2018 Reader Survey!

Let the Beauty of What You Love Be What You Do / Rumi

It’s that time of year again! Before we get too far into 2018, I want to hear from you! I know, I know – everyone is doing reader surveys this time of year. But with my 10 year blog anniversary coming up, I’m kind of feeling like shaking things up a bit this year. So I really need your feedback!

So if you have a couple of minutes to take the survey HERE, it would really help so much. I’ll be reading each and every survey response and using them to come up with our content for the year. I can’t wait to read what you have to say!

In the survey you’ll find a bunch of multiple choice and open ended questions about what kind of content you like on Oh So Beautiful Paper: what you’d like to see more of, what we can do to improve, and a few other topics. You can even ask me questions (business or personal) and I’ll do my best to answer them in later posts! The survey is 100% anonymous, so please feel free to be completely honest. I want your thoughtful opinions and constructive criticism!

And as a special thank you to being the world’s most amazing readers, I have a special gift (that may or may not involve some stationery from my personal collection) for one or two readers. So once you’ve filled out the survey, just leave a comment (any comment!) below and I’ll pick a couple of you to receive a little package from me!

Thank you! I’m looking forward to a really great year!

  1. Love your space here! Been following since 2009 🙂 Just filled out the survey!

  2. I just filled out the survey. I love your blog. It inspires me in my own creativity and art. I find myself sending links to friends often because of the color choices or design inspiration or the “great find” regarding cards or stationary and such. Love reading OSBP!!

  3. I filled out the survey. You’re the only blog I read every day. You have a nice balance of topics and stationery is my favorite thing.

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