Pretty Paper in the Office: Measuring Tape

One of my most handy purchases to date has got to be my Hoechstmass tape measure from Crate & Barrel years ago. It tucks away in any and all bags and comes to my rescue on most days – whether at work or on a thrifting/antiquing excursion over the weekend. Now that garage sale and flea market weather is…almost certainly back, I thought I would put together a round up of some of the most clever and colorful tape measures that will ensure you always get the right fit. – Julie
Pretty Paper in the Office - Measuring Tape - Oh So Beautiful Paper

1. Nappa Dori

2. Blomus

3. Lost & Found

4. Hoechstmass

5. Cath Kidston

6. Roost

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! I’ve been spending a lot of time out in my garden lately (now that the weather is finally nice again!) and it has been so nice to see everything start to turn green after so many months of brown and gray. My peonies even have buds and the lilacs aren’t far behind! But in the meantime…


Photo by Flowermuse via Instagram

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Ben’s Crawfish and Cake Birthday Party Invitations

How fun are these birthday party invitations from designer Lauren Chism? Crawfish and cake? Such a great idea! And total bonus points for a party concept (and invitation!) that appeals to both kids and adults!


From Lauren: Ben’s mom, Mary, and I worked together last year on a crawfish boil birthday invitation for Ben’s first birthday. The party was such a hit, that she wanted to do it again for his second birthday, but with a little different twist.


She came up with a ‘Crawfish & Cake’ theme and it was a really fun challenge to create something for the same person, with the same theme, but still making it unique for this year’s party. I think I achieved that with the long, skinny format and stacked typography. They are bright and fun and just make you want to be outside celebrating!


From the invitation design, I created coordinating stationery and a logo of sorts, which Mary used on cups and napkins. I love how everything turned out – they are playful for the kids but it’s still a party that adults want to attend. I know I wanted to!


Thanks Lauren!

Lauren Chism Fine Papers is a member of the Designer Rolodex – you can check out more of Lauren’s work right here!

Photo Credits: Lauren Chism Fine Papers

Five Things About Motherhood

We passed the six month mark as a family of four last week (happy half birthday Alice!). And while we’re far from having this whole parents of two young kids thing figured out, I thought I’d share a few observations from our experience so far – continuing the theme of some of the wonderful guest posts during my maternity leave with Alice.


Photos by Vicki Grafton Photography – taken last summer just a couple of weeks before Alice was born!

1. Motherhood is bittersweet. I love watching my babies grow and develop new skills, but I never realized just how sad I would be as they grew out of each stage. Even stages that I’m not the biggest fan of, like the newborn stage. Before I had children I’d hear other mothers say that they wish they could freeze their child just as they are now, but I never really understood until I had my own children. With each passing month I think, “oh, they’ll never be that small ever again.” I tear up just a bit each time I pull too-small clothes out of their closet. It’s such an amazing thing to watch them get bigger and become their own little person, but I do also mourn the loss of their babyhoods just a little wee bit.

2. Babies are funny! I always assumed that it would be a while before my children developed little personalities, but they showed up almost right away! Every child is different, but both of my children have a robust sense of humor. Alice makes the funniest little hooting sounds and kicks her feet together when she’s excited about something, and Sophie has the most impeccable comedic timing I’ve ever seen in a child – and has ever since she was a tiny baby. I always knew I’d love my children, but I never knew how much they’d make me laugh from such an early age.


3. Everything is a phase. This has become my motherhood mantra – repeated particularly frequently during the first few months when I’m convinced I’ll never sleep ever again and then again later when dealing with toddler antics. When Sophie was a baby we could almost always tie particularly fussy (or sleepless) weeks to a regression or teething, but I always felt reassured if I reminded myself that whatever was bothering her would soon pass. Alice has (thankfully) been a super easygoing baby, but there have been weeks when she refuses to nap longer than 30 minutes or wakes up every hour at night. And even though we’ve been down this road once before, I often need to remind myself that the tough stretches are just a phase to make it through a particularly rough week.


4. There’s a ton of detective/guesswork! If you grew up with lots of babies around, this one won’t come as a surprise. But I had almost zero experience with babies until I had my own children, and I was definitely taken aback by the amount of guesswork involved. From the fussy newborn stage – tummy trouble? dirty diaper? random hair wrapped around a little toe? – to diagnosing colds and viruses in older babies. It gets a little easier once they can talk and tell you what’s wrong with them, but I still find myself saying “Well, maybe it’s this…” or “Well, it could be that…” – a lot.

5. Parenting doesn’t get easier, just different. Everyone talks about how hard the first couple of months are – round the clock feedings, diaper changes, sleepless nights, etc. – but I don’t hear as much about the later months (and years). There are a couple of nice months after the newborn stage when your baby is sleeping longer stretches, but then they start crawling and moving, which presents a whole new set of challenges! And once they become toddlers? Yeah, that’s a different set of challenges, too. I don’t even want to think about the tween and teen years! Don’t get me wrong, it gets better with each passing stage – but I just don’t think it necessarily gets easier. Parenting is a marathon, but luckily it’s filled with lots of love, laughter, and sweet moments.


Also, you know you’re a parent when a quick errand to the grocery store (alone) suddenly feels like a luxury. Or fifteen minutes to take a shower.

Photo Credits: Vicki Grafton Photography

Where the Wild Things Are Baby Shower Invitations

How cute are these baby shower invitations from Arley-Rose and Morgan of Ladyfingers Letterpress?!? Created for their sister-in-law Mara (and the first new baby in the Calderini family!), Arley and Morgan wanted to make something really special. They ran with Mara’s love of books for these beautiful literary shower invitations!


From Arley-Rose and Morgan: Mara is an an avid book lover, so we only thought it suitable to have a book-themed baby shower inside of one of her favorite bookstores and cafés. Each page is letterpress printed on soft cotton Crane’s Lettra paper with a quote or sentiment from her favorite children’s books – words soon to be shared with little Ezra.



The cover is letterpress printed on shimmery Gmund Reaction paper and hand-sewn with grey and white bakers twine. The inside end papers are embossed with a wood-grain pattern and tipped in with a library card that serves as an RSVP card. Turning the page, a book plate attached to the page by metal photo corners invites the guests to bring their favorite kids book to help build Ezra’s reading library. Details about the shower grace the opposing page, while another favorite quote is printed on the last page.





Thank you so much ladies!

Design + Letterpress Printing: Ladyfingers Letterpress

Ladyfingers Letterpress is a member of the Designer Rolodex – check out more of their beautiful work right here!

Photo Credits: Ladyfingers Letterpress