Jo Allison + Eddie’s BBQ Birthday Party Invitations

Warm and sunny days mean that it’s finally BBQ season! I’m looking forward to lots of BBQs this summer, and I’m absolutely loving these 70th birthday party BBQ invitations and day-of materials from Melissa of Atheneum Creative. Every detail is just too cute, from the pig table numbers to the kraft paper bag menus. Love!

BBQ Birthday Party Invitations by Atheneum Creative via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)

From Melissa: The party was held in a restored barn on the couple’s plantation home, so all the day of materials were rustic to fit the look. The invitations were printed with silver foil on navy paper die cut in the shape of a belt buckle. The menus were printed on a kraft paper bag that held silverware for guests.

BBQ Birthday Party Invitations by Atheneum Creative via Oh So Beautiful Paper (6) BBQ Birthday Party Invitations by Atheneum Creative via Oh So Beautiful Paper (5)

BBQ Birthday Party Invitations by Atheneum Creative via Oh So Beautiful Paper (7)

The table numbers were custom wood veneer pigs, stained and then screen printed. The escort cards were wetnaps attached to a kraft board and bound with twine. As favors, each guest received mini pies that were wrapped in bandanas along with screen printed tote bags filled with southern goodies.

BBQ Birthday Party Invitations by Atheneum Creative via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

BBQ Birthday Party Invitations by Atheneum Creative via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1)

So creative! Thanks Melissa!

Photo Credits: Chelsea Davis Photography

DIY Tutorial: Indigo Floral Print Wedding Invitations

We’ve always had a love affair with indigo – in fact, the wedding quilt that Emma’s mother created for her is made from scraps of vintage Japanese indigo fabrics. With its recent rise in popularity we decided that indigo would make the perfect inspiration for an invitation suite. The deep blue and white color scheme, mixed with floral elements and classic typography, makes it a design suitable for any season! – Bailey and Emma of Antiquaria

DIY Tutorial: Floral Indigo Wedding Invitations by Antiquaria via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Tie the square invitation and enclosure pieces together with indigo dyed twine and your guests will feel like they’re opening a gift!

DIY Tutorial: Floral Indigo Wedding Invitations by Antiquaria via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Step One: Lay a  5.5″ square card down on a firm surface. Ink your stamp (we used our Sophisticate Invitation Stamp) thoroughly and center it over your card. Once it is positioned correctly, press down to make a print. Use both hands to ensure even pressure. Lift off and let the print dry. For more information on this process go here.

DIY Tutorial: Floral Indigo Wedding Invitations by Antiquaria via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Step Two: You will repeat the printing technique from Step 1 for your reply card (we used our Sophisticate Reply Card Stamp) on a 4bar (3.5″x4.75″) card.  This time, instead of centering the stamp, you will print it toward the bottom of the card. This leaves space to print the floral pattern (we used our Daisy Pattern & Small Leaves Pattern Stamps) at the top. It’s best to start with the larger pattern stamp and then fill in with the smaller leaf stamp.

DIY Tutorial: Floral Indigo Wedding Invitations by Antiquaria via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Step three: We love to incorporate patterns in to our invitation suites, whether it’s an envelope liner, backer or belly band…it adds so much style and personality to the design. We created this indigo pattern by randomly stamping pattern stamps (we used our Camellia Pattern, Daisy Pattern and Small Leaves Pattern Stamps) in frost white ink on 8.5″ x 11″ card stock. The effect that it creates is so lovely!

DIY Tutorial: Floral Indigo Wedding Invitations by Antiquaria via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Step Four: To make the accommodations card, you will need to cut the 8.5″ x 11″ patterned paper into 5″ squares (you will get 2 per sheet). Next, ink and stamp your accommodations information (we used our Calligraphy Accent Accommodations Stamp) on the front of the navy blue card.

DIY Tutorial: Floral Indigo Wedding Invitations by Antiquaria via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Step Five: Using the same printing technique as above, you will print your return address and reply address (we used our Wildflowers Return Address Stamp) on the outer and reply envelopes. Now all that’s left is to tie everything together, address your envelopes, add postage (we used awesome blue vintage postage from Verde Studio) and send them on their way!

DIY Tutorial: Floral Indigo Wedding Invitations by Antiquaria via Oh So Beautiful Paper


Sophisticate Invitation Stamp

Sophisticate Reply Card Stamp

Calligraphy Accent Accommodations Stamp

Pattern Stamps – Camellia, Daisy, Small Leaves

Wildflowers Return Address Stamp

Stamp Pad – Frost White, Midnight

5.5″ Cards in Luxe Cream

5.75″ Envelope in Night

4bar Flat Card in Luxe Cream

4bar Envelope in Night

8.5″x11″ Cardstock in Night

Vintage Postage Verde Studio

String or twine

Anti­quaria is a mem­ber of the Designer Rolodex – you can see more of their beau­ti­ful work right here or visit the real wedding invitations gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: Antiquaria

Friday Happy Hour: The Dark & Stormy

About this time last year, Nole and I were enjoying our first trip to the Caribbean. To celebrate the memories of the trip, here’s a quintessential Caribbean cocktail, the Dark & Stormy. This is a drink that’s really great on a hot day, rich and fizzy and full of flavor, and somehow both spicy and smooth at the same time. – Andrew

Signature Cocktail: The Dark & Stormy by Oh So Beautiful Paper (20)

Oh So Beautiful Paper Signature Cocktail Recipe Card: The Dark & Stormy

Illustration by Caitlin Keegan for Oh So Beautiful Paper

The Dark & Stormy

2 oz Dark Rum
3-4 oz Ginger Beer
1/2 oz Lime Juice

Combine everything with ice, give it a good stir, garnish with a lime wedge and enjoy!

