Wedding Invitation 101: Where to Start

Happy Monday everyone! I’ll be away for a couple of weeks to catch up on some personal things, but I’m leaving you in EXCELLENT hands while I’m away! Ashley from Fine Day Press graciously agreed to fill in for me this week, and we’re kicking things off with the first installment in a series of posts about wedding invitations! It’s a wonderful primer for anyone feeling overwhelmed by the world of wedding invitations and save the dates. Welcome Ashley!! –Nole


Hey there! Ashley Austin from Fine Day Press here. Nole has kindly invited me to guest blog this week, and I’m super-duper excited to be here sharing some fun posts with you all! Today we’re kicking off a weekly series all about wedding invitations called Wedding Invitation 101. Invitations are a big part of what I do over at Fine Day Press, in addition to greeting cards, calendars and other paper goodies. Over the years, I’ve learned a few tricks to streamline the process, and I’m sharing them with you here.


Your wedding invitations are often the first thing your guests will see; it should represent the spirit of the day and set the tone. It’s never too early in the planning process to start envisioning your dream invitations!

Will your wedding be a formal affair or is it more of a barefoot-on-the-beach event? Think about your style as a couple – does gold foil on navy stock suit your style, or will you go for a more romantic vibe with something hand-illustrated?

Maybe you’ve determined your wedding location, chosen your dress, flowers or even selected your color palette… All of these details can inspire your invitation suite.  But even if you haven’t figured those biggies out, you can still start dreaming up your perfect paper pairing.


Collecting inspiration is a great way to kick off the process. This could be as simple as making a folder on your computer to save images as you’re browsing wedding blogs, clipping things out of magazines, or creating a Pinterest board specifically for invitation ideas (my personal favorite!). Below is an inspiration board I’ve created for example:


Clockwise from top center: Bouquet via Southbound Bride; Hairstyle via Refinery29;  Soulmates painted sign Julie Song Ink; Invitation by Fine Day Press; Envelope & liner by Lana’s Shop; Naked cake via Wedding Sparrow; Milk & Cream type via Pinterest

Don’t just collect examples of invitations – think about colors, textures, ribbons, flowers, anything that might inspire you – like a throw pillow that’s the perfect shade of coral or the lace detail on the back of a dress.

Start researching stationery shops (whether brick & mortar or online) to identify a few you might like to work with. Found a stationer you like? Most stationery companies allow you to order a sample, so that you can see the paper and quality in person before committing to a bigger purchase. Local shops will have samples on hand for you to touch and feel.


There are as many ready-made invitation styles out there as there are brides-to-be, and finding an existing design can be a great option. Your selected design can often be customized with your colors and typography choice, among other details.

If you love being part of the creative process, or have a very specific design idea for your suite, a custom design may be for you. Crafting a custom design typically takes longer and may involve an initial meeting, moodboard development (this is where that inspiration you’ve collected comes in handy), and multiple rounds of design development. Budget will come into play here as well, as creating a from-scratch design requires significantly more hands-on time and pricing usually reflects this.


Sending out a Save the Date is a great way to give everyone on your list a heads up on your plans, and set the tone for the invitation to follow. Save the Dates are a great opportunity to do a less formal version of your invitation – for example, a magnet, a balloon or even a temporary tattoo are fun ideas! If you are having a destination wedding in a far-flung locale, a Save the Date is a must, in order to give your guests sufficient time to plan their travels.


A beautiful printed Save the Date from Designer Rolodex member Sable & Gray

Are mailed Save the Dates a must-do? Not necessarily! If you are getting out your invitations super early, you could skip it. Or perhaps your wedding is small enough that word of mouth is sufficient until the invitations are sent. Some folks may prefer to send a digital Save the Date. This can also serve to direct guests to your wedding website. Keep in mind, though, that less digitally-savvy relatives (hi, Grams!) may feel left out with this option.

We’ll cover invitation timing in greater detail in a future installment of this series!

