Bug Birthday Party

Hi there, Oh So Beautiful Paper readers! Audrey here again, and this time I’m giving you a peek into some of my family life at home when I’m not working at Urbanic. When my eldest son Javin came to me and said that he wanted a ‘bug party’ for his 6th birthday, I admittedly wasn’t too excited about this. I imagined that it was going to be tough to find a way to keep this party from becoming overly cutesy or un-attractively creepy. I spent some time searching for design inspiration and came up with a plan to make it work with a little bit of crafting and some food fun.

Bug Theme Kids Birthday Party by Urbanic via Oh So Beautiful Paper

For decor, I mounted plastic insect ‘specimens’ to hexagon colored card stocks and strung a bitten leaf  birthday banner which we had punched lots of holes in! All of the foods were healthy small bites inspired by insects. We had ‘lady bug bites’, ‘caterpillar kabobs’, ‘ants on a log’, and then sang Happy Birthday with a ‘dirt cake’ made up of chocolate mousse, whipped cream and cookie crumbs. The kids each had their own adorable serving crowned with a gummy worm! Bug Theme Kids Birthday Party by Urbanic via Oh So Beautiful Paper

The activities we hosted for the children consisted of a bug bounce and a bee toss. We also made kids sized play stations that involved little games and challenges with plastic bugs.

Bug Theme Kids Birthday Party by Urbanic via Oh So Beautiful Paper

For favors, we punched holes in the lids of mason jars and turned them into lady bug habitats. The kids got to take them home and release into their yards. We added a little legend to each jar about how special lady bugs are and they ways they can benefit a garden. They whole thing was so fun … except getting those lady bugs into the mason jars!



PS Here’s where I found everything: ladybugs , dirtcake, cute signage,  spaceships & laserbeams invitation download,  plastic bugs, mason jars + magnifying glasses



Guest Post: A Day in the Life of Sugar Paper

I’ve asked some of my favorite creative mamas to help out while I’m away with our new baby. Today we get a look behind the scenes at a day in the life of one of my favorite stationers â€“ Chelsea and Jamie of Sugar Paper â€“ including a peek at their beautiful studio! –Nole

A Day in the Life with Sugar Paper via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Being a working mother can be tricky, as any working mother can tell you. It’s a constant juggling act of making sure you honor your commitments to your family and also your business. Learning to prioritize which needs to come first at any given time is the hardest part. Your heart can pull you one way and your deadlines can pull you the other… and sometimes it feels like nobody wins. But the truth is, it’s what we do here everyday and we’d be lying if we said that we didn’t love both jobs. Being a mother is the biggest honor and biggest challenge of our lives, and surprisingly, we feel similarly about Sugar Paper.  â€“ Chelsea and Jamie of Sugar Paper

We’re often asked how we do it so we thought we’d share a day in the life.

6:30am Little People Pop Out of Bed
7am  Breakfast Chaos
8am Showers for Mom, Kids Get Teeth Brushed + Clothes Changed

A Day in the Life with Sugar Paper via Oh So Beautiful Paper

8:45am Preschool Commute
9:00am  School begins

A Day in the Life with Sugar Paper via Oh So Beautiful Paper

9 to 10 Coffee, Personal Phone Calls, “Me Time”
10am  In Office: Email, Phone Calls, Meetings, Design

A Day in the Life with Sugar Paper via Oh So Beautiful Paper

5:30pm Head Home
6pm Dinner

A Day in the Life with Sugar Paper via Oh So Beautiful Paper

7pm Bath Time
7:30 Story Time

A Day in the Life with Sugar Paper via Oh So Beautiful Paper

8pm With any luck, Kids are sleeping…
8:30pm Kids are actually sleeping

A Day in the Life with Sugar Paper via Oh So Beautiful Paper

9pm Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, “Me time”
11pm Bed

A Day in the Life with Sugar Paper via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Rinse and Repeat


A Day in the Life with Sugar Paper via Oh So Beautiful Paper

p.s. Ed Note: For a more in depth interview with Chelsea and Jamie about the evolution of Sugar Paper I highly recommend this article on The Everygirl! –Nole

Modern Takes on Classic Kid’s Party Themes

Whether you like it or not, there’s a good chance a kiddo of yours might want to have a birthday themed around one of those classic, party-store themes. Sports, circus, ballerina, you know the drill. Luckily, I’ve rounded up a few ideas today to help you pull off a modern twist on those party concepts so you aren’t just stuck with what’s available in Aisle 4. —Kelly

Modern Takes on Classic Kid's Party Themes via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Photo via 6th Street Design School

A Lullaby Party: Chances are if you’re throwing a party for a very little one, most of the guests will be adults. Up the ante on a lullaby or nursery rhyme party with more sophisticated color palettes mixed with a few details the kids will love (balloons, wands or crowns!).

Modern Takes on Classic Kid's Party Themes via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Tutorial and Photo via You Are My Fave for Julep

A Circus Party: Think outside of the animal cracker box by printing off giant photos of animals and making a big ol’ circus parade on the wall! Party hats and crowns optional, but they sure do look like some wild party animals with ’em!

Modern Takes on Classic Kid's Party Themes via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Photo by Kristen Curette Photography via 100 Layer Cake

A Dinosaur Party: Hop on the spray painted animal bandwagon and turn plastic dinosaurs into modern ones with a little spray paint. Use them as planters for decor that can last long after the party ends!

Modern Takes on Classic Kid's Party Themes via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Photo via Kjerstis Lykke

A Soccer Party: Try playing up the black and white palette for a soccer party, instead of the soccer motif itself. A soccer cake and plates look much more modern when paired with black and white straws and balloons!

Modern Takes on Classic Kid's Party Themes via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Photo by We Call This Love via 100 Layer Cakelet

A Ballerina Party: If your little lady love tutus, change up the ballerina theme with a Swan Lake party! Make feather tiaras and end the bash with a very special performance.

Modern Takes on Classic Kid's Party Themes via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Photo + Tutorial via Studio DIY

An Outer Space Party: Top off an outer space party with a giant moon piñata! Hang it amongst gold star cut outs and disco balls stepping in as “planets.”

Guest Post: A Day in the Life of Erin Austen Abbott of Amelia

I’ve asked some of my favorite creative mamas to help out while I’m away with our new baby. Today we get a look behind the scenes at a day in the life of one of my favorite retailers – and mama of a sweet little boy – Erin Austen Abbott of Amelia! –Nole

4:30 AM

My day starts really early…. I wake up and sort of take it in. It’s the only “me” time in my whole day. I might just sip on my coffee and watch a little TV, go for a jog or answer emails that came in over night. Sometimes, I just get on Pinterest and get lost for an hour. Lately I’ve been working on a writing project each morning, which has been productive. Whatever the case may be, I try to make it relaxing.

5:30 AM

My son, Tom Otis, begins to stir. I let him talk to himself for a bit and really be ready to get up. We all have our different ways of waking up and his is a slow start. I can hear him talking to his favorite stuffed animals, saying good morning and random words sound out through the babble; school, park, venture.I make his breakfast before going in to get him because he is READY to eat first thing out of bed. We sit together while he eats and talk about what he dreamt about or what the day might entail. We watch for birds out of the kitchen window and enjoy the stillness of the morning together.


6:00 AM – 7:30 AM

Tom goes to Montessori school, so we usually play a bit before getting dressed. We read books, stack blocks, color…. all the sorts of things a toddler loves to do. Lately, we are on a big hide-and-go-seek kick. We play it several times a day. We are packed up and ready to hit the road by 7:30.


7:30- 8:25 AM

The drive to school takes awhile, as we live a town over from the school. Tom usually gets a little snack in the car and we listen to the radio, signing along to whatever SIRUS XMU plays. We look for animals, like deer or wild turkeys and big trucks on our drive. Tom usually spots the trucks from pretty far away (he’s all boy). Waiting to go into school, Tom gets in the front seat with me and we cuddle a bit while watching the PBS app on my phone. What is it about Curious George?? Saying goodbyes. Not the easiest part for me, but I know he’s getting such a great education and I do have to get to work after all. I wish I could be with him more, but I do love what I do. I feel torn about this all the time…

8:35 – 10:00 AM

Starting work before the shop opens. I treat this like office hours. I grab a coffee from Oxford Canteen, the restaurant attached to the building Amelia is in, then start in on my writing deadlines, I get my next rounds of designs ready for Otis & Co or the Amelia brand leather bag collection. I contact Amelia Pop Up Party representatives about their parties and upcoming news, I respond to emails, I work on orders, I frame photos if I have a show coming up, etc…. A lot gets packed into that hour and a half.



10:00 AM

Open for business!! Amelia opened five years ago and I’ve been working behind the counter ever since. When Tom was born, I started getting a little help, but I’m still here, 10-2PM each day. When there aren’t customers in the shop, I continue working on my various projects and do all the store ordering and package up the daily online orders.


2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

My employee, Shelby gets to work and I run to mail the online orders. I like to get them out as fast as they come in. I can’t handle that weighing me down, so I stop by the post office each day. Then I head to pick up Tom and his friend Josie, that I care for each afternoon, after school. We might head to the park or to the local children’s book store, Square Books jr. just depends day to day.

4:00 – 5:45PM

The drive home. Tom is usually spent from the day, so he just plays with a small toy in his seat and we take the scenic route home. Once home, Tom and my husband hang out and Tom usually gets his second wind since his fun daddy is there to play. They might build a fort or play more hide-and-go-seek or watch Curious George. Sometime they go for a walk, while I make dinner for Tom.


5:45PM – 6:45PM

Toilet, bath time, more hide-and-go-seek, reading, prayers, night night. This is my favorite time of my whole day. It’s a solid hour where we can be focused solely on family time and laughing with Tom, reading to him while he bathes, telling jokes (he’s at the stage where he gets it), and just having genuine togetherness. After bath, we sing the same song, that I wrote, that I’ve always sung to all the kids I’ve nannied for (I started my first nanny job when I was ten, 28 years ago and didn’t stop until I was 7 months pregnant with Tom).

“This is the way we brush our teeth.

Brush our teeth. Brush our teeth.

This is the way we brush our teeth.

Every single day.

We brush them to the left.

We brush them to the right.

We brush them up.

We brush them down.

We brush them all around.


This is the way we brush our teeth.

Brush our teeth. Brush our teeth.

This is the way we brush our teeth.

Every. Single. Day. Hey!”

Afterwards, Sean and Tom hide. I find them. I hide. They find me, followed by getting Tom into his pj’s. He picks out a book to read, we cuddle up together, read then say prayers. I get him as “snug as a bug in a rug”, turn out the lights, close the door. We get “I love you mommy, I love you daddy”, through the closed door for about a minute before he’s already close to being fully sleep.



6:45- 9:00 PM

The full day is winding down and I now start making dinner for Sean and myself. I’m so tired by this time, so we usually just eat around 7:30, while watching a movie or TV show. By 9:00, I can’t stay awake much later, so I head to bed. I try really hard to get all my work done early in the day so that from 5:30 until 9:00, I can be fully tuned into family life. Of course, that’s not always feasible, but something I’m certainly aware of and make an effort to do.

Thanks for following along in my day to day. It is busy but I wouldn’t change a thing. I love my job and creative freedom. And most of all, I love savoring time with my son. He gets to see both of his parents doing what they love and I think that’s really important. We should all love what we do for a living, right?

Hello!Lucky: San Francisco Guide


It can be tricky planning a trip to a city chock full of restaurants, shops, and coffee stops. If you’re anything like us then you love a day spent perusing the places the locals love. San Francisco is a vibrant city with some of the most contrasting enclaves, and this is what makes it so special. We are excited to share our go-to spots nestled in a few of our favorite nooks. â€“ Eunice and Sabrina of Hello!Lucky



Foreign Cinema– Amazing food and even better ambience. This is our go-to for group dinners.

Lolo’s– Great food, great drinks, great atmosphere. Jalisco spices with California vibes.

Lolinda– Argentinian cuisine. For dinner- or head upstairs for rooftop brunch.

Trick Dog– The best bar food you have ever had, drinks to match.

