging her. My bookkeeping is not hard and doesn’t take long, but it hangs over my head every day. It’s time to pay someone to do it.
  • Indulge. Vacation, massage, art class, perfume, I don’t care what it is, if it brings you joy, please do it. Small business-owning is beyond full-time, find your way to turn it off.
  • Share your tips and resources. The comments section here is a great start, in-person is even better.


Brunch/Group Therapy with my ladies at the delectable, Vergennes Laundry.

2. Brunch Is The New Golf. I’m not trying to justify my degree in feminist theory with this point, I’m just genuinely excited that so many small businesses are thriving because good people are connecting, rather than because people with connections are playing golf. So let’s keep connecting:

  • Start a Biz Ladies/Dudes group. Did we already cover this? It’s that important. Reach out to people you know well and those you barely know. Especially people you barely know. Give praise, ask for advice on something you’re struggling with. This is where the magic happens. Make coffee dates a priority. Schedule brunch.
  • Use social media to highlight fabulous businesses around you. Connections are made and businesses are growing because of social media. Pinterest can (with proper links/credit) generate free interest in the products you covet (and, in return, the products you make that others covet), Instagram can grow your personal and professional community and give you a way to preview and gather feedback for your work, Twitter can make you a relevant part of conversations in your field. If you want these things for your business, use these platforms to highlight other businesses you admire.
  • Be generous with information. You may not want to share your amazing source for radiant orchid envelopes, but when you do share the vendors who treat you well and the systems that make your life easier, the benefit will undoubtedly come back in your favor when you need it. I am always impressed with the gracious and generous spirit of the stationery community. Trade Show Bootcamp is a stellar example of this.
  • Say thank you, give praise, and be kind. I know, this is precariously close to hokey, but I can assure you that these things have done wonders for my business, and my happiness.


Found via Pinterest (anyone know the original source?)

3. You’re killing it. So, keep killing it.

  • Now is the time to hone your lineIf you’re brimming with ideas, wonderful, go create. But editing is just as important. Don’t be afraid to cut that card that sells well if you can’t stand it. It’s your line.
  • Gather your cheerleaders, confidants & critical thinkers. I have a rotating list of 60+ people who I can call on for quick advice, legitimate feedback and just general cheer. I barely know some of them but they’re all invaluable to making my business thrive.
  • Don’t go to the places that make you feel unworthy. Whether it’s scrolling twitter, reading about the habits of highly successful people or attending a conference or trade show. Go if it pushes your comfort zone, don’t go if it makes you feel unworthy or exhausted.
  • Gather inspiration, create a spot that sparks your creativity, and visit it often. Mine are the Shanna Murray decal next to my desk, Sibella Court’s books, past episodes of Man Shops Globe, and the teepee I gave my son for Christmas, which I totally re-appropriated for late night ordering. (I highly recommend getting one and pretending it’s for your children.)

For what it’s worth, I think you’re great. Regardless of whether I sell your work at my shop, and even if I do, no matter how quickly it sells. I’m excited that you’re doing what you’re doing and can’t wait to see what comes next.

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Eva Jorgensen of Sycamore Street Press, Instagram series: #EvasEverydayLettering