Lemon-Mint Tiki Shrub

August is upon us, a sleepy month in DC. Congress goes on recess, the college kids go home, most everyone is off on vacation, and everyone here is generally wilted by the heat. So we thought we’d spend the month playing around with shrubs, those sweetened, flavored vinegars that were first popular before DC was DC, back in the 1700s. They take some time to make, which is ok, because there’s lots of time in August, and they pack a punch of flavor. We’re starting with – what else, because it’s August, after all – a Tiki spin on a shrub: a Lemon-Mint Tiki Shrub. –Andrew

Lemon-Mint Tiki Shrub Cocktail Recipe / Liquorary for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Lemon-Mint Tiki Shrub

2 oz Jamaican Rum
3/4 oz Lemon-Mint Shrub
3/4 oz Guava Nectar
1/2 oz Orange Liqueur
1/2 oz Lime Juice

Combine everything in a shaker filled two-thirds with crushed ice. Shake briefly to incorporate the ingredients, then pour everything, ice and all, into a tumbler or Tiki mug. Garnish with fresh mint and enjoy!

Tart, with citrus and mint and a vinegary acidity up front, then a long fruity finish, showing off the sweet, earthy guava. Wonderfully layered, as Tiki should be, throwing lots of flavors at you in sequence.

Lemon-Mint Tiki Shrub Cocktail Recipe / Liquorary for Oh So Beautiful Paper

We’ll be talking about making our own shrubs later this month, but for this one we wanted to use a shrub from one of our favorite cocktail-ingredient companies, Element Shrub. Not only is Element Shrub local to the DC area, and not only do they make beautifully fresh and clear shrubs, but they’re also very good people. Shrubs can be great to make fresh but, if you’re in a hurry, it’s getting easier to find a wide range of quality shrubs for sale.

Lemon-Mint Tiki Shrub Cocktail Recipe / Liquorary for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Guava nectar is a fun ingredient to use in Tiki drinks and cocktails in general. It’s made from a sweetened guava puree and we pick it up from our local Hispanic grocer. It adds a thick, rich, and distinctly tropical fruitiness to your drinks.

(Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!)

Glassware by Liquorary

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Happy Weekend!

Hi everyone! I’m cutting out a bit early this week to catch up on a few personal things and spend some time with my oldest kiddo – this summer is already racing by and I want to make sure I enjoy this time with her before school starts back up at the end of August. I can’t believe we’ll be going back to school in less than a month! I mentioned this on Instagram, but I’m going to try to pull together a round up (or two) of some back to school supplies. If there’s anything you’d like to see on the list (notebooks, rulers, pens and pencils, etc.) – be sure to let me know in the comments! But in the meantime…

Wilde House Paper via Instagram / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Image by Wilde House Paper via Instagram from the #dailydoseofpaper feed

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

We’ll be back tomorrow with this week’s cocktail recipe – our final Smash! Have a fantastic weekend, and I’ll see you back here next week! xoxo

Behind the Stationery: Richie Designs

California is full of wonderful stationery designers, and Richele of Richie Designs is no exception. Here to share about custom wedding invitations and her story of moving into greeting cards after 20 years in advertising and design – here’s Richele! —Megan

Behind the Stationery: Richie Designs / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Hi, I’m Richele Silva, owner of Richie Designs. Richie Designs is a design studio located in Long Beach, California. We’re the little city jammed between the Housewives of Beverly Hills and Orange County. I have a small office here in Long Beach where I meet with clients, pack orders, and get to leave my house once in a while. This space is new for me this year; previously, I had been running my business from home. It seems ideal that you could work from home, but I really missed “going to the office” and having a routine around that. I split my time now between the office and my press, which is still in le garage.

