Happy Weekend!

The peonies are blooming! After the most miserable winter on record, I want to drink in every single drop of spring this year. My beloved lilacs have sadly faded, but the peonies started to emerge just at the right time, and my roses are just behind them. I wish it could be Spring all year long! I’m gearing up for a busy weekend preparing for the National Stationery Show – it’s the last weekend before the big show! But in the meantime…


Photo by me via Instagram

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Check back soon for this week’s cocktail! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here next week! xoxo

Hello Brick & Mortar: How to catch a Retailer’s Eye at NSS

For those prepping for NSS, I know you’re elbow deep in painting your booth and not sleeping. This post is not intended to add to your list of to-dos. It is meant to 1) put the finishing touches on what you’ve already done and 2) have a task ready when someone asks how they can help. – Emily of Clementine


Illustration by Emily McDowell for Oh So Beautiful Paper

1. Pre-Show:

  • Send a pre-show email. If you have an hour/an intern, send a reminder email to retailers: Include a sneak peak and remind us of any show specials. This is also a great way to encourage orders from retailers who aren’t attending.
  • Document your process and #hashtag it: Photos of booth building and sneak peeks are my amuse bouche on instagram these days. They’re low-effort but can put you on retailer radars quickly. {side note: what hashtags are we using? #stationeryshow, #nss, #nss2014? Let’s agree on one and put it in letterpress}.
  • Put your booth number in your social media profiles. Now.

2. Your Booth: It looks great already, this is just a final checklist from a retailer’s view.

  • Flowers and candy. Flowers draw people in, candy brings them closer (so put it further back). I don’t want to give you another task, I want to give it to your kind friend/partner who asks what they can do to when you’re overwhelmed.

NSSwildinkboothflowersWild Ink Press 2013 booth. Who can resist those peonies? Photo via Wild Ink Press


Parrott Design Studio and Letter & Lark made their booth feel like home with hanging succulents and potted plants. Via Letter & Lark


Rifle Paper Co. has mastered the art of floral and paper mixing. Photo via Oh So Beautiful Paper from Winter NYIGF 2012

  • Make your social media handles visible. Last year I took several photos of booths and cards, but the vendor was engaged in a conversation and I couldn’t properly credit them. You can solve that easily, like so:


Farewell Paperie 2013 booth, with their @farewellpaperie easy to find. Photo via Farewell Paperie

  • Make sure your booth number is visible. Can you see it from every angle (or at least 2)? I once spent 20 minutes and 3 trips down the same isle trying to find a booth that I swear just didn’t exist.
  • Your Business Cards, plus. Make sure a retailer can quickly see your business name, your social media handles and your show specials, even if you’re in the middle of an order with someone else. A stack of business cards may be enough, but I’d suggest a simple table tent card (with large font) visible to someone who is hovering in the aisle. That can encourage a retailer walking by to stay, come back, and/or to credit you if she takes an instagram shot of your booth.
  • Bring a bit of your studio into your booth. An Open Sketchbook took this to new levels with their 2013 booth, but you can give retailers a glimpse into your work with just a few well styled tools.


Yellow Owl Workshop 2013 booth. Photo via The Sweetest Occasion

3. You:

  • Smile. So simple, right? Just like a thank you note, it makes a big difference and can invite a hesitant retailer in to your booth.
  • Hand out your card. It can be awkward to ask retailers for their cards over and over. I find that when someone hands me a card, my reflex is to hand one back. So rather than asking constantly, be ready to give yours.
  • Relationship building. If a retailer places an order, this is a great time to ask a few questions that will help clarify and strengthen your relationship going forward. I addressed what to ask in this post. Even if you don’t get an order, this is a great opportunity to connect. Don’t be afraid to ask retailers what they’re drawn to in your line, and consider suggesting your ‘must see’ booths in the show. (You know, what goes around, comes around.)

4. Your Promos & Swag. Don’t stress about this in the final week. Use this list to help winnow what you bring; to divvy up last minute tasks; and to remind you of that drawer of leftover goodies.

  • It’s only happening this week: Show specials are great because you could decide to run one at the last minute. I suggest promos that encourage retailers to buy more (ie, free shipping or an extra set of cards for all orders over $200 rather than just free shipping on all orders.)
  • It’s useful: I still have my These Are Things tote, which I needed after one day of catalog gathering. The floral magnets from Sycamore Street Press are still on my fridge. I also thought the suitcase tags from 9th Letter Press were a great mix of super cute and functional. These things were all useful and I think of each company each time I see them. (Which reminds me, this is a great read pre-show).


9th Letterpress 2013 luggage tag giveaway. Photo via 9th Letterpress

  • It’s crafty. Albertine Press postards are one of my favorite giveaways: trimmed from prior year calendars (brilliant), they made great promos. You* (aka your intern/devoted friends) could repurpose deadstock cards or material trimmings to make bookmarks/ornaments/garlands/something else Pinterest makes you think is a good idea.
  • It makes you memorable. There’s a reason you are going to NSS. Ladyfingers Letterpress offered hand lettering demos that were such a hit and a true treat, different from the normal retailer/vendor interaction. It was also uniquely them. Whether you’re a great hugger, or a phenomenal hand-letterer, you’re at NSS for a reason. Remember your youness. And, Bring It. 


