Behind the Stationery: Baltic Club

Happy 2018! We’re kicking off the new year with the duo Baltic Club based in one of my favorite neighborhoods in Montreal, Canada! Melanie and Brice transitioned from advertising into the stationery world and, since they began in 2014, they’re now to be the only fully vertically integrated stationery design studio in Eastern Canada. Their colorful studio is split into 3 areas: a workshop, retail shop, and back studio. Here to share their behind the stationery story is Brice! — Megan Soh

Behind the Stationery: Baltic Club

From Brice: Melanie and I met in 2013 in Montreal, Canada, in an advertising agency where she was Art Director and me, the Production Manager. We instantly connected because we share the exact same universe deep in our souls, plus Melanie is the funniest and talented person I’ve ever met in my life. Even in the first few weeks, we already shared about creating something but at this time, it was a more around a puff cream specialty gourmet bakery. A couple of months later, I had to quit my job and left Canada for personal reasons and, in a total upsurge of YOLO, Melanie quit her job too in order to join me and travel across Europe.

Behind the Stationery: Baltic Club

Behind the Stationery: Baltic Club

When we came back in Montreal, we had no job and no money so we founded our own design agency named Glasgow Studio, in which we had a lot of fun. Baltic Club was only a side project at this time but we enjoyed the freedom it brought us compared to the branding deadlined projects of the agency. We gave ourselves 12 months to turn Baltic Club into our main activity and stop all the rest. We succeeded in a bit less than 12 months and learned so much along the way.

Behind the Stationery: Baltic Club

We’re based in Montreal — a beautiful laid back metropole of Eastern Canada and our workshop is located in the heart of a very trendy area named the “Mile-End”. Since the time when we worked from the living room table of our apartment, we’ve moved 5 times in 3 years until we found the beautiful space where we are today. A vast back-store allows us to stock paper and host our homemade photoshoot studio.

Behind the Stationery: Baltic Club

The front part is divided into 2 open spaces: the workshop itself and the shop where the public can visit and interact with us and purchase our freshest products 7 days a week. We chose to sell our products almost exclusively with complementary items like pens or paper clips. The selection is made in a way that we have a unique selection of items that you can’t see anywhere else in town. Of course, Melanie did all the setup and the decoration, making this place gorgeous and so pleasant to work in.

Behind the Stationery: Baltic Club

Our approach has always been to grow by ourselves so we began to buy our own equipment early on in our history. For instance, we recently had the opportunity to acquire a Risograph to explore new countries in terms of printing processes along with inkjet, numeric or offset printing we already use on a daily basis. “Charlene”, our hot foil stamping machine, “Billy” the corner cutter, or “Gordon”, our industrial blades are fantastic additions that allow us to create with even more fun, inspiration and flexibility. Oh, yes, we give names to our machines because we believe that they all have their own personality. Some of them even have eyes drawn on. Today, a lot of design companies, even stationery ones, come and see us in order to make their production. We are proud to be the the only stationery company in Eastern Canada capable of designing, printing, binding, packaging, selling our own products…at the same place!

Behind the Stationery: Baltic Club

Melanie and I are both as much into production methods as we are in design, hence we just can’t prevent ourselves from trying new printing or binding techniques as well as design orientations with the care of keeping an harmonious unicity.

Behind the Stationery: Baltic Club

We work a lot. We don’t feel like it’s really “working”, but we work from early in the morning to late at night. It’s more like living the life we always wanted to dream, enjoying each moment with excitement and dedication. In the morning, we concentrate more on the global picture and marketing moves before we reach the workshop for the opening to take care of our employees and support them in their tasks. We also pretend to be productive (ha!) but we need to be a bit more isolated for that. Phone calls, emails, basic design tasks, production follow ups are our 9 to 5 occupations. When everything turns calmer at the end of the day, we dive into administrative work and the most important design matters, sometimes until 10 or 11 without even noticing it. And, as a “mind purifier,” we fantasize about new projects we could invest our passion in, all along the way.

Behind the Stationery: Baltic Club

Nature documentaries are an infinite source of inspiration. We find them so interesting and always mind blowing! We also found out that when we add a touch of edginess and humour to the roughness and sincerity of what surrounds us, we usually obtain poetry, softness and strength at the same time. Our creative process often begins with a concept, emerged from this massive source of wonder that Melanie turns into something magical in just a couple of hours.