Behind the Stationery: Richie Designs / Oh So Beautiful PaperPhoto by Eric Hameister

I’ve worked in design and advertising for nearly 20 years, mostly in the power sports / automotive sector. I began at the bottom in a small design firm and worked my way up and essentially learned on the job. Since we were small, I had the amazing opportunity to sit in all of the jobs of the studio — from going to a meeting in place of the creative director to styling a photo shoot. It was a great situation for me, and I feel like it has given me the perfect education to run my business. Two years ago, I left that work to pursue my line. I had just turned 45, and I really didn’t want to get to 70 wondering “What if?” My husband and I made a plan so that I could go out on my own.

Behind the Stationery: Richie Designs / Oh So Beautiful Paper

I’ve done some version of greeting card design for 20+ years on the side, the last 10 being more serious as Richie Designs and letterpress printing. I happened onto printing when I began taking some classes for fun on the weekends. I purchased my own press when my instructor said, “you’re here again?” after I had taken so many consecutive classes for press time.

richie designs - wedding.wall.sized

My business has really evolved over the past 10 years, from custom weddings to a fuller greeting card line and then this year, with the addition of gift items, such as mugs, pencils, and notepads. My day-to-day is focused on my greeting line, but I have a great love for custom wedding and stationery clients.

Behind the Stationery: Richie Designs / Oh So Beautiful Paper

I work with wedding clients the same way that I worked with my Fortune 100 clients: consulting, conceptualizing, collaborating, and executing. I want them to be a part of each step. I find it’s rewarding for them as well as for myself. Sadly, I only take on a few wedding projects a year now because of time constraints from the other parts of my business, but it’s something that I really enjoy.

Behind the Stationery: Richie Designs / Oh So Beautiful Paper

My approach to greeting design is a little selfish, in that I design the greetings that I want to give. I love type, quirky observations from daily life, and conversations with my friends, so I work to blend those things together. I also have the mindset that I want as many of my cards as possible to have dual purposes. As an example, you could use my Snuggle Card for a sweetheart, friend, or child. I’m someone who buys three or four cards to keep in a drawer so that I’m covered, and I want buyers of my line to be able to do the same.

Behind the Stationery: Richie Designs / Oh So Beautiful Paper

My design process begins with sticky notes and doodles, which are usually all over my computer or inspiration boards. I jot quick things down as they come up, and then when I sit down to design I look back at those stickies and work on icons or type treatments to go with them. I might try out two or three designs per concept and then edit down from there. Once I have a collection of cards or a style that I know I’m on, I’ll order my plates and begin printing. Generally, I have colors somewhat worked out ahead of printing, but on occasion I’ll choose colors on the fly.

Behind the Stationery: Richie Designs / Oh So Beautiful Paper

I used to be very regimented about designing to the very nth degree before I got on press, but I’ve learned over the years that being a little bit loose helps my design process and also being open to the creative accidents that lead you to something new and exciting. It’s something that I want to take advantage of since I print my own work; most designers don’t get that opportunity. Art accidents are unexpected gifts — they don’t happen often, but when they do they’re magic.

Behind the Stationery: Richie Designs / Oh So Beautiful Paper

I have a small team: myself, Lis, who is my studio manager, my rep Sasha, and my husband Chris. On a typical day, Lis will print while I design, or she might be packing orders while I work on business stuff. As a business owner, I would say that the worst part of being a creative person and owning a business is that a good 80% of my day ends up being business-related vs. creating art now. I’m an artist first and an accidental businesswoman second, but in reality I have to switch that around to make this all work. With both Lis and Sasha, I feel really grateful that I have really talented and hard-working women next to me whom I also consider dear friends and great associates. My husband’s role is official cheerleader. I tried to teach him to print, but let’s just say keeping that part of our lives separate works out better for everyone involved!

Behind the Stationery: Richie Designs / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Right now, it’s midsummer, and we’re working on new designs, taking care of orders and some custom projects that we’re still discussing. My husband and I are looking forward to our first full week of vacation EVER. We’ve been together for 12 years now, but he went back to school for medicine during that time and then just when he was settled, I started my business. We’re long overdue and really looking forward to it. Thanks for stopping by the studio!