Ladyfingers Letterpress amazing hand lettering demos at NSS 2013. Photo via Ladyfingers Letterpress

5. Post Show.

  • Send a follow-up note to key retailers: Namely those who made orders and those you want to make orders. I know, I’m cringing at giving you this suggestion when you are already so busy, but this is often the touch that gets the order. If you’re really on the ball you could bring a stack of cards to the show (if you have any lying around), as you take a retailer’s business card, clip it to one of your cards, et voila! A ready to write/mail stack when you return.
  • Celebrate!

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Pistachio Press & Blackbird Letterpress with, arguably, the best instagram photo of 2013

See you soon! (Now, get some sleep…)

NSS 2014 Sneak Peek: Missive

The National Stationery Show is only two weeks away – which means it’s time to kick off NSS sneak peek posts! First up this year is a longtime favorite letterpress studio making their NSS debut: Missive. Lisa from Missive is bringing her letterpress stationery to the Ladies of Letterpress Booth (#2462), with a brand new Cursive collection along with several additions to her existing greeting card and everyday stationery collections. I can’t wait to see it all in person!








Thanks Lisa!

Photo Credits: Missive

Caroline’s Strawberry Storybook Baby Announcements

Happy Monday everyone! I’m thrilled to start the week with these darling baby announcements! I’ve known Kathryn from Snippet & Ink since before I even started OSBP, and we’ve often bonded over our shared love of beautiful paper. When Kathryn welcomed her daughter Caroline last spring, she turned to the talented Cynthia Warren to create a storybook birth announcement – with stunning results!


From Kathryn: Since Caroline was due in early June, I thought it would be fun to incorporate something seasonal and sweet like strawberries. I also love some of Cynthia’s storybook lettering. But really, along with about five images for inspiration, that was all the direction I gave her – Cynthia is so incredibly talented, and has such a unique style, I wanted to let her work her magic without me micromanaging things.


From Cynthia: With her baby girl arriving in late Spring/early Summer, Kathryn wanted strawberries to be part of the design. She also wanted my hand-lettering style to be reminiscent of vintage children’s books. With such a sweet color palette we thought it would be great to tie the announcements and Caroline’s photograph into little bundles with red and white twine. The envelopes were addressed in the perfect grass green ink by the fabulous calligrapher and artist, Maybelle Imasa-Stukuls. Maybelle’s charming style added such elegance and whimsy.





From Kathryn: Maybelle’s whimsical calligraphy was an obvious choice (she also did the day-of calligraphy for our wedding and I absolutely love working with her), and we went with grassy green ink to play off the strawberry leaves in the announcement.


Something you can’t see in these images is that once the stamps were cancelled, the butterfly on the front of the envelope was almost perfectly perched on the end of the cancellation mark. I loved this little detail that Cynthia put in!


Thanks so much Kathryn!

Design and Letterpress Printing: Cynthia Warren

Calligraphy: Maybelle Imasa-Stukuls

Photo Credits: Christina McNeill

Hello Brick & Mortar: Bumps, Births and Unexpected Changes

I just moved my brick & mortar shop. It happened under the most ideal circumstances: a slow time of year, generous offers of help, and I moved next door with an interior door that opened to the new space. We didn’t even have to walk outside.  Everything went off without a hitch. Still, it was completely overwhelming. ~ Emily of Clementine

Hello Brick + Mortar: Tips for Stationery Entrepreneurs by Clementine via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Illustration by Emily McDowell for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Do you remember working for someone else and carefully squirreling away sick and vacation time and then cashing it in? Me too. It’s the one thing I really miss about working for someone else. Working for yourself means that whether planned or unplanned, time off can cause a panoply of anxieties and imagined disasters. Oh, and it’s not paid. But with some planning and kindness I’m certain we can make a few molehills out of mountains.

1. Expect (and plan for) the expected. Birth and sickness; marriage and divorce; home or studio moves; business expansion or re-organization. Whether joyful or sorrowful, planned or unplanned, there are a host of life events that will happen and they will put your business on the back burner. The best plan, of course, is to have a plan that works for you.

