Last week I featured a few of my favorite write-on 2014 calendars, so this week I thought I’d head in the opposite direction and pull together a few favorite calendars that pull double duty as art for your walls! Simply find an open spot, hang one of these beauties, and enjoy year round! And for some, you can even cut the calendar part off at the end of the year and continue to enjoy the art as a stand alone print. What could be better?
1. Julia Kostreva gold foil prisms calendar on speckletone paper; 2. Lisa Rupp; 3. Leah Duncan; 4. Karolin Schnoor; 5. Katharine Watson
6. Little Lark (available in silver, gold, and gray on black); 7. Khristian Howell; 8. Curious Doodles embroidery tea towell calendar; 9. Michelle Armas (2014 calendar coming soon!); 10. The House That Lars Built
Check out the full 2014 calendar round up right here!
{images via their respective sources}