One of my favorite jewelry designers, Rachel from Elephantine, is getting married in a few weeks – and she’s here to share her wedding invitations!  I first fell in love with her sweet and simple illustrated save the dates back in December, and I love the way she incorporated her signature modern style into a sophisticated and meaningful invitation suite.  Rachel and Stefan are planning a small wedding and were able to invest some time into creating a personalized invitation for each recipient.  So pretty!

From Rachel: Â I’ve always had my heart set on a wedding invitation with multiple parts to it. (I’ve also always had this fascination with things that contain several smaller things, like matryoshka dolls.) Â Our invitation is made up of three flat cards, printed on both sides: one is the actual invitation, another has important details and a detachable RSVP, and a third has a map & directions. Â Then there’s the RSVP envelope and the mini calendar reminder for guests to put in their day planner or on their fridge.

I wanted the invitations to feel personal to the recipients. The whole “suite” is held together by a band that I reverse-printed each invitee’s name on. Â When the band comes off, it reveals the “Love, R & S” on the first card. Â On the back of the first card is the actual invitation. Â The fonts are Whitney and Cyclone.

The last card has the nitty-gritty details and the RSVP, which can be detached. Â I lightly perforated the “detach here” line above the RSVP with a tracing wheel. Â On the back, there’s a quote from A.A. Milne, aka Winnie-the-Pooh’s author (“Some people care too much. I think it’s called love.”) and then there are a few lines for guests to write a note to us, if they’d like to.

I printed the mailing & return addresses directly onto the envelopes, added a little bit of gold washi tape, and used my favorite stamps.  Et voilà !

Absolutely fabulous! Â Thanks Rachel!
Photo Credits: Elephantine