Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! I’m going to be honest – we’ve had a rough week over here. Sophie is going through some typical two year old tantrums (we’ve started referring to her as our “twonager” since it’s a nice little preview of what she’ll be like as a teenager), and when you combine that with a needy newborn you get two very tired parents. I know this is just a phase, but I feel like I could sleep for about a week straight if given the opportunity! For now I’ll just settle for (hopefully) a few extra minutes this weekend, but in the meantime…


Photo by the incredibly talented Thuss & Farrell

…a few links for your weekend:

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Check back soon for this week’s cocktail! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here next week! xoxo

  1. Oh no Nole!! I can certainly relate! When I brought my new born home, my oldest Kaylee was 2yrs. and 9 months. She had a rough time accepting the new baby. On the very first day we brought him home she said…. “I don’t want a baby—I want mommy , daddy and Kaylee only. Only 3 in our family!”. Of course I cried more than any baby after she said that (I had severe baby blues so my hormones had me crazy and the guilt of Kaylee feeling so excluded was killing me. Clearly the hardest time ever for me. Soon after she wanted to help and change the baby etc and soon after she was quite protective of the baby 🙂 Hang in there. Big hugs.

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