Happy Monday everyone! Are you all still here, or have you started to run off for the holidays already? We leave for my in-laws house on Thursday, but I’ll be posting all week just in case you were wondering. I always use the last couple of weeks of the year to get myself organized, and I spent quite a bit of time over the weekend updating my Pinterest page with some of my favorite inspiration from the last year. I love looking back on the year to see what inspired me, from fantastic wedding invitations to wedding details to interiors. So to start things off this morning, I thought I’d share a few of my favorite images:

{Mr. Boddington’s Studio via Brooklyn Bride; Eric Piasecki via Desire to Inspire}
This year I’ve been drawn to slightly darker interiors, although we’ll see if I start going back to peaceful whites and lighter tones now that the sun is setting at 4:30 every afternoon. I absolutely adore the desk and wallpaper from the tour of Mr. Boddington’s Studio, and if there’s anything I’ve learned this year, it’s that darker walls can be beautiful with the right kind of light.

{Jose Villa via Once Wed}

{Ashley Brockinton Photography via The Bride’s Cafe; Rosie Parsons via Ruffled}
For weddings, I’m still just as in love with silhouettes as ever, but love seeing them done in an unexpected way – like the wedding cake above. I also developed a serious crush on papel picado banners and quasi-industrial lighting for wedding receptions.

{evs media via Once Wed}

{The Indigo Bunting}
This has been a pretty incredible year for wedding invitations and I’m going to attempt a best-of round-up of my favorites next week, but these two invitations are high up on my list. For the papercut invitation, artist Rob Ryan gave the bride permission to use his artwork for the invitation – so amazing!

{alli coate}
One of my favorite quotes, made even more lovely with sweet embroidery.
There’s tons more where that came from, and you’re welcome to visit me over at Pinterest!
{all images via their respective sources}