Behind the Stationery: Baltic Club

It is very rare that we come back on a design because we don’t like it and, for the vast majority of them, we use them on multiple supports. The most complicated things we face today is definitely the lack of focus due to multitasking and the cash flow management to support our self-generated growth. Having employees is a huge challenge too but since last summer, we are lucky to have a legendary team with us, relieving us from a significant pain.

If we had to sum up the meaning of Baltic Club’s sprit, we could say that our plan is to create even more each day and try to inspire with the willingness to becoming better humans at the same time.

Behind the Stationery: Baltic Club

All photos courtesy of Baltic Club.

Want to be featured in the Behind the Stationery column? Reach out to Megan at megan [at] ohsobeautifulpaper [dot] com for more details.

2018 Reader Survey!

Let the Beauty of What You Love Be What You Do / Rumi

It’s that time of year again! Before we get too far into 2018, I want to hear from you! I know, I know – everyone is doing reader surveys this time of year. But with my 10 year blog anniversary coming up, I’m kind of feeling like shaking things up a bit this year. So I really need your feedback!

So if you have a couple of minutes to take the survey HERE, it would really help so much. I’ll be reading each and every survey response and using them to come up with our content for the year. I can’t wait to read what you have to say!

In the survey you’ll find a bunch of multiple choice and open ended questions about what kind of content you like on Oh So Beautiful Paper: what you’d like to see more of, what we can do to improve, and a few other topics. You can even ask me questions (business or personal) and I’ll do my best to answer them in later posts! The survey is 100% anonymous, so please feel free to be completely honest. I want your thoughtful opinions and constructive criticism!

And as a special thank you to being the world’s most amazing readers, I have a special gift (that may or may not involve some stationery from my personal collection) for one or two readers. So once you’ve filled out the survey, just leave a comment (any comment!) below and I’ll pick a couple of you to receive a little package from me!

Thank you! I’m looking forward to a really great year!

January Advertising Special!

Good morning everyone! I have a big announcement for my stationer friends this morning! January can be a rough month, since we’re all just coming off all the holiday sparkle and heading back to reality after spending time with loved ones during the holiday break. So! I decided to make January a bit brighter by offering 30% off BOTH sidebar advertising and the first year of membership in our Designer Rolodex!

OSBP January Advertising Special

All new Designer Rolodex members will get 30% off their first year of membership from now until January 31. The application process is so easy, just fill out the form on this page! I can’t WAIT to hear from you! And while I was at it, I thought I might as well extend the same offer to anyone interested in sidebar advertising! And yes, this offer also applies to multi-month ads, so book up now and save big! You can get in touch with us for ad rates and more info right here.

If you aren’t already familiar with the Designer Rolodex, it’s our curated directory of wedding invitation designers and a fantastic resource for couples looking to find the perfect designer for their wedding stationery. When I got married in 2008 – back in the early days of blogging! – I had a tough time both finding unique and creative design inspiration for my wedding invitations and finding an independent stationer to work with. I spent countless hours searching the internet, browsing portfolios, and collecting images (pre-Pinterest!) from magazines and online. So I started OSBP later that year with the goal of showcasing amazing wedding invitations and helping connect readers with invitation designers. All Designer Rolodex members are hand selected by me, and every single member produces the most gorgeous invitations you’ll ever see. I won’t claim that the Rolodex is the largest directory of invitation designers, but I truly believe that the Rolodex membership represents the best of the best.

So! If you’ve had an invitation featured on OSBP in the past and you’re looking to make 2018 your best year in business yet – or if you’re a super talented new designer just starting out – join the Rolodex! Membership is normally just $300/year and will absolutely pay for itself if you book just ONE client through the Rolodex in the next year. Designer Rolodex members can display their portfolio, get discovered by location, style, and printing methods, share links to their social pages – and there’s even a link to past editorial features on OSBP. We’ll also be resuming our popular Meet the Rolodex posts (but on the blog this time!!) in 2018, so now’s the time to become a member!

Engaged couples, be sure to check out the Designer Rolodex to browse portfolios and find your perfect invitation designer!

And stationers, if you’re already a Rolodex member, now would be the perfect time to update your portfolio and present your newest, bestest work to all of our new visitors. Here’s to a fabulous 2018!

Invitation Photo: Athena Bludé Photography from these Romantic Blush and Gray Wedding Invitations (one of my faves!) by Designer Rolodex member Coral Pheasant

Best of 2017: My Favorite Projects!

Today I’m wrapping up our 2017 recap with a look back at some of my personal favorite posts from 2017! We’ve already covered fun DIY projects, favorite cocktails, sweet baby shower invitations and birth announcements, playful and colorful wedding invitations, and romantic and understated wedding invitations – all of which I absolutely love – but the posts below are a bit more personal in nature. I’m planning to write a bit more about my goals for 2018 next week, but one of those goals is to share more personal content, from conversations about motherhood and family to sharing more behind-the-scenes peeks to exploring more of DC. I used to share way more personal content, before Instagram became the thing it is today and before I had two kids (I honestly have no idea how any of you with 3+ kids manage to stay sane!), and I really miss it! I’ll also be doing a reader survey next week, but if there’s anything in particular that you’d like to see from me this year, please let me know in the comments!

Learn Watercolor Painting with Skillshare

One of my goals for 2017 was to get myself in front of the camera more often, which is DEFINITELY stepping outside of my comfort zone since I’m used to being the one behind the camera. But at the end of the day, it’s just me behind this mighty little blog, and it’s important to show my face more often. I teamed up with photographer Anna Meyer to visit some colorful walls in DC, and I can’t wait to do another installment in 2018!

The Best Walls in DC

Dallas Clayton’s #kindcomments wall at Union Market

The Best Walls in DC

The Best Walls in DC / Photo Credit: Anna Meyer for Oh So Beautiful Paper

2017 was a fairly big and transformative year – I celebrated my 9th blogging anniversary and introduced you to Common Room Studio! So far I’ve shared the design inspiration for Common Room Studio and we hosted our first set of workshops, but I still need to do a full reveal! Stay tuned in 2018. Oh, and if you’re in the DC area, you can sign up for our newsletter right here

Write Your Own Story / Frankie's Girl

9 Years of OSBP + Introducing Common Room Studio! / Image Credit: Frankie’s Girl via Instagram

Common Room Studio Style Board and Color Palette

Design Inspiration for Common Room Studio

On the home front, we shared our backyard makeover and talked about kitchen renovation inspiration! These days, my back yard looks more like a winter wasteland since everything has died back from the freezing temperatures, but I can’t wait until it looks like this again in the spring and summer! Oh, and we may have kickstarted our long-awaited kitchen renovation over the holiday break, so stay tuned for an update on that, too.

A Backyard Makeover in Washington, DC

OSBP at Home: Our Backyard Makeover / Photo Credit: Yetta Reid Photography

Qanuk Interiors Kitchen via House & Home / Photo Credit: Donna Griffith Photography

OSBP at Home: Kitchen Inspiration / Design: Qanūk Interiors / Photo Credit: Donna Griffith for House & Home Kitchens & Baths Fall 2013

That’s it for me this week! Have a wonderful weekend, stay warm, and I’ll see you back here on Monday! xoxo

Best of 2017: Cocktails

Ooooh, this was a tough one you guys! We develop all of our cocktail recipes in house, so it’s tough to pick favorites! We actually started posting cocktail recipes way back in 2011 after my husband returned home from a 6-month deployment in Iraq. We spent a couple of weeks making up for lost time by visiting the best bars and restaurants in DC, and we had a transformative experience at the Columbia Room during one evening. We loved the drinks, but also the incredible history behind them. My husband started reading everything he could about cocktails, experimenting with recipes at home, and eventually became our personal in-house bartender. He comes up with all of the recipes for our cocktail posts (and lots more over on Instagram), then I take the photos for the recipe blog post. They’re all my favorite! But I had to narrow it down to just a few, so here are a few cocktails that you should definitely try soon, including a couple cold weather cocktails to help keep you warm this winter!

Peach-Basil Whiskey Cobbler Cocktail Recipe

Peach Basil Whiskey Cobbler // The perfect summer drink! Light and refreshing, with two of my favorite summer ingredients.

Hazelnut Bourbon Hot Chocolate Recipe

Hazelnut Bourbon Hot Chocolate // It’s colder than cold out there, so this is how I’ll be staying warm all winter

Mint and Lime Riesling Sangria Recipe

Mint and Lime Riesling Sangria // Effervescent and absolutely delicious – and makes an excellent brunch cocktail!

Blackberry Aperol Spritz

Blackberry Aperol Spritz // So easy, and so, so, so very good

The Stone Fence Cocktail Recipe

The Stone Fence // Rye whiskey paired with both apple cider and hard cider

Mezcal Old Fashioned Cocktail Recipe

Tequila and Mezcal Old Fashioned // A fun spin on THE classic cocktail!

Scotch Whiskey Coffee Cocktail Recipe

Scotch Whiskey Coffee // Perfect for these cold winter nights!

If you need more cocktail recipe ideas and inspiration – for any time of year – check out our cocktail recipe archives from the last six years right here!