Party Paper: An Easter Egg Hunt

Did your family throw Easter egg hunts when you were a kid? Or did you attend any in your town? They were probably my most favorite thing about Easter. So I couldn’t resist getting in the egg hunt spirit for today’s party paper post! There’s so many paper pretties out there now that are perfect for an Easter family rendezvous, even if all the kids really care about is what’s inside the eggs! —Kelly

Party Paper: An Easter Egg Hunt via Oh So Beautiful PaperNo. 1 Easter Egg Hunt Kit by Meri Meri from The Land of Nod, No. 2 Color Block Plate from Oh Joy for Target, No. 3 Polka Dot Party Hats from Oh Joy for Target, No. 4 Easter Egg Hunt Invitations from Fable Paper Co., No. 5 Bunny Cups by Meri Meri from The Land of Nod, No. 6 Floral Paper Straws from Shop Sweet Lulu

{images via their respective sources}

Swiss Cottage Designs: Hello from Brooklyn!

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Hello from Brooklyn! I’m Courtney from Swiss Cottage Designs and I’m stoked to be guest blogging this week on our most favorite paper blog, Oh So Beautiful Paper! I’ve been a huge fan of Nole’s blog since the early days so it’s really fun to be able to contribute back to such an inspiring blog. Thanks for having us!

I thought it would be fun to start our week of guest blogging with a peek into our life here in Brooklyn. I founded Swiss Cottage Designs in 2009 after working in the design industry for 4 years. While those years were filled with amazing professional experiences, I always knew I wanted to work for myself. Thus, SCD was born! We specialize in illustration, invitations and custom branding. In the last 5 years we’ve had the pleasure of working with brands such as Warby Parker, Crown Publishing, and Paperless Post as well as many, many wonderful couples and planners. I feel so lucky to be in such an amazing and inspiring industry!

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image 1.3 Studio Books

We’re located in Carroll Gardens, a Brooklyn neighborhood of tree lined streets, historic brownstones and about a million places to grab tasty treats (it’s kind of a problem, really.) We have a home studio which means the neighborhood becomes sort of like a co-worker. Lucky for us, he’s not that annoying guy who breathes too heavy in the next cube over.

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Photo courtesy bigriffith

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 Photo courtesy of Shiny Bright

A day typical day (if there is such a thing) around the studio consists of lots and lots of emails, drawing, scanning, painting, designing, packaging, eagerly awaiting shipments from the printer, opening said shipments with bated breath, more emails, drawing, packaging and of course illicit amounts of coffee and tea. Running a business is the most incredible experience yet can be just as equally frustrating! There are days when the printer jams all your envelopes, a FedEx package goes missing and a press run comes back wrong and you just want to phone it in. Then you have days that are better than anything you could have imagined. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

image 1.7 Swiss Cottage Colors

image 1.6 Studio Storage

image 1.8 Swiss Cottage Stationary

Our clients are constantly inspiring us! Because all of our projects are custom, we’re constantly exploring different methods of art and design. We love that no two jobs are alike. Here are a few recent projects we’ve worked on:

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We can’t wait to share more with you! Stay tuned to Oh So Beautiful Paper this week and in the mean time, say hi to us on Twitter and Instagram. Looking forward to meeting you all!

Photo Credits: Swiss Cottage Designs, except where noted

Gold Foil Hand Lettered Wedding Invitations

Happy Monday everyone! Before I head off for a few days in the sun, I just had to share these gorgeous wedding invitations from Arley-Rose and Morgan of Ladyfingers Letterpress! Created for a wedding in the Dominican Republic, these invitations feature Arley-Rose’s signature hand lettering in stunning metallic gold foil, a beautiful rainbow roll sunset, architectural laser cut details, and a pop of bright neon edge painting. Love, love, love!


From Arley-Rose and Morgan: It didn’t take long for Michelle and Geoff to knock us off our feet and inspire us to make some of our most favorite invitations we’ve ever made! Influenced by their correspondence through adorable hand-written cards, genuinely sweet emails, and giddy phone calls filled with excitement and pure joy, we put our heads together to come up with some invitations fit for some of the sweetest clients we’ve ever had!


Since their wedding is going to be held in the Dominican Republic, they wanted an invitation suite that reflected the excitement and love they have for each other, while relaying the modern simplicity of their beautiful ocean-side venue. 


Their hand-lettered invitations were hot foil stamped in bright gold foil onto thick, 220lb cotton Crane Lettra paper. On the backside of the invitation, a drawing of the sunset from the Casa Kimball infinity pool was rendered as a dual-split letterpress rainbow roll. Hot pink edge painting was applied to the edge of each piece, giving just the perfect amount of pop for each invitation!



The design for their enclosure mimics a pattern found in one of the architectural features at the venue. The pattern was then laser cut out of a Shimmer Ice paper and assembled with a pocket in the back to hold the RSVP card and envelope.



Their bright gold outer envelope is lined with a soft blue paper that was letterpress printed with a serene ocean design, and a letterpress return address. In the end, we were sad to see these invitations leave our studio, but happy to know that they were going to a good home. Sure enough, every time we come across the extras that we made here in the studio, we think of Michelle and Geoff and are reminded how fortunate we are to be able to make beautiful things for wonderful people!


Thank you so much ladies!

Ladyfingers Letterpress is a member of the Designer Rolodex – check out more of their beautiful work right here or visit the real invi­ta­tions gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: Ladyfingers Letterpress

Happy Weekend!

So… you may remember that I booked my family a little beach vacation a couple of weeks ago. Well, we’re off to warmer weather next week! We’ll be visiting Puerto Rico for the very first time and we’re all very excited. Luckily, the wonderful Courtney from Swiss Cottage Designs has agreed to help hold down the fort here next week, along with a few regularly scheduled posts – so you’ll be in great hands! But in the meantime…


Photo by me (via Instagram) from a trip to St. Lucia two years ago

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

That’s it for me this week! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and don’t forget to check back next week for some fantastic guest posts from Courtney! xoxo