Letterpress Halloween Party Invitations

Can you believe October is rolling into town next week? Since Halloween happens to be one of my favorite holidays, that means it’s time to start preparing for those big Halloween bashes. These letterpress fill-in party invitations from Isabel at 9th Letter Press are the perfect mix of whimsical and spooky, just how Halloween should be. I’m confident all the kids in the neighborhood will be running to your house for candy, pumpkin carving and more if you invite them with one of these!

Letterpress Halloween Invitations by 9th Letter Press via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2)

From IsabelHalloween is my favorite holiday for many, many reasons but largely because of the mound of candy corn available on practically every corner. That being said, as soon as pumpkin spice lattes became available at any Starbucks near you, I know it’s time to start thinking about Halloween. These two invitations were my favorite of the batch I had drawn up — possibly because I’ve dressed up as both on previous Halloweens. I hand illustrated + lettered each invite and when I’m satisfied with the design, it then gets hand fed to our 118 year old letterpress, one by one.

Letterpress Halloween Invitations by 9th Letter Press via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1)

Letterpress Halloween Invitations by 9th Letter Press via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

Letterpress Halloween Invitations by 9th Letter Press via Oh So Beautiful Paper (5)

Thanks so much Isabel!

These invitations are available in packages of ten in 9th Letter Press’ Shop.

Photo Credits: 9th Letter Press

Molly’s Zoo Theme Holiday Card + Moving Announcement

After moving to a new home and welcoming a second child, Molly from Paisley Quill decided to get super creative with her family’s annual holiday card – combining all three into one package!  Molly embraced the recent chaos, going with a fun zoo theme for the entire package accented with cute plastic zoo animals and lots of fun vintage stamps.

Paisley Quill Holiday Card/Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper (7)

From Molly:  This year has been rather crazy for us.  We had another baby and purchased a new home that required lots of renovations in a short amount of time.  Needless to say, I fell behind on my correspondence.  So this year, I decided that it was high time I got caught up and sent everything out together.

Paisley Quill Holiday Card/Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper (6)

In a little blue box, I sent our son’s birth announcement, our moving announcement, and Christmas card all together.  Tied up in a pretty little package and mailed to family and friends with lots of vintage stamps.  My friend Holly from the Paper Nickel gifted me the baby buggy stamp in honor of Callahan.

Paisley Quill Holiday Card/Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2) Paisley Quill Holiday Card/Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Paisley Quill Holiday Card/Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper (8)

Since having two kids, our life has been a ZOO!  So I ran with the concept, creating both a birth announcement and moving announcement modeled after an information card from the zoo.  I had a custom stamp made and stamped all of the glassine envelopes with our new family “crest.”  I sealed the moving announcement with the zoo animals inside the envelopes and taped them shut with fabric tape.

Paisley Quill Holiday Card/Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper (5)

Paisley Quill Holiday Card/Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper (9)

Thanks so much Molly!

Photo Credits: Paisley Quill

*Paisley Quill is a sponsor of Oh So Beautiful Paper

{happy weekend!}

What a strange week!  From some crazy thunderstorms in the Mid-Atlantic area last weekend to the middle-of-the-week holiday, this week felt like a whirlwind from start to finish.  I’m looking forward to a low key weekend and hoping to escape the DC heat as much as possible.  I’m heading out a bit early today, but in the meantime…

Photo Credit: Scout’s Honor Co.

…a few links for your weekend:

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

That’s it for me this week!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday! xoxo

Stationery A – Z: Kids Birthday Cards

Although there is a kid in each one of us, sometimes it’s hard to find quality greeting cards for a child’s birthday.  We’ve rounded up a few to keep on hand when you realize the party is just around the corner!  Some playful, some bright, these will be sure to spark a smile! – Tashia

Yay Birthday Card by Fare Well Paperie

Farewell Paperie

Arcade Fever: Cupcake by Greenwich Letterpress Charms by Greenwich Letterpress

Greenwich Letterpress

Party Wagon by Night Owl Paper Goods

Night Owl Paper Goods

Happy Birthday Raccoon by Egg Press Beary Merry Birthday by Egg Press

Egg Press

Birthday Balloon Card by Humunuku



Smock (left); and Beau Ideal (right)


Happy Birthday Hand Embroidered Greeting Card by Crooked Sister Shuttlecock blank greeting card by Gold Teeth Brooklyn

Crooked Sister (left); and Gold Teeth Brooklyn (right)

Pictogram Rainbow Birthday Card by Yellow Owl Workshop

Yellow Owl Workshop

Graphite Bunny with Balloons by Dear Hancock Birdy Birthday by Hello Lucky


Dear Hancock (left); and Hello!Lucky (right)

{images via their respective sources}

*Smock and Hello!Lucky are sponsors of Oh So Beautiful Paper

National Stationery Show 2012, Part 10

As promised, I’ve got a bit more from the National Stationery Show to share with you today!  Some of my favorite booths are those with a sense of humor, from the sweetly funny to the totally snarky.  So today I thought I’d focus in on a few of my favorite booths that combine fun and humor with gorgeous stationery design.  First up, Maginating with some of the most adorable designs you could possibly imagine and several of my all-time favorite cards!


Love the iridescent foil – one of FOUR foil passes on this specific card!


Nicole from The Nic Studio has a beautiful collection of illustrated cards that always seems to combine whimsy with a sense of fun and humor.  This year, I was completely blown away by Nicole’s amazing new series of large full-color art prints called “Animals Everywhere” – inspired by her 3-year old daughter’s imagination.  Gorgeous!



The Nic Studio

Amber from Flywheel Press always has something up her sleeve for the Stationery Show – from fun scavenger hunts to awesome letterpress greeting cards and wedding invitations.  This year I was particularly smitten with Amber’s new collection of cards inspired by classic movie moments (so fantastic!) and gorgeous split fountain designs.


Beautiful split fountain cards!


Flywheel Press

Lisa from Sapling Press has the most amazing sense of humor – her “dear blank” and “we go together like” card collections keep me laughing for hours.  This year I can’t get enough of her new card series of made up facts.  Genius!


Sapling Press

Lauren and Joel of Old Tom Foolery usually go for a minimalist black and white booth design, but this year they went all out with an INCREDIBLE wood booth designed by an architecture student friend.  So amazing – as are their hilarious cards!



Old Tom Foolery

I love the McBitterson’s tagline of “Cute, Sometimes Cranky Letterpress Cards” – so perfect!  The cards might get a little cranky, but they always make me smile.




The team at Oddball Press always seems to find the perfect combination of sweetness and snark in their greeting cards – and I love the way they incorporate old timey illustrations into their designs.  So awesome!



Oddball Press

I’m always excited to see the ladies of 9SpotMonk at trade shows.  They have a fantastic collection of color-in cards for kids that you might remember from the January Gift Fair, not to mention the hilarious thank you cards and letterpress beer and wine bottle gift tags below.


Check back tomorrow for more from the 2012 National Stationery Show!

Photo Credits: Stephen Michael Garey and Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper