Quick Pick: Linda & Harriett

It’s a huge understatement to say that I’m a fan of Liz from Linda & Harriett. I’ve admired her wonderful stationery for years, was thrilled to work with her on the invitations for the 2013 Paper Party this past spring, and I love her approach to the creative process. Liz has been quietly working on a new website for the past few months, and it’s finally live! And just in time for the holidays, with a fabulous 2014 calendar, screen printed gift tags, notepads, and more! My favorite item in the new shop? This wonderful seasonal note card box set with 16 total designs – four for each season!








Congrats Liz!

Photo Credits: Linda & Harriett

Veterans Day


Photo Credit: Belle & Union via Instagram

We’re observing Veterans Day today, but I’ll be back tomorrow with new posts – including two brand new columns launching this week! In the meantime, our thoughts and support are with all of those who have served our country, including veterans, foreign service officers, civil service offers, and their families.

If you like, you can help support troops deployed overseas through Belle & Union’s Flag boxed note cards. Proceeds go to Operation Write Home, a non-profit organization that helps soldiers keep in touch with loved ones back home.

Friday Happy Hour: Raised in a Red Barn

Nole has been working with the fine folks at Red Barn Mercantile to help curate their holiday card collection this season. Along the way, someone suggested a signature cocktail for their holiday unveiling party (more on that soon!). So here it is: the Raised in a Red Barn, and we’re pretty proud of this recipe. Give it a try and enjoy fall in a glass. – Andrew



Illustration by Shauna Lynn for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Raised in a Red Barn

2 oz Bourbon
3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth
3/4 oz Lemon Juice
1-2 Ripe Figs, Washed and Halved

Muddle the figs in the bottom of a cocktail shaker (a tablespoon or two of fig jam or fig butter will do in a pinch). Fill the shaker with ice, then add the bourbon, vermouth, and lemon juice. Shake well, then strain into a chilled cocktail glass – use a sieve or a tea strainer to filter out any fig seeds or bits – and enjoy!


This was one of the first (and one of the best!) recipes I came up with entirely on my own. It’s something like the love child of a Manhattan and a Sour, but the figs…the figs!  Those figs add a unique sweet fruitiness that rounds out the sharpness of the spirits and the tartness of the lemon juice. Plus, the whole drinks ends up with a tawny color that reminds me of nothing more than the leaves changing all around us during this glorious fall. Just make sure your figs are ripe and juicy; I recommend erring on the side of more fig to make sure the drink isn’t too tart from the lemon.


I love this drink, but it teaches me something of a humbling lesson about cocktails. When I first made it, I didn’t have fresh figs. I had Trader Joe’s Fig Butter sitting in the fridge, unused and unloved and looking for a purpose. So, in a wild experiment, I threw it into a cocktail and… it worked. It worked!  It was great! Lesson learned: sometimes, picking random ingredients from the back of a refrigerator shelf is the best way to make an amazing drink.


The flip side is: I have made many, many terrible drinks by experimenting this way, and have had to dump plenty of good booze down the drain because I made wildly bad calls about ingredients and flavors and ended up with completely undrinkable drinks. But the only way you’ll know what works is if you try. Happy experimenting!

Speaking of trying: have you ever tried one of our cocktail recipes? If so, tell us about it in the comments! Or Instagram it, and share it with us with via #osbpcocktails! (We’re @liquorary and @beautifulpaper)

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! So, that whole thing about kids being sick the entire first year of school or daycare? NOT AN EXAGGERATION. We’re currently on virus number three in just under two months. I’m feeling like we can’t catch a break, but thankfully this round seems to be milder than the previous two. Thankfully, for the first time in several weeks, we have absolutely zero obligations for the weekend. We’re planning to take things easy, enjoy the last of this beautiful DC fall, and maybe do a few things around the house (maybe). I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! But in the meantime…


Photo by me via Instagram

…a few links for your weekend:

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Check back soon for this week’s cocktail! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here next week! xoxo

Sneak Peek: Martha Stewart Real Weddings Special Issue

The Real Weddings Special Issue of Martha Stewart Weddings just hit newsstands – and I’m so excited to share a sneak peek with all of you today! As per usual, I immediately flipped open my issue ready to pore over every stationery detail in the featured weddings. But this time, I was so pleasantly surprised to see a familiar face in the issue!


Julie Savage is a wedding planner in Annapolis, Maryland – just a hop skip and a jump from DC. Julie and her husband were married in Paris last fall, and I was so happy to see their dreamy destination wedding in the special issue, along with the beautiful invitations by Little Bit Heart and calligraphy by Laura Condouris!


And since I’m on the subject of Martha Stewart Weddings – have you already seen the Fall 2013 issue? I was thrilled to see this beautiful Maine wedding from my friend (and very talented photographer) Katie Stoops in the issue, along with some beautiful wedding stationery inspired by fall fashion trends!




Check out both issues on newsstands now!

Photo Credits: Real Weddings Cover by Delbarr Moradi Photography, Julie Savage wedding by KT Merry, Maine wedding by Katie Stoops Photography, Stationery Photos by Sivan Lewin for Martha Stewart Weddings, 2013