The Stone Wall

Fall is right around the corner. Right? It still feels like summer in DC, even though we’re nearly halfway through September. But when it does eventually arrive, fall in DC is usually gorgeous: clear and crisp and bright. So my plan is to start shifting away from summer cocktails and start talking about fall cocktails, a bit crisper and darker than what you’d find in the summer. I find that beer is a great ingredient for these sorts of transitional cocktails: heavier, richer, but still effervescent. So this week we’re playing around with some fun lambic beer for our season opener, the Stone Wall. – Andrew



Illustration by Shauna Lynn for Oh So Beautiful Paper

The Stone Wall

1 1/2 oz Bourbon
1 oz Apple Cider
6 oz Peach or Raspberry Lambic Beer
3 Dashes Aromatic Bitters

Combine the bourbon, cider, and bitters in an ice-filled highball glass. Top with the beer and give the glass a gentle stir. Enjoy!

Lambic beer is part of a special family of beers – wild beers, mostly brewed in Belgium but a few over here in the States. Most beers today are fermented using strains of cultivated brewers yeast, but for many centuries before the discovery of yeast beers were fermented by wild bacteria and yeasts. Lambics are still made this way, exposing the raw ingredients of beer to the open air and letting wild strains work their magic. The result is a sharply tart and dry brew, so most lambics are flavored or fermented with fruits to sweeten and balance the sourness. (They’re not stocked in every liquor store, but ask around and check for big pint-sized bottles on back shelves. They’re worth a try.)



So the Stone Wall – a play on the very classic and perfect-for-fall Stone Fence – combines sweet, oaky bourbon and sweet, mellow apple cider with a lip-smacking, sweet-tart blast of fizzy lambic. The lambic’s summer fruit notes help add sweetness, balance, and a sense seasons changing. Plus, it’s still tall and cold and carbonated enough to feel refreshing if the weather’s still as muggy as ours. You know, versatile.

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! We’re looking forward to a low-key celebration of Sophie’s 2nd birthday this weekend. We decided not to do a party this year, since little brother or sister could arrive at any moment (which makes party planning a bit difficult!) – and even though Sophie is still pretty clueless when it comes to the concept of a birthday party, we plan to do something small at home. There will definitely be cake involved! But in the meantime…


Rainbow cake // Photo by Nicole Hill Gerulat for One Charming Party via Bump Smitten

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Check back soon for this week’s cocktail! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here next week! xoxo


My sweet girl turns two tomorrow. Two! A legit little kid on the verge of becoming a big sister (even if she doesn’t quite realize it yet). We could never have imagined how much joy and laughter she would bring to our lives – or how my heart feels like it could burst with love for her. Happy birthday Sophie!








p.s. Sophie turns one

All photos by me via Instagram

NYNOW Summer 2014, Part 2

Even though I wasn’t able to attend NYNOW Summer 2014, I definitely tried to walk the show vicariously via photos and Instagram! Samantha & Whitney shared their favorite finds earlier today, but I thought I’d also share a few of the booths that I really really wish I’d been able to cover in person. First up – Etsy Wholesale! I was so bummed to miss their inaugural pavilion with 24 amazing designers, from lighting to ceramics to textiles. Everyone I’ve spoken with who attended the show said that the pavilion looked amazing and the designers all brought wonderful products. And seriously – how awesome is that pegboard display?? I hope they do this again at the Winter 2015 show!


All Etsy Wholesale booth photos by Laura Pardo Photography


Honeycomb Studio


Cotton and Flax


Grace Design



Little Goodall



Redraven Studios



Little Low Studio

The Crow & Canary booth is always a highlight of my tradeshow experience – and with new goodies from Red Cap Cards, The Great Lakes Goods, and more on display and more I was even more bummed not to see it in person!


The Great Lakes Goods


The Good Twin Co / Photos via Crow & Canary


Ferme à Papier / Red Cap Cards


The Social Type / The Good Twin Co / Photos by Gus & Ruby Letterpress

After sitting out the most recent Stationery Show with her new baby, Laura from Fisk & Fern was back in force at NYNOW! So many cute new cards and tea towels.





Photos via Fisk & Fern

I’m looking forward to heading back up to NYC for the Winter 2015 show!