Behind the Stationery: Banquet Workshop

For our next installment of Behind the Stationery, we’re headed to Vancouver to talk with Sarah and Tammy of Banquet Workshop! A mainstay in the stationery world for 8 years and counting, Banquet Workshop’s graphic illustrations are bright and bold (and never quiet) have been translated into everything from art prints and everyday stationery to clothing and jewelry. Sharing about their lives before Banquet Workshop, the strong influences in their work and the importance of staying flexible, here is Sarah and Tammy! —Megan Soh

Behind the Stationery: Banquet Workshop

Tammy: Before Sarah and I started working on Banquet Workshop together I was working in development for a television production company whose main focus was documentary and reality-type television. Think adventure cooking shows, family swaps, life a fighter pilot as well as documentaries that tackle issues around homelessness, political prisoners, civil rights cold cases and local food movements. It was definitely interesting and fun work, but once I had my first child I realized that a more flexible job would be in my family’s best interest. I also always loved being my friend’s hypewoman and had a love of stationery since I was young. It seemed like a natural jump to work with Sarah on Banquet where I can combine both these things!

Sarah: I had worked as an artist and in both commercial and not-for-profit galleries, but had always done design and hand-work on the side. Banquet started with our Sea Animals of the Pacific Northwest screen print, and from there it was a natural segue to partner with Tammy and move into stationery.

We met through a friend when Tammy moved back to Vancouver from living in Montreal and Sarah was working at an artist run centre. We had many (too many!) ideas that we wanted to work on including sun suits for kids, becoming hand bag designers, making kid’s craft kits (which we did do!), but Sarah had already been making prints and cards. We realized quickly that we could build something bigger with making paper products that could potentially support our families. That said, we still freelanced for the first four years or so of starting our business – Sarah doing design and Tammy working in TV.

Behind the Stationery: Banquet Workshop

We are located in beautiful Vancouver on the west coast of Canada where we are surrounded by oceans and mountains. Our location definitely informs our work. When you are 20 minutes to the beach and forest there is definitely no way to avoid the influence. We also have a strong community of creative women that are forever discussing business, art, fashion, colour theory as well as the politics of the day, and they really motivate us as mothers, creatives, and entrepreneurs.

We have a good sized studio with a view of a luxury car dealership and the mountains, where we pack and ship our orders. Tammy works here mainly with our awesome employees. A lot of the magic happens at Sarah’s house in her home-based studio where she can focus on the creative inspired by her garden, a vast collection of vintage books and textiles, and fueled by too much coffee.

Behind the Stationery: Banquet Workshop

We print a few different methods: screen printing for posters and yardage, offset printing for cards, and letterpress for our garlands/ gift tags. All of our printers are truly passionate about what they do and we love the collaborative production process.

If we had to say what makes us unique (such a hard question for two humble Canadians to answer!) it would be our flair for colour and a distinct graphic style. We are also able to charge ahead when inspiration hits and are not often tied to trends. We really do what we want to do and are always looking to make our business more sustainable and interesting. We have now been in business for over 8 years and haven’t run out of new ideas that we want to do! The list grows longer by the day.

Behind the Stationery: Banquet Workshop

Every day is different for each of us but the main things that need to happen always are new products and sales!!! All the other tasks lead back to this—whether it’s reaching out to new retailers or making sketches for new products. We are always trying to figure out if what we want to make fits into the brand. At the heart of everything we do is a desire to put quality goods into the world that are useful, bring happiness, and make people feel good.

We do not really have a daily/weekly schedule but we talk about it all the time! We do need to have Christmas cards ready in May and are tied to the yearly holiday and tradeshow schedule but I think having variety and fluidity is the key for us being able to be flexible.

Behind the Stationery: Banquet Workshop

Part of the creative process is always looking and being open to inspiration no matter where we are. Some of our best sellers have come from a hand-lettered sign spotted at the mechanics, a hilarious anecdote from one of our kids, or an amazing new-to-us houseplant at a friend’s house. Getting outdoors is everything, but then actual libraries are of course our happy place, and colour is always a favourite. It’s amazing what a hit of neon pink can do!

Behind the Stationery: Banquet Workshop

Then it’s a lot of drawing: because we work mostly with vector-graphics, we draw a lot by hand as the initial process and to try and keep things warm. Even with the computer we try to keep that loose feel, quirks and all. All of our type is hand drawn too, with fonts kept as libraries within Illustrator. Colour is where we really get to play, with a specific palette we go back to again and again, dropping in new favourites as we see fit.

Behind the Stationery: Banquet Workshop

Jumping around is an important part of the process too. Sometimes we need to focus on finding a new way to say happy birthday (not so easy!), where at other times we get to work on repeat patterns and styling an entire table setting with our linens, or doing special projects like a recent 4 x 22 metre banner for the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation featuring eight specific water-birds spotted in False Creek, a central Vancouver waterway. Variety is what keeps the design process interesting.

Photos courtesy of Banquet Workshop.

Want to be featured in the Behind the Stationery column? Reach out to Megan at megan [at] ohsobeautifulpaper [dot] com for more details.

Friday Favorites

Lettering by Rachel Jacobson

We made it to Friday! Yay! This is the first Friday round up post in gosh, about three months now? Things always seem to get crazy right around Friday, but I’ve also found myself needing more space to get away from all the awful things in the news. I’ve been feeling just really stressed out a lot lately, and to cope with the stress I’ve been slowly cleaning out my house (clearing out and donating unused clothing, craft supplies, toys, and other random bits), simplifying our home décor, and lightening and brightening our home color palette. With all the chaos in the world these days, I want my home to be as calm and peaceful as possible. I’m sentimental with pack rat tendencies, so I tend to keep things around for a long time, but it feels so good to clear things out that used to make me happy, but no longer do so. I also have a ton of art prints that I’m no longer using, so let me know if you guys would be interested in an art print tag sale!

Anyway, it’s Friday – which means the Nordstrom anniversary sale is officially open to the public! If you missed it on Monday, you can find my style picks here. I also took a look through the home items in the sale, and there are lots of great options there! I’ve got my eye on this portable wine and cheese table (um, perfect for summer picnics!), this iridescent carafe and glass set, this blush and white pom pom blanket and sham set, and this cute little fringe pillow!

Oh, and speaking of pillows – every pillow in this Etsy shop is absolutely gorgeous, and a ton of them are on sale for 40% off right now! Go check it out!

If you haven’t already, be sure to download our printable summer bucket list from Bright Room Studio!

I need this wrap dress in like every single color.

Putting this book on my reading list ASAP.

Also, have any of you read any good fiction books lately? We’re planning a few days at the beach next week and I need recommendations!


Inspiring Calligraphers: Manayunk Calligraphy

Hey everyone! I’m honored to share the work here of a new favorite calligrapher, Kim Shrack of Manayunk Calligraphy. I love that Kim’s work has dabbled in using calligraphy for the everyday, calligraphy for special moments, calligraphy for super fun projects (hello, a Bachelorette nursery!), and calligraphy to give voice to a cause she feels passionate about. Let’s dive in! Jen

Inspiring Calligraphers: Manayunk Calligraphy

Inspiring Calligraphers: Manayunk Calligraphy

Inspiring Calligraphers: Manayunk Calligraphy

Inspiring Calligraphers: Manayunk Calligraphy

Photo Credit: Molly Carr Photography

Bachelorette fans, take note…

Inspiring Calligraphers: Manayunk Calligraphy

Here’s a peek at one of Kim’s favorite projects to work on! She created a calligraphy mural for none other than the former Bachelorette Desiree Siegfried (née Hartsock) and her husband Chris. Monica Mangin from The Weekender was tasked with designing a Pacific Northwest-style nursery for the couple, and Kim was pulled in to create an accent wall. Kim shares, “I pulled quotes from some of my favorite children’s books for the design. What I loved about this project is the idea that as their baby grows and learns to read, he’ll be surrounded by those words everyday – words that encourage him to be strong, kind and brave. It’s such a huge honor to be a small part of that.”

Inspiring Calligraphers: Manayunk Calligraphy

Photo Credits for nursery: Kyle Powers for Us Weekly Magazine.

“I absolutely love doing murals!” says Kim.

Inspiring Calligraphers: Manayunk Calligraphy

Inspiring Calligraphers: Manayunk Calligraphy

Inspiring Calligraphers: Manayunk Calligraphy

Photo Credits: Stacy Able

On creating lettering work beyond paper, Kim shares: I love working on non-paper surfaces. I’ve done lots of non-traditional place cards, so calligraphy on materials like marble, slate, etc. But by far my favorite non-paper place cards have also been the sweetest – macarons! It’s a very delicate process involving teeny tiny brushes, luster dust and a steady head – but the results are oh so lovely.

Inspiring Calligraphers: Manayunk Calligraphy

Inspiring Calligraphers: Manayunk Calligraphy

Photo Credits: Gabrielle Cheikh

Inspiring Calligraphers: Manayunk Calligraphy

In addition to all the lettering work Kim produces, she also teaches calligraphy courses on Skillshare. Her courses have been named Staff Picks (a designation for the top 1% of all classes) and she’s been named a Teacher to Watch (go Kim!). The two available classes are Modern Brush Calligraphy for Beginners and Develop Your Own Calligraphy Style.

Inspiring Calligraphers: Manayunk Calligraphy

Inspiring Calligraphers: Manayunk Calligraphy

Finally, Kim created this print (and there are tote bags) benefitting RAICES. Here’s what she had to say about this fundraising project and using her voice in this way as a creative artist who’s also a business owner.