All photos by Richie Designs except where noted.

Interested in being featured in Behind the Stationery? Email megan [at] ohsobeautifulpaper [dot] com.

DIY Iridescent Favor Bags

Yesterday I shared a few DIY party favor ideas, all with iridescent and pastel elements. Glassine bags are a quick and easy way to package party favors, and I originally searched for some readymade iridescent glassine bags to use in the post – but I couldn’t find any! So I decided to take matters into my own hands and make some DIY iridescent favor bags. It was so simple, and I absolutely loved how they turned out, so I thought I’d share the steps with you along with a quick and easy idea for personalizing your party favor bags!

DIY Iridescent Favor Bags / Oh So Beautiful Paper

DIY Iridescent Favor Bags / Oh So Beautiful Paper

I absolutely loved the iridescent favor bags paired with prism twine from Knot & Bow and vellum party favor tags from Swiss Cottage Designs (which you can download here), but I wanted to add even more personalization to the favor bags. So I turned to my favorite DYMO label maker! I use the classic black embossing tape to label and organize just about everything at home, and it seemed like a fun and modern way of adding a personalized message to the bags. I had my daughter’s upcoming 4th birthday party in mind when creating these favor bags, so I was thrilled to discover the neon pink label tape! Neon pink and iridescent party favors? Done and done. Here’s how to make your own!

DIY Iridescent Favor Bags / Oh So Beautiful Paper



DIY Iridescent Favor Bags / Oh So Beautiful Paper

To make the iridescent favor bags:

Step 1. Cut a piece of iridescent cellophane or tissue that is twice as wide as the glassine bag and comes about 3/4 of the way up the glassine bag, plus another inch. My glassine bags were 3″ wide by 5.5″ tall, so my pieces were approximately 6″ wide and 4.5″ tall. You’ll need one piece of iridescent cellophane per glassine bag. I made each of my cellophane pieces super crinkly by crumpling several pieces together in my hand, then once again laying them out flat.

Step 2. Use your paintbrush to apply a thick coat of Mod Podge to the front of the glassine bag. Place the piece of iridescent cellophane (roughly centered) over the glassine bag and press down. Flip the glassine bag and iridescent cellophane over and apply another strip of Mod Podge to the bottom of the glassine bag and iridescent cellophane, then fold the iridescent cellophane over the bottom of the glassine bag and press down. Repeat on both sides until the entire bag is covered in iridescent cellophane. Allow everything to dry completely, ideally overnight.

Step 3. Use your label maker to create a few fun and personalized party messages, and apply the phrases directly to the favor bag. For a kids birthday party I think it would be super cute to have the child’s name, age, and the party date on each bag! For a wedding, the names of the couple and the wedding date. Or keep it simple with a short thank you message – whatever works for your event!

Step 4. Fill each bag with a sweet treat and seal them in the back with a piece of washi tape. Place them in a tray or basket so party guests can grab a bag on their way home!

DIY Iridescent Favor Bags / Oh So Beautiful PaperDIY Iridescent Favor Bags / Oh So Beautiful Paper

DIY Iridescent Favor Bags / Oh So Beautiful PaperDIY Iridescent Favor Bags / Oh So Beautiful Paper

DIY Iridescent Favor Bags / Oh So Beautiful PaperDIY Iridescent Favor Bags / Oh So Beautiful Paper

DIY Iridescent Favor Bags / Oh So Beautiful Paper

The black label tape is still totally cute, BTW! I love the neon pink for a kids birthday party, but black and iridescent would be a fun combination for a modern wedding, don’t you think??

DIY Iridescent Favor Bags / Oh So Beautiful Paper

DIY Iridescent Favor Bags / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Aaaaaannnd….. now I kind of want to add an iridescent layer to ALL THE THINGS. It’s so fun and sparkly! What should we iridescent-ify next??

p.s. Iridescent and pastel party favor ideas with printable favor tags!

Photos by Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper