Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you’re somewhere warmer than DC – it’s only the end of January and this is the coldest winter I’ve experienced since moving here more than 10 years ago! We’re supposed to have a couple of nice days this weekend, which I’m looking forward to enjoying before I head up to New York for NYNOW on Monday. Next week: reports from NYNOW! But in the meantime…


Photo by me via Instagram

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Check back soon for this week’s cocktail! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here next week! xoxo

Lili Emma’s Colorful Split Fountain Baby Announcements

These adorable birth announcements come to us all the way from Hungary! Designer and printer Judit from Confettini created these vibrant announcements for a darling baby girl born back in September. Judit used the split fountain technique to infuse these announcements with lots of bright color, then paired the announcements with hot pink envelopes and handmade confetti. Such a wonderful way to celebrate a new arrival!


From Judit: Lili Emma was born on a sunny Thursday morning. This girl is a little ray of sunshine in her family. We made this letterpress printed, hand lettered baby announcement for her.


For the first time we used a special inking technique called a split fountain – or rainbow roll. The process was really exciting. I love this ombre result and I think it looks really good on this paper. We paired the announcement with a lovely fuchsia envelope filled with custom coloured confetti. I hope this card will be a great memory for the family and for Lili for many years to come.




Thanks Judit!

Photo Credits: Confettini

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! And greetings from Alt Summit! It has been so fun to connect with old friends and meet new ones over the last couple of days! Between a long weekend, two snow days in DC, and traveling to Salt Lake City, this week has been a complete whirlwind. Today is the second and final day of Alt, and tomorrow I fly home to my little family in DC. I’ve missed them so much! But in the meantime…


Photo by me via Instagram

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Check back soon for this week’s cocktail! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here next week! xoxo

Vivi Mae’s Peach + Gold Birth Announcements

Happy Monday everyone! For those of you not enjoying a long weekend, I thought I’d start the week with these beautiful peach and gold baby announcements from Val Marie Paper! After welcoming her first child – an adorable daughter named Vivienne Mae – Valerie drew inspiration from gold envelope liners for the birth announcements. Valerie made sure to include Vivi’s stats and a photo of the happy new family of three while also conveying Vivi’s nickname to friends and family. So sweet!


From Valerie: As a designer, I had been eyeing some beautiful envelope liners from Paper Source and knew they would be perfect for Vivi’s peach and gold color palette. From there, I teamed up with Katherine Holly to calligraph Vivi’s name. We wanted to incorporate a few fun aspects knowing many of our friends and family had met Vivi before they received the announcements. We included some of Vivi’s nicknames during the first few weeks. She has even more now!


We also wanted to include a photo our new little family. I know when I see friends with new little ones, I always love to see photos of the parents too in their new element. And this being the year of Prince Edward, I thought it would be fun to add a little seal of Vivi’s initials that we can use on future designs. Not quite as fancy as the future king of England’s but fun nonetheless!





Part of our challenge was including her full name but letting people know what we would be calling her. Creating a two-sided card with her full name and info on the back seemed like the best solution for us!



Thanks Valerie!

Design: Val Marie Paper

Newborn Photo: Ell Photography

Calligraphy: Katherine Holly

Photo Credits: Val Marie Paper

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! It felt wonderful to get back into the swing of things this week! Sadly, I managed to come down with a slight cold this week, which is probably my body’s way of letting me know not to rush too fast back into a hectic schedule. So I’m off to rest and enjoy the weekend… I hope you all can do the same! But in the meantime…


Photo Credit: Sugar Paper for J.Crew

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Check back soon for this week’s cocktail! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here next week! xoxo