{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope you have plans to get out and enjoy this gorgeous summer weekend!  I’m heading off to spend some quality time with my Dad, who is visiting for the weekend and seeing our new neighborhood (and apartment) for the first time!  I’m looking forward to taking him for a walk up to our local park and to some of our new favorite neighborhood restaurants.  But in the meantime…

summer bicycle basket with roses

…a few links for your weekend reading!

And, in case you missed it, a few favorite posts from the week: 

That’s it for me this week!  I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and I’ll see you all back here on Monday!

{image credits: something’s hiding in here via mary ruffle}

Pink + Green Moving Announcements

Julie from Cartoules Letterpress sent over some moving announcements that she designed for some recent clients – and I’m loving the bright pops of pink and chartreuse!

The color combination is totally perfect for summer – I can totally see these announcements accompanied by an invitation to a summer housewarming barbeque.  Thanks so much Julie!

{image credits: cartoules letterpress}

Hand Painted Watercolor Vintage Garden Rose Invitation Suite

Summer is officially here in DC – and while I could definitely do without the muggy heat and humidity, summer brings roses, and this year there are tons of them in our neighborhood!  So when Courtney sent over this vintage-inspired garden rose wedding invitation suite that she created for a recent bride, I couldn’t think of anything more perfect for early summer:

vintage garden rose invitations

From Courtney: I created this for one of my brides, Sarah, for her California vintage inspired wedding.  I hand painted each one individually in various shades of pinks with touches of lavender, browns, and golden yellows – making sure to paint each one just a little different from the one before!

vintage garden rose invitations

vintage garden rose invitations

vintage garden rose invitations

Thanks Courtney!  To check out more of Courtney’s lovely watercolor hand-painted invitations and stationery, you can click right here.

{image credits: courtney khail stationery}

{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday everyone!  I’m anxious to get a start on the weekend, particularly since I get to hang out with this awesome lady (and amazingly talented writer) tonight!  Other than that, I’m looking forward to a relaxed, lazy weekend and escaping this swealtering summer heat.  Hmmm… maybe strawberry lemonade with some of my remaining strawberry supply?  Anyway, I’ll be back next week with Father’s Day cards and lots, lots more!  But in the meantime…

heart paper garland

…a few links for your weekend!

Oh, and don’t forget!  You have until midnight tonight to enter both giveaways this week – click here to enter to win letterpress business or calling cards from Gwyneth Paige, and here to enter to win letterpress wedding invitations or save the dates from Hello!Lucky! 

{image credits: paper garland by bookity via soolip}