Kim shares: Like an overwhelming number of people, I was very affected by the news that families who were entering the US seeking asylum were separated at the border. As an American, it disturbed me. As a new mother, it ripped out my heart. I researched organizations that were working to reunite families, and that’s how I found the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services, or RAICES. I learned that those parents who were detained were unable to be reunited with their children until they could pay their full bond — which is a minimum of $1,500. So I created a special collection of designs to benefit RAICES. 100% of the profits from the sale of these items when to RAICES, and I am thrilled to say that through the sale of these items on my website and in-person fundraisers by the Glenside Women for Progress, and a direct fundraiser on Facebook, we were able to raise $1,537 — enough to bail one person from detention and reunite a family.

Common sense says that it’s not smart to mix business and politics. I get that. Posting on this issue led directly to a loss of followers and subscribers. But here’s the thing: human rights are not political. Period. As human beings, we have an obligation to one another. When you see something that isn’t right, you can’t just “stay out of it.” Speak up. Donate your time or your money or both. Someday, my daughter, who is 9 months old, will learn about this period of American history in school. When she comes home and asks my husband and I what we did, I’m not going to say that we stayed out of it. That is was impolite to talk about such things. That is was bad for business. Instead, I’m going to tell her that I used the skills I had to try and do something. And more than that, I’m going to tell her that thanks to a group of people whose only commonality is that they like calligraphy, we were able to reunite a family. That’s worth more than any follower.

A big thank you to Kim for sharing her work!

Photo Credits, except where noted: Manayunk Calligraphy

Want to be featured in our calligraphy column? Reach out to us at submissions [at] ohsobeautifulpaper [dot] com with the subject line “Calligraphy Feature” for more details!

Printable Summer Bucket List

Can you believe it’s already mid-July?? This summer is flying by! We’ve been filling our summer with early evening swims at the neighborhood splash pad, walks around the monuments on the National Mall, and we’ve even stumbled upon a couple of free live concerts – including a performance by the U.S. Army Band on the steps of the Capitol building! But since my girls are now three and five, I really want to start creating some summer memories that we can all love and cherish as a family. I teamed up with Kim from Bright Room Studio to create an illustrated summer bucket list that I could fill with our plans for summer fun – and I’m sharing the printable summer bucket list so you can create your own summer memories!

Printable Summer Bucket List by Bright Room Studio for Oh So Beautiful Paper

So yes, we’re pretty much halfway through summer here – but it’s never too late to create family traditions and memories that you’ll cherish forever. So go ahead and print out the bucket list, then add some of the things you’ve already done on the list just so you can cross them right off. It’s the best feeling! Use the rest of the spots to list all the other things you want to do this summer, whether it’s as simple as painting your nails in rainbow colors (a very specific request from my five year-old) or collecting seashells at the beach.

Printable Summer Bucket List by Bright Room Studio for Oh So Beautiful Paper

So far we’ve gone for a couple of evening swims, eaten pizza on the boardwalk, had a picnic on the 4th of July, visited the Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens to see the beautiful lotus blossoms, and fed the ducks at least half a dozen times. We’ve got plans for spending a weekend at the beach very soon and I think we’ll be heading to the movies this weekend since it’s supposed to rain. We’ve been wanting to see the Incredibles 2!

Printable Summer Bucket List by Bright Room Studio for Oh So Beautiful Paper

And how cute are all of Kim‘s illustrations featuring all the little emblems of summer?? I absolutely adore them! A bucket with seashells, summer fruit, books, a suitcase, and a swimsuit – even a tiny ferris wheel! Can’t even handle the cuteness.

Printable Summer Bucket List by Bright Room Studio for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Printable Summer Bucket List by Bright Room Studio for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Printable Summer Bucket List by Bright Room Studio for Oh So Beautiful Paper

All you have to do is download the printable file below and print it at home or at your local copy & print shop. I recommend printing on a bright white card stock, ideally 80 lb weight or higher so it’s nice and sturdy for hanging up on your wall!

Printable Summer Bucket List by Bright Room Studio for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Printable Summer Bucket List by Bright Room Studio for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Printable Summer Bucket List by Bright Room Studio for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Printable Summer Bucket List by Bright Room Studio for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Now tell me, what are you going to put on your summer bucket list?? You can see my bucket list items above, but I’d love more ideas and suggestions for fun summer traditions!

Download the printable summer bucket list right here!

p.s. Printable ice cream cone wrappers and printable tropical envelope liners


Bright Room Studio is a member of the Designer Rolodex  â€“ you can see more of Kim’s beautiful work right here!

All artwork © 2018 Bright Room Studio created exclusively for Oh So Beautiful Paper. All artwork is made available for personal use only. By downloading the patterns you agree to the terms of use.

Photos by Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Quick Pick: Seedlings

Seedlings was one of the many new exhibitors at this year’s National Stationery Show, and I absolutely fell in love with their beautiful collection of illustrated greeting cards, notebooks, and notepads! True to their name, Seedlings incorporated plantable seed paper throughout the collection – from envelopes to packaging. Here are a few faves!

Quick Pick: Seedlings

I’ll Always Pick You

Sending You So Much Love

You Get Me

May All Your Wishes Come True

I Love Doing Life With You

Shapes Notepad

Thank You Note Card Set

Seek Peace Notebook Set

So cute, right? Lots more available right here!