The proper rum to use here is Gosling’s, a Bermudan rum that’s a little spicy and a touch funky. But any dark and heavy rum, like a rich Demerara, could do nicely. The lime is not original to the recipe, which also hails from Bermuda, but is a great addition that really makes the other flavors pop.

Signature Cocktail: The Dark & Stormy by Oh So Beautiful Paper (21) Signature Cocktail: The Dark & Stormy by Oh So Beautiful Paper (22)

The Dark & Stormy is a trademark of Gosling’s, which has been making rum since 1806, since the early 20th century. But the drink’s origins probably go a little further back than that. British sailors started receiving a daily rum ration sometime in the 17th century* which, by the mid-1800s, was two ounces of heavy, dark rum of the sort Goslin’s made. Sometime later, the British navy also decided to build a ginger beer bottling plant (weird, right?). Some enterprising sailors (the original inventors of so much of what we drink today) likely started putting together their rum rations and ginger beer quickly thereafter; Gosling’s just made it official.

Signature Cocktail: The Dark & Stormy by Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)

*British sailors received their last rum ration on July 31st, 1970 – Black Tot Day. There’s a very small amount left from the last consignment, and I hear it’s very unusual and very delicious. It’s also very, very expensive – I’ve seen bottles for sale for nearly a thousand dollars – so, sadly, I don’t think we’ll be featuring it in any Cocktail Fridays any time soon.

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Kristen’s Fly Fishing Inspired Baby Shower Invitations

Baby showers often revolve around traditionally feminine themes and color palettes, so these shower invitations from Elpitha of Print In Cursive are a nice and refreshing change of pace! With a fly fishing theme, Elpitha letterpress printed the invitations in a navy and gray color palette with kraft paper backing. Love!

Fly Fishing Inspired Letterpress Baby Shower Invitations by Print In Cursive via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2)

From Elpitha: I did these invitations for a shower for a couple who loves fly fishing. It’s letterpress printed in two colors (navy + gray) on Reich Paper SAVOY backed with kraft paper.

Fly Fishing Inspired Letterpress Baby Shower Invitations by Print In Cursive via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)

Fly Fishing Inspired Letterpress Baby Shower Invitations by Print In Cursive via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

Fly Fishing Inspired Letterpress Baby Shower Invitations by Print In Cursive via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1)

Thanks Elpitha!

Photo Credits: Print In Cursive

Sarvenaz + Graig’s Art Nouveau Wedding Invitations

I love it when designers experiment with different printing methods to achieve a unique look – and that’s exactly what Jen from Starshaped Press did with these beautiful Art Nouveau-inspired invitations! Jen mixed a linoleum cut illustration with antique metal letterpress type to bring the couple’s vintage book cover inspiration to life in their wedding invitations. So lovely!

Art Nouveau Wedding Invitations by Starshaped Press via Oh So Beautiful Paper (9)

From Jen: Sarv and Graig were keen on wedding invitations that would resemble mini posters and they had great inspiration in the form of a vintage book cover. Given that letterpress printing doesn’t have the opaque vibrancy of screen printing, we ran a few tests to see if we could successfully achieve two light colors on dark blue paper and were happy with the result; the colors were muted in a faded, old fashioned way.

Art Nouveau Wedding Invitations by Starshaped Press via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1) Art Nouveau Wedding Invitations by Starshaped Press via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

We decided on creating a piece that was 7×10″ so that it would fold to 5×7″ and mail in a standard A7 envelope. The image worked perfectly as a two-color linoleum cut after a little adjustment to the overall size and placement. The type is set in a mix of deco-meets-nouveau styles to pull the overall design into a more cohesive and streamlined form. It is printed in gold to pop out from the navy paper.

Art Nouveau Wedding Invitations by Starshaped Press via Oh So Beautiful Paper (8)

The typesetting was very particular to achieve a subtle curve along the artwork. I loved having an opportunity to use our DeVinne type for their names; it’s a lovely and quirky typeface from the turn of the century that sadly doesn’t get enough play in the studio.

Art Nouveau Wedding Invitations by Starshaped Press via Oh So Beautiful Paper (6)

The invitation folds in half, and on the front panel (what you see when you pull it out of the envelope) is a snippet of the overall artwork with their initials rendered in our mortised initial caps and an ampersand from the 19th century typeface, Dakota.

Art Nouveau Wedding Invitations by Starshaped Press via Oh So Beautiful Paper (5)

The envelopes are sour apple green and the reply cards are pale yellow to give a little pop to the color palette. We continued the abridged image on the envelopes in gold (the return address is on the back flap) and carried through the multiple typefaces on the reply.

Art Nouveau Wedding Invitations by Starshaped Press via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)

Thanks Jen!

Check out the Designer Rolodex for more tal­ented wed­ding invi­ta­tion design­ers and the real invi­ta­tions gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: Starshaped Press