Modern Foil Stamp Wedding Invitations

Dan and Barbara’s wedding invitations combine modern and romantic elements all together in one lovely design.  Dan, a graphic designer, incorporated black and white foil stamp text and wood veneer into the invitation design, along with gorgeous calligraphy details by Mara from Neither Snow.  Love it!


From Dan:  The invitations were designed around a simple philosophy: present the information in an elegant and understated way, and allow the elegance of the occasion to speak from the moment our guests opened the envelopes.

Black-White-Modern-Wedding-Invitation Black-White-Modern-Wedding-Invitation

The invitations were triple bonded black paper, stamped with black and white foils.  The main invitation and save the dates were bonded with a wood backing – we choose Wenge for the save the dates and curly maple for the invitation.

Black-White-Modern-Wedding-Invitation Black-White-Modern-Wedding-Invitation

Dan worked with AccuColor Plus in Chicago on the invitation printing.  I love the subtle effect of the black foiling on black paper on the invitation enclosures, and the contrast with the white foil stamp text through the rest of the invitation.


Gorgeous calligraphy on the outer envelopes from Neither Snow:


Thank you so much Dan!

{image credits: Barbara Mouradian}

{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday everyone!  I’m heading out a bit early today, since my husband came down with a really nasty cold (or maybe the flu?) and I’m doing my best to take care of him – and try to squeeze in a bit of housework (something I’ve sadly neglected over the last couple of weeks while things have been bananas-level busy).  I’m also hoping to swing by a food truck cook-off a bit later today, and then later this weekend we’re hoping to accompany our friends and their adorable 6-month-old son on his first apple picking and pumpkin patch expedition!  Hooray for 3-day weekends, all very much needed to catch up on my to do list and give sick husbands some time to feel better.  But in the meantime…

…a few links for your weekend!

…and just in case you missed it, a summary of this week’s posts:

That’s it for me this week – but I’ll be back next week with more 2011 calendars, a few more Halloween cards, and of course beautiful wedding invitations.  Since it’s a long weekend here and in Canada (Happy Thanksgiving!), I’ll be back with new posts on Tuesday.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

{image credits: emmy lou photo via mary ruffle}

Wedding Invitations – Blackbird Letterpress

Today we’re back to wedding invitations, and I’m absolutely thrilled to be sharing some of the gorgeous work of Kathryn from Blackbird Letterpress!  You might already be familiar with Kathryn’s invitations for her own wedding, as well as this stunning wedding invitation that she created in a collaboration with Betsy Dunlap, and the rest of her wedding invitation portfolio is just as gorgeous.

creative custom letterpress wedding invitations

{Kathryn’s wedding invitations, which you can see in greater detail here}

Blackbird Letterpress specializes in custom wedding invitations, using many letterpress printing methods from movable hand set type to photopolymer plates depending on the design and the client’s needs.  Blackbird Letterpress also strives to make as little impact on our fragile world by using soy solvents and papers that are recycled or made from renewable resources.

creative custom letterpress wedding invitations


creative custom letterpress wedding invitations


creative custom letterpress wedding invitations

{wrought iron}

creative custom letterpress wedding invitations

{topographic map}

creative custom letterpress wedding invitations


creative custom letterpress wedding invitations

{new orleans – you can see more of this invitation right here!}

creative custom letterpress wedding invitations

{calla lily}

creative custom letterpress wedding invitations


creative custom letterpress wedding invitations

{fleur de lis}

creative custom letterpress wedding invitations


creative custom letterpress wedding invitations


creative custom letterpress wedding invitations


creative custom letterpress wedding invitations


creative custom letterpress wedding invitations

{carousel – love the blind deboss details!}

Thank you so much Kathryn!  You can check out more of Kathryn’s lovely custom work over on her website and check out her collection of letterpress cards and notebooks in the Blackbird Letterpress etsy shop!

Looking for a wedding invitation designer?  You can find Blackbird Letterpress and many other wedding invitation studios over in the Designer Rolodex!

{image credits: blackbird letterpress}

{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday everyone!  I’m still on my blog field trip that I mentioned at the beginning of the week – and while I’ll have full details next week, I’m seriously excited because today we’re heading to Brimfield!  It’s my first time at the show and I have a long list of things I’m hoping to find and bring back home.  I’m afraid I don’t have my usual Friday round-up post for you today, so instead I’ll leave you with a few photos from our trip so far…


mountains mountains


mountains mountains


…we’ve been up in the mountains, and today the cooler fall weather brought clouds, a bit of rain, and LOTS of mist.  For someone who isn’t used to spending a lot of time this far up above sea level, it was pretty cool and more than a little surreal.  I can only imagine how beautiful these mountains must be once the leaves start to turn!

So that’s it for me until Monday – oh, and don’t forget to enter for a chance to win 100 letterpress Save the Dates from 42 Pressed – the contest closes Monday at midnight!  But just in case you missed it this week…

See you all next week!

{all photos by me}

Frederick + Ana’s Grammercy Park Wedding Invitations

Happy Tuesday everyone!  This week I’m out of town on a blog field trip, which I can’t wait to tell you all about next week!  While I’m on the road I’ve got lots of fun things lined up for you, including a bunch of gorgeous real wedding invitations and a fabulous giveaway!  First up this week, a beautiful wedding invitation from Bryn at Paperfinger.  The invitation suite was letterpress printed in elegant black and white, with Bryn’s lovely calligraphy and illustrations:


From Bryn: Ana wanted something that felt metropolitan and contemporary – nothing too frilly.  We decided that focusing on the reception site, none other than the Gramercy Park Hotel, would be a great approach.  I love drawing street scenes and neighborhood views and have been incorporating that perspective in a lot of invitations.


The wedding location is often a great way to capture the style and spirit of the couple.  This hotel is situated on a beautiful block facing Gramercy Park, so we made that view the focus of the invitation while using a clean, modern calligraphy style that was a perfect match for Ana and Frederick.


I had a lot of fun zooming into Google Maps street-level view to find details for the drawing.  The technology is amazing and makes this kind of illustration so much easier.  From the comfort of my studio, I can get just the right angle on the street or zoom in to see what the park fence is actually like up close.



The fence itself was so appealing a graphic that I decided to tie it together with the reply postcard so that the two pieces could actually fit together as a diptych.


Ana was a self-proclaimed non-fussy, “no hearts” kind of girl, but we were both so excited after the invitations were printed (letterpress, black ink) that we couldn’t help but hug!


The invitation was printed on super-thick and luxurious cotton paper – I love Bryn’s crisp black and white illustrations and the texture of the letterpress impression on the back of the invitation.  Gorgeous work as always Bryn!

{all photos by me}