Kids Party Invitations, Part 3

This week, I’ve selected a few more kids party invitations to feature – ranging from girly to goofy.  First up, these playful yet sophisticated (well, at least as sophisticated as you can be for a 2 year-old) birthday party invitations from Chellé Paperie.  The tiny celebrant has a fondness for poodles, so the ladies at Chellé Paperie incorporated that love into the invitation in the form of a poodle silhouette – what a fun idea!


{chellé paperie}

Next up, these garden-inspired letterpress invitations from Jennifer at The Paper Peony.  Jennifer kept things girly and fun with a pink and green color palette, as well as birds, butterflies, and little vines and flowers throughout the invitation:


{the paper peony}

The Dr. Seuss books were some of my favorites to read when I was a kid, so I was super excited when Amber from Sweet Life Designs sent over these Cat in the Hat-themed invitations that she did for her son’s first birthday!  Amber included a photo collage of her son wearing a Cat in the Hat hat along with the invitation, all packaged together in a red box with crinkly blue stuffing to represent Thing 1 and Thing 2.  So cute!


{sweet life designs}

Do you have kids party invitations that you’d like to share?  Please just shoot me an e-mail with your photos right here!

{images from their respective sources}

Megan + Daniel’s Quirky Black and White Invitations

Happy Monday everyone!  I thought I’d start the week off with a fun, quirky wedding invitation suite that Kathleen recently designed for her friend Daniel’s upcoming wedding.  Kathleen kept the overall invitation relatively simple, incorporating a sweet illustration from the bride as the main design element.  Check it out:


From Kathleen:  Daniel has been a longtime co-worker and friend of mine so I was not only thrilled that he found an amazing girl to marry but that he asked me to design their wedding invitations.


Megan drew up these quirky illustrations for me to use and from there I decided to keep it simple and let the illustrations do their thing.


I love utilizing only one or two colors when designing custom invitations — especially black (I
only used black on
my invitations as well).


Using only one or two colors presents a unique challenge and produces even more unique invitations
every single time.  Printing in a single color is also budget friendly.


We decided on an off-white touchy-feely matte textured stock to complement the hand-drawn silhouettes. The cream paper also takes some of the edge off a stark black and white invite.

I absolutely adore the sweet little ampersand throughout the invitation suite, and I love the way Megan’s illustration peeks out from the bottom of the RSVP card — too cute!  Thanks so much Kathleen!

{image credits: jeremy and kathleen}

{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday everyone – and a very happy Mother's Day weekend!  I'm just about counting down the remaining seconds of the day, since my husband comes back from his trip tomorrow!  I can't wait to go pick him up from the airport.  I made lots of progress and changes to our apartment during my mom's visit last weekend (I promise, I will share photos as soon as I'm finished!), but I'm leaving it all as a big surprise for my husband – and I'm so curious to see the expression on his face when he walks through the door.  I wonder if he'll notice everything right away?  Probably not.  But in the meantime…


…a few links for your weekend:

That's it for me this week.  I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and I'll see you back here on Monday!

{image credits: simply hue via lovely clusters}

Midnight Gardens Wedding Invitation

Now that the temperatures are steadily improving (even with a few setbacks, like today!) I keep dreaming about summer barbequeues and evenings enjoying our steadily growing garden from our front porch.  So it's totally fitting that Vanessa An Lim from Marina at Makina sent over this wedding inispired by the idea of an intimate midnight garden stroll, with twinkling stars and silhouetted foliage:


Vanessa also designed a collection of totally adorable wrapping paper – printed by the good folks at Mama's Sauce – with random patterns, like the sweet little hearts below.  Vanessa, an IT graduate, created a program that places pattern on the gift wrap in random spots and in different colors – making each individual sheet a one of a kind!


You can check out the gift wrap, wedding invitations, and lots more over at Vanessa's shop, Marina at Makina!  Thanks Vanessa!

{image credits: marina at makina}