Phoebe’s Floral and Gold Foil Birth Announcements

Erin of BerinMade and her husband recently welcomed their first child – a darling baby girl named Phoebe Rose! Erin designed a floral birth announcement inspired by Phoebe’s middle name, and featuring Phoebe’s darling silhouette! Ah, baby silhouettes. There is nothing sweeter! Erin also hand lettered Phoebe’s name, which was stamped in gold foil over the digitally printed floral background. Such a beautiful combination!

Floral Birth Announcement by BerinMade via Oh So Beautiful Paper

From Erin: My husband and I were started thinking about these birth announcements before Phoebe was born because we were so excited! The suite is inspired by her name, Phoebe Rose. Phoebe’s name means a “bright, shining light” and we really wanted concept to stand out on the announcement. We knew we wanted gold foil for her name. I incorporated my hand-painted roses as the floral background of the card and hand-lettered her name. The card was then digitally printed on watercolour textured stock, then gold foil was pressed on top.

Floral Birth Announcement by BerinMade via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Floral Birth Announcement by BerinMade via Oh So Beautiful Paper

A silhouette of her face was traced from the very last scan we did prior to giving birth! And because we had received so many presents and well-wishes by that point, we also had matching notecards printed with the rose motif. On the back, we printed a verse which reads “Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.”

Floral Birth Announcement by BerinMade via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Congrats Erin!

Photo Credits: Kirsten Mavric Photography

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! It has been a cold and wintery week here in DC – with more snow on the way this weekend, eeek! Last winter was incredibly mild and I kind of forgot what a real winter is like. The one bonus? Sophie looks adorable in the puffy winter coat we bought for her once we realized her little fleece sweatshirt wasn’t going to cut it this winter. Right now I’m looking forward to a mostly unscheduled weekend, except for checking out Holiday Heap in Baltimore tomorrow. But in the meantime…


Typographic Map Print by Little Owl Designs

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Check back soon for this week’s cocktail! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here next week! xoxo

Oliver’s Tolkein-Inspired Birth Announcements

We’ve seen Game of Thrones-inspired wedding invitations – and now Tolkein-inspired birth announcements! Meghan of OFD Consulting and her husband Travis are huge J.R.R. Tolkien fans and recently welcomed a beautiful baby boy, Oliver. For his birth announcements, Meghan and Travis knew they wanted to draw inspiration from their literary hero. They worked with Anticipate Invitations and a slew of talented vendors to create a birth announcement that could have come straight out of the pages of The Hobbit!


From Meghan: My husband Travis and I are a bit notorious among our friends and family for loving all things geeky (our nursery is a great representation), so we wanted to do something particularly memorable for our son’s birth announcements. I handed the reins over to my friend Michael from Anticipation Invitations and let him run with it. I spent years working in the wedding industry and learned early on that you should just trust the professionals, so we gave him little directions other than… “The Lord of the Rings… and go!”


We were thrilled with the finished product, which is reminiscent of a page out of a Tolkein book. We showcased photos on the front and back, and recipients were delighted to see their mailing address in a Hobbit-esque font.




Thanks Meghan!

Announcements: Anticipate Invitations

Vintage Stamps: Caity Ash Badashery

Washi Tape: Pretty Tape

Rubber Stamp: Lindsay Letters

Photo Credits: Travis Ely

Hello Brick & Mortar: Great Relationships Part I

Last time, we talked about how to approach little brick & mortar shops. Now we get to talk about maintaining that relationship. Spoiler alert: Starting now, I love to take your calls! – Emily of Clementine


Illustration by Emily McDowell for Oh So Beautiful Paper

1. 3-2-1 Contact! 

So, we’ve clicked. I liked your goods. You sent your first order. Now what? Well, let’s take a cue from the great 80s theme song on 3-2-1-Contact: Contact is the secret; is the moment when everything happens! Contact is the answer; is the reason that everything happens! 

Why am I giving you an earworm for the rest of the day? Because it’s a great mantra for maintaining retail relationships and I think a few of you need that. How do I know? Because, the comments and emails I got after my first post made it clear that: 1. You all are super lovely and amazing. 2. You are afraid you’re bothering me.


One of my many beloved refurbished typewriters at Clementine

2. Are you bothering me?

Probably not. Remember: Your goal is to get me to re-order. I am pretty darn busy over here and I have a lot of stationery, so if your cards sell out, I may not notice for a bit. When you’re in contact, I order more frequently and I feel cared for, which makes me order more frequently.

Are you bothering other shop owners? I’m speaking for myself in this column, but I imagine my preferences are similar to other small brick & mortars. The best way to find out, of course, is to become psychic ask. How? Here’s one way:

We’re at the National Stationery Show or a Craft Fair, you’ve just finished writing up my order, you turn to me and say: “I’m so thrilled to be in your shop and wondered what your preferences are for re-orders and contact.”  You only need the basics: 1. Do I have a buying schedule? 2. Do I prefer emails/calls? Bonus points: is there anything that my current vendors do that I particularly like?

We’re both busy, we’ll both forget to return emails, but this little exchange tells me that maintaining a good relationship matters, and that gesture will go a long way.

3. What if you forgot to ask these things when we first met?

Of course you forgot, those lights at NSS are really bright and you didn’t sleep for the week prior. You can ask these things at any time, and this kind of attentiveness goes a long way whenever you ask.

When else should you be in touch? Great question. Have you seen this chart? The moral of that chart is: don’t wear tights and pretend they’re pants. The moral of this post is: wondering if you’re bothering me is not going to make me re-order. With that in mind, here is my basic list of when and how to contact small retailers:

Send a group email whenever:

  • Your line has new catalog additions.
  • You have seasonal deadlines.
  • You have free freight or other sales and promotions.
  • Your line gets great press.
  • Remember: always include a link to your online shop and all social media handles.

Note: I suggest investing time in mailchimp or another email system. Create a stockist or “potential stockist” category and email all of us in one swoop. (Just beware of the new gmail system that throws these emails into the ‘promotions’ tab. That may be why you’re not hearing back from us.)

Send a personal email whenever:

  • It’s been 2-3 months since my last order (this is a quick “Just checking in to see if you need anything…” email).
  • I said I was going to send an order but you haven’t heard from me.
  • You’re having a problem that delays my order.*
  • My net 30 has passed. In small shops, we often literally do it all. Don’t be afraid to send an emails that reminds me that I forgot to pay you. It will also remind me that I may need to re-order
  • You want to brainstorm. People love being asked their opinion. Retailers are people! I love what you do and really enjoy talking about new ideas/colors/products, even if I don’t carry your line.  I am emailing presently with the lovely Brannon about an unsolicited idea that I gave her which she is generously entertaining.
  • Bonus points: at New Year, send me stats on what I ordered last year and offer an incentive to make a large January order that mirrors last year’s favorites. (I have money in January, so come and get it!)

Note: I want to stress the importance of the third point.* Tell me when you are having problems that create unusual delays. It’s natural to go silent and hope problems resolve themselves. Resist that temptation. Send a quick note letting me know what the problem is. If the problem is personal, I totally get that and you can be vague, but I need the end game: is my product coming and when? Most of the time I’m not in a rush, but if I am, I need to make other arrangements. If it’s more than a little blip, consider a small gesture: cover the shipping or include extra product. A little offer goes a long way. I have had very few bad interactions with vendors (and none with stationery folks), but I am currently embroiled in one that stems from pretty significant mis/non-communication on their part. I’m floored by how unprofessional their communication strategy is, and the worst part is that a few personal emails along the way would have gone a long way toward preserving the relationship.

Give me a call if: 

  • I said I wanted to fill out an order over the phone.
  • You want to chat/brainstorm (and you emailed first to see if I’m free).
  • You have a quick question/need clarification on my order/need my credit card number, etc. and I’m not responding via email.

Note: I still wouldn’t suggest “just calling” to check in about re-ordering. Retail shops get so many cold-calls, we’re on high alert to be annoyed when the phone rings. But if we are emailing and you say “can I call you?” I will say: YES!

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Ever so fun to unwrap: Orders in from Iron Curtain Press and Scout’s Honor Co

Follow us on social media if:

  • It adds to your day and doesn’t become a burden. A well timed comment or an ongoing conversation on instagrampinterestfacebook or twitter builds our relationship and creates easy, more frequent contact. We all have our favorites. I’m kind of a terrible twitterer. I love instagram. I love seeing what you’re working on via social media and responding right there.
  • It makes you happy. Social media can reinforce the worst high school feelings: Followers, inside conversations, the feeling that you have to be there showing something amazing. These are tiny worlds. Use them for good and enjoy them. Do the ones you enjoy, don’t feel compelled to do any, but know that it’s a great way to be in touch which makes your other contact (email, calls, in person hellos) even more welcome.

Send a personal note:

  • With every order. (I mean, only if you know someone who makes nice cards.)
  • Just because! Carina sent me a just because letter after my thanksgiving post. We have never met and it basically made me cry. In a good way. Isn’t that what we all want? 
  • Bonus points: Make your look orders lovely. Use Angela’s ribbon. It’s just the best.
  • Bonus points: Include 1-4 cards that I’ve never ordered before. 
  • On my birthday. Kidding, that’s totally not necessary (it’s February 23).


Letter & Lark and Shanna Murray orders are always an utter treat to unwrap

Personalizing is where we, as small business owners, have so much power over the big-box operations. And personalizing, ultimately is about making contact. When in doubt, be in touch when it feels right, these ideas are ideas, not guidelines. There’s very little wrong you can do. I love my stationery vendors especially, because you wrap my orders like gifts, with a sweet note and goodies. This is the way I want Clementine to run, with small touches that make an indelible mark. Surrounding myself with vendors like you, who share this view makes it palatable to send in my law school loan check each month. I love what I do now (and I’m really glad I’m not practicing law). Everything I did before brought me to this point and I’m so thrilled to be sharing in this world with you. In other words; you’re not bothering me. So, you know, let’s make contact!

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My ever changing collection of your notes at Clementine, an outgoing package from Clementine

All photos: Emily Blistein via Instagram

Henry’s Guitar-Inspired Letterpress Birth Announcements

I’ve been so busy with holiday-related content, I haven’t been able to feature any baby announcements for the past few weeks! Let’s remedy that today, shall we? Heather from Maida Vale recently welcomed her first child – an adorable little boy named Henry. Inspired by her musician husband, Heather knew she wanted to create a guitar-inspired birth announcement. So cute!


From Heather: Before Henry’s birth, my husband Shawn and I developed the concept behind his announcement. Shawn is a musician, so I designed a “ticket” wrap to announce Henry’s debut. After Henry was born, the talented Carolyn Kipper orchestrated the photo of him perched on Shawn’s guitar. I then printed the wraps on my press and outsourced double-sided photo cards. Finally, we tied the whole bundle together with a guitar pick and baker’s twine.




Thanks – and congratulations! – Heather!

Photo Credits: Maida Vale