{happy weekend!}

I’m heading out to spend the long holiday weekend with my family. Sophie’s first fireworks! And I’m looking forward to our annual tradition of visiting George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate on the Fourth of July. I wish you all a very happy Independence Day! I’ll be popping back in on Friday afternoon with a summer cocktail recipe, so check back for that in a couple of days! In the meantime…

Scout's Honor Co.

Photo Credit: Scout’s Honor Co.

…a few links for your weekend!

This (short) week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Happy Fourth of July everyone!

Claire + John’s Woodsy Lodge Wedding Invitations

We’re getting ready to take our first big family vacation with Sophie, and it involves mountains and a lake! I’m looking forward to a change in scenery from DC, and these screen printed invitations from Sarah Jane Winter for a wedding in Lake Tahoe are making me even more excited for our trip. Sarah incorporated woodland illustrations and a woodgrain texture paper to highlight the wedding’s natural setting. Pretty!

Woodsy Lodge Wedding Invitations by Sarah Jane Winter via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

From Sarah Jane: Claire and Jonathan are tying the knot at a lakefront lodge in Lake Tahoe, California. Being nature lovers, they are incorporating an organic aesthetic throughout all elements of their wedding. Their invitation uses evergreen hues and woodgrain textures to highlight the gorgeous pines native to the area around their wedding venue.

Woodsy Lodge Wedding Invitations by Sarah Jane Winter via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)

The illustration in the invitation depicts the view of the lake and mountain range from the lodge where the wedding will take place. Whimsical fonts and screen printing set the tone for a carefree and cheerful wedding in the woods.

Woodsy Lodge Wedding Invitations by Sarah Jane Winter via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1) Woodsy Lodge Wedding Invitations by Sarah Jane Winter via Oh So Beautiful Paper (5)

Woodsy Lodge Wedding Invitations by Sarah Jane Winter via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2)

Woodsy Lodge Wedding Invitations by Sarah Jane Winter via Oh So Beautiful Paper (6)

Thanks Sarah Jane!

Check out the Designer Rolodex for more tal­ented wed­ding invi­ta­tion design­ers and the real invi­ta­tions gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: Sarah Jane Winter

Julie + Ryan’s Kraft and Coral Wedding Invitations

Welcome to July everyone! I came across these beautiful screen printed invitations by Courtney of Swiss Cottage Designs while cleaning out the very last archives in my Google Reader (yes, still…),  and I thought they were a wonderfully cheerful way to start off the week! I love the mix of white ink on kraft paper – a classic combination, in my opinion – with the bright coral envelope and fun heart + arrow envelope liners. The perfect finishing touch? Beautiful white ink calligraphy from Megan of Makewells on the outer envelopes. Love!

Kraft + Coral Wedding Invitations by Swiss Cottage Designs via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1)

Kraft + Coral Wedding Invitations by Swiss Cottage Designs via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2)

Kraft + Coral Wedding Invitations by Swiss Cottage Designs via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

So pretty!

Design: Swiss Cottage Designs

Calligraphy: Makewells

Vintage Stamps: Stamps.net

Swiss Cottage Designs is a member of the Designer Rolodex – you can see more of Courtney’s amazing work right here or visit the real invi­ta­tions gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: Courtney Jentzen | Swiss Cottage Designs

{happy weekend!}

This was a big week, no? It feels so nice to turn on the news for reports about something good for a change. I also spent a good part of my week going through years and years of saved articles in my Google Reader (I have some as far back as 2008!) and bookmarking them elsewhere or pinning them on my Pinterest page. I migrated to Feedly a couple of months ago (I like the clean layout and easy functionality), but I’ll still miss Reader when it goes offline at the end of this month. Sigh. But in the meantime…

Love is Love by Julie Doan

Calligraphy by Julie Doan (via Instagram)

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Check back soon for this week’s cocktail! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here next week! xoxo