Stationery A-Z: Milestone Birthday Cards

It’s no secret that we love birthdays here at OSBP (well, their associated greeting cards at least!). We’ve done round ups in the past that focused on a particular message or illustration theme, but today we’re focusing on something special: milestone birthdays! Milestone birthdays are huge landmark occasions that deserve a bit of extra celebration. So whether you chose to celebrate with humor or sympathy (or balloons!), here are a few milestone birthday cards to help mark the occasion. Enjoy! –Shauna

Milestone Birthday Cards

From top right:

1. Forty is the new twenty, right? Ten times four equals this fun flash card inspired design from Chicago-based The Found. Pick your poison wisely!

2. In a welcome break from the typical booze-centric 21st birthday card, Little Trees Studio has opted for a birthday cake inspired version instead. Fun!

3. You’re never too old for sprinkles and this Smudge Ink design proves that (also, it’s on sale!).

4. Celebrate a dirty thirty birthday with this cheerful greeting from Wild Hart Paper.

5. Loving this sweet color palette and bold type treatment from Brooklyn-based My Darlin’.

6. Milestone birthdays are an opportunity to take stock of your life. Fancy a reinvention? This gold foil card from Smock is certainly a game changing contender.

7. Got a friend who is less than thrilled with getting older? Use humor to your advantage with this letterpress greeting from Sapling Press. Psst – there’s a 30th birthday version too.

8. In a variation on the aforementioned theme, check out this thirty-something version from Greenwich Letterpress.

9. This card comes with a built-in BALLOON! Really loving this clever milestone birthday card design from Egg Press (and be sure to check out our Behind the Stationery post with Tess and Kara right here).

10. The ladies of Farewell Paperie are always good for a laugh – and this funny 30th birthday card is no exception.