Hello Brick + Mortar: Tips for Stationery Entrepreneurs by Clementine via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Iron Curtain Press print via my instagram

  • Monies. Financially, it’s great to have 3+ months of expenses in savings.  I know, I know, but it’s good to have a goal. If you’re bad at saving monthly, set up a savings account that you don’t touch, but make deposits into when times are a bit more flush.
  • Make a plan and tell people. If you’re getting married or planning for the National Stationery Show, you have time to talk to your staff, family, and friends about how they can help and support you. But it’s also good to have at least a rough outline of what you might do if something more emergent comes up. Never underestimate the love you’ll feel when others jump in when you have to bow out.
  • Always assume you won’t have time tomorrow. Each morning on my drive to work, I make extravagant plans for what I’m going to do that day. Yet by 4 o’clock each day I’m checking off one thing I planned to get done and 18 things I didn’t know would come up. The lesson, of course is: Stock up when you have time. Print cards, update your website, make sure your bills are orderly. If you have that all squared away, please write a post on how you did it. I shutter at the thought of someone having to jump in to pay my business bills or manage the store in my absence, but knowing it’s a possibility makes me far more organized than I would be.
  • Live your life. My biggest challenge, owning a small business, is establishing the line where work ends and life begins. I don’t have it figured out. I may never figure it out.  I love what I do and it contributes to so much personal happiness. Yet the attention I give to work, impacts my family, my health and my freedom. I try to shy away from judging my own actions as right or wrong and focus instead on making choices that feel like mine and standing behind them. Take time off to care for your family, hire help when it’s overwhelming, dissolve and leave unhealthy partnerships, and take that leap when it thrills you.Hello Brick + Mortar: Tips for Stationery Entrepreneurs by Clementine via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Anise Press, Live Your Life Print

What should you communicate to your retailers during times of personal change? You only need to communicate if your personal/business changes will cause delays. If there’s something happening in the future that you can plan for (a wedding, a baby, a website overhaul), it’s great to send a quick note (mass email is ok) alerting us to your absence and letting us know who (if anyone) will be filling in for you. You don’t need to over-share and I don’t recommend it, but you are human. I adore you because you’re human and, especially if something joyful has happened, it’s exciting to hear snippets of how your life changes shape your business.

2. Give support when you don’t need it. Whether it’s heavy lifting, social media cheerleading, a meal, or just the offer to listen, being a genuine source of support for those you appreciate is the best way to build your own safety net. You could also send a card, if you have one lying around. 

Hello Brick + Mortar: Tips for Stationery Entrepreneurs by Clementine via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Odd Daughter, Sometimes Life Demands Ice Cream

What does this mean for your relationship with retailers? We’re in this together. If you’re aware of things we’re going through, a kind note of any type is always (always) appreciated. You better believe I delighted in every card and note I received from you all during my move. Thank you, thank you. And then Belle & Union sent me a whoopie pie, so she won that day.

Hello Brick + Mortar: Tips for Stationery Entrepreneurs by Clementine via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Belle & Union, Whoopie (in letterpress and confection via my instagram).

3. Gather your troops. The support you need will be different depending on the circumstances. But regardless of the situation, always be aware of whether and how you communicate what you’re going through. I think it’s helpful to surround yourself with at least three types of people (all of these traits may be found in one person, but it doesn’t hurt to diversify).

  • Cheerleaders: For whatever reason, in whatever way, these people make you feel better. As soon as you feel better, thank them, thank them, thank them.
  • Confidants: You can cry and swear and complain in front of these people. You can over share and feel ok tomorrow. Thank them, when you’re done crying.
  • Heavy lifters: These are the people who show up to help you pick your kid up from school or to schlep your ridiculous store 30 feet to the north. Thank them with something tangible (also, with words) and return the favor.

Hello Brick + Mortar: Tips for Stationery Entrepreneurs by Clementine via Oh So Beautiful Paper

My view from the new Clementine, a view sweeter because of the people who helped me make it happen.

4. Double your estimates. Remember the important rule we’ve all learned from reality-tv renovation shows: double your estimates for how long it will take and how much it will cost. When I moved the shop, my initial plan was to close for 3 days. Kindly, no one laughed when I told them this, but after the first day of moving (when 15 amazing women literally picked my shop up and moved it next door) I’d revised that estimate myself, pushing my re-opening back a week. As a brick + mortar shop owner, closing for a day is hard, a week is excruciating. But I quickly realized that giving myself a week was worth it for important things, like my sanity. And staying married.

What should you communicate to retailers when your timeline is pushed back? Nothing, unless we’ve agreed on a deadline that will pass, or we’re waiting for something. Then, the truth. Just send a quick note with a revised timeline. Don’t over-share the reasons. Offer something (free shipping, extra product) if it’s a real inconvenience, but chances are, we can wait another week.

5. Hire someone. They say that when you start feeling thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. The same is true for hiring staff, the moment you realize you need help, you probably should have done it months ago. My staff is very small, but absolutely invaluable.

6. You notice your absence more than anyone else. That list of things you have to do tomorrow is in your head. Your goal of getting your catalogs done this week, is your goal. Your feeling that you’re behind on your National Stationery Show mailers is your feeling. I’m not suggesting that sometimes you do make mistakes that impact your business or your retailers, but we probably don’t notice as much as you do. That said, get it done. You’ll sleep better tonight. And as always, I can’t wait to see it. Also:

Hello Brick + Mortar: Tips for Stationery Entrepreneurs by Clementine via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Card by Emily McDowell, which I plan to buy in bulk at NSS

6. Share your best practices. If you’ve  been through a big life or work change, what were your fears? What good or bad advice did you get and what got you through? (That’s a for-real question, answer below!)