Flour + Water – Delicious with a cool ambience and the Dough Room, their private dining room, it’s a fantastic venue for special occasions


Stable Caf̩РLovely outdoor patio with WIFI

Four Barrel– You will find a line outside almost any time of the day, and yes, it’s that good!


Voyager – Women and men’s fashion & accessories from local craftsmen.

Bell Jar– Great for gifts! Women’s fashion and home decor.

Taylor Stitch– Lovely and locally made men’s fashion.

Paxton Gate – A quirky cabinet of curiosities full of fascinating finds such as a taxidermy unicorn, a wall of pinned insects, and drawers full of nifty rocks and minerals.


Mission Bowling Club – Family friendly until 7!

Urban Putt – SF-themed miniature golf with cocktails, burgers and pizza. Family friendly until 8!

Dolores Park/ Mission Dolores- A jungle gym with a view. Something you and the kids will enjoy.




Rich Table – A block away from the hustle & bustle of Hayes- wonderful space & food.

Smitten Ice Cream– Tasty and trendy- surrounded by boutiques, beer gardens, and juiceries.

Bar Jules – a cozy little café that serves delicious plates created from local and seasonal produce.


Blue Bottle Coffee– Down an alley, in a garage kiosk, you will find one of the best fresh cups of coffee.

Ritual– Another great coffee shop!

Biergarten– Great spot for lunch! They serve German brews & cider, sausages & pretzels.


Welcome Stranger– Cool camp themed boutique for men.

Rand & Statler– For the fancier things in life.

Reliquary– Every time you enter it’s like Indiana Jones’ greatest adventure!

Lavish– Lovely paper goods and gifts shop.




Nopa– Make a reservation for dinner or hop on their family table. Try the burger and a blue bottle martini!

State Bird – This spot has gotten a ton of attention since its opening so grabbing a table isn’t easy. Not exactly a last minute restaurant, but well worth planning ahead!

La Urbana – Delicious modern Mexican cuisine.

Mojo – A great place to grab lunch & has a patio.

Little Star Pizza– Not your average pizzeria! Their deep dish is a game changer.


The Mill – You will question the $4 toast until you try it. The is the type of coffee shop you could hang in all day – but bring a book or a friend, it’s a wifi free zone.

Madrone Art Bar – It’s a fun place for a cocktail, and they have themed nights like Motown Monday.


The Perish Trust– Old treasures and new, The Perish Trust is a place to feast your eyes! Right next door to The Mill.

Rare Device– Great finds by local artists! Cards, prints and home decor.




Off the Grid– It’s a seasonal gathering of food trucks at a cul de sac off Haight. Offerings stretch from dinner to dessert. There’s live music to get things moving!

Alembic – This menu is not your average, with options like bone marrow and pickled quail eggs, your adventurous side will thank you.

Magnolia Gastropub – A great microbrewery and restaurant – great atmosphere and food!

Second Act – This market is located in the old theatre, it’s a compilation of vendors selling an array of food & drink.

Haight Street Market – They have a deli that makes great sandwiches & a place to rest your feet.


Club Deluxe – Pizza, drinks, & jazz.


The Booksmith– Lovely bookstore where you can also get your paper fix!

Tantrum – A quick walk from Haight will land you at this circus themed kids boutique in Cole Valley. It can’t be missed!

Crossroads – One of the many consignment stores on Haight. If you feel like hunting there are always treasures to be found!

Mystery Mister – Great mix of carefully curated vintage clothes and curiosities.

La Rosa Vintage – Another fantastic spot for well curated vintage clothes.


The Conservatory of Flowers Very Alice in Wonderland.

The DeYoung Museum– For fine art & they have wonderful exhibits.

The Academy of Sciences– A great science museum with a planetarium, aquarium, and rainforest.

Stow Lake– A boathouse with rowboat rentals.


Where to Stay & How to Get Around


There’s is no better way to be immersed than to stay at an Airbnb. You will get to experience the real spirit & charm through an authentic San Francisco home.

Get Around

We are one of the best cities for public transportation! Muni & Bart make commuting a breeze, take Bart in from the airport and use Muni around town. If that’s not your thing, get techy and download one of the many rideshare apps- we recommend Lift, Sidecar, and Uber.


Enjoy your visit!