Margie + Morgen’s Art Deco-Inspired Letterpress Wedding Invitations

Kathryn from Blackbird Letterpress created these gorgeous Art Deco-inspired invitations for her cousin’s wedding this summer, and I’ve been waiting (very patiently) to feature them ever since Kathryn sent over the corresponding save the dates back in May.  Inspired by the wedding venue, the Queen Mary, these invitations feature stunning calligraphy from Betsy Dunlap, Kathryn’s beautiful illustrations and patterns, and fun die cut elements – all in a sea green and coral invitation suite.

From Kathryn: Margie and Morgen are both amazingly talented.  Morgen has an interdisciplinary firm specializing in architecture and technology, while Margie is an architect and the co-creator of Larks & Japes.  Since the wedding was to be on the Queen Mary, we developed the style referencing the era of the 1930s, inspired by Art Deco architecture and jazz.  Margie loved the wave pattern from the save the dates, so I drew it again here to become a sea green ocean.  A small image of the ship in silhouette continue throughout the suite and other pieces.

We commissioned Betsy Dunlap to letter the names and other calligraphy elements.  The typeface used for the main text is Verlag, which is very close to what was used on the Queen Mary’s original menu.

The die cut idea came up when we both wanted an small element of surprise.  Instead of using an enclosure folder or inner envelope, we agreed on a folded card with cut outs showing just a peek of the ship and invitation text.  Cruise ships of the time period are known for their telegraphic communication, but since this was to be mailed, Morgen suggested using “Postalgram.”  It gives reference to the old form of communication but with our own twist.

The rehearsal dinner was held at an old theater in Long Beach, California.  An old movie was shown along with a casual dinner.  Since the wedding was a destination wedding, the dinner invitation needed to be included with the invitation mailing.  Printed in coral, the stylized waves were brought back along with a bit of Betsy’s calligraphy.  Margie found these fantastic “crown” tickets that we incorporated into the design.  Thank you cards were designed by Betsy with her signature ribbon illustration.

I couldn’t get enough of the ship images and wave pattern, so for wedding favors, I formatted the illustrations to fit on round 4″ coasters, with two different designs.  The coasters were wrapped in sets of 6 (3 of each design) with orange and white baker’s twine and placed at each place setting at the reception.  My mom and aunt threw a bridal luncheon the day before the wedding and commissioned me to print a favor for that, so the ship and waves were again printed, here on Moleskines with squared/grid pages in honor of Margie and Morgen’s architecture background.

The escort card tags were letterpress printed and numbered on kraft paper tags with waves printed in coral at the bottom, a reinforced kraft circle around the hole, and tied with orange and white baker’s twine.  Morgen graciously volunteered to type everyone’s name and hometown with his vintage Underwood typewriter.

Thank you so much Kathryn!

Design and Printing: Blackbird Letterpress

Calligraphy: Betsy Dunlap

Blackbird Letterpress is a mem­ber of the Designer Rolodex – you can see more of their beau­ti­ful work right here or visit the real invi­ta­tions gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: Ben Christensen Photography

{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday everyone!  My husband just reminded me that we’re heading into a long weekend (he keeps track of these things more closely than I do, apparently), so that’s nice!  I was already looking forward to a laid back weekend, but am grateful for the extra day to catch up on errands and hopefully relax.  But in the meantime…


Photo Credit: Scout’s Honor Co.

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

A big welcome to the newest members of the Designer Rolodex!

That’s it for me this week!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here next week! xoxo


Image Credit: Neither Snow

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.  And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.  If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking.  Don’t settle.  As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.  And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on.  So keep looking until you find it.  Don’t settle.”

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.  Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.  Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.  And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.  They somehow already know what you truly want to become.  Everything else is secondary.”

— Steve Jobs, 2005 Stanford University Commencement Address

{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday everyone!  I’m super excited for this weekend – tomorrow is Crafty Bastards, the DC area’s biggest craft fair!  Is anyone going?  I go every year and always have the best time wandering all the different booths at the show.  I can’t wait!  But in the meantime…


Photo by me.  A few fall flowers and some fresh basil that I picked up at the farmer’s market yesterday. The basil is such a lovely addition to the bouquet!

…a few links for your weekend!

I’m also super excited to announce that the lovely Jackie of 42 Pressed is celebrating her return from maternity leave (you might remember their adorable baby shower invitations) with a fun promotion!  Jackie is offering free save the dates to couples who order their wedding invitation suite from 42 Pressed.  Just enter code RILEYKICKOFF when ordering!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Welcome to the newest members of the Designer Rolodex!

That’s it for me this week!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday! xoxo

Cassie + Ariel’s Navy and White Calligraphy Letterpress Wedding Invitations

I haven’t been able to get these gorgeous navy and white wedding invitations out of my mind since spotting them on the Parrott Design Studio blog last week.  Sarah from Parrott Design Studio incorporated the bride’s favorite vintage wallpaper into the suite, using a scanned, resized version of the wallpaper pattern as backing for the super thick invitations.  The invitation suite also includes a double-sided RSVP postcard and an enclosure card pointing guests to Cassie and Ariel’s wedding website.

Betsy Dunlap provided lovely calligraphy accents for the invitation suite, including the names of the bride and groom, their initials, and rsvp card lettering.  Betsy also addressed 250 deep navy envelopes in a beautiful silver ink.  Simply stunning!

I love that Sarah used strips of fabric and custom wax seals to hold the assembled invitation suite together!

Check out more details on the invitations right here!

Design and Letterpress Printing: Parrott Design Studio

Calligraphy: Betsy Dunlap

Parrott Design Studio is a mem­ber of the Designer Rolodex – you can see more of Sarah’s beau­ti­ful work right here!

Photo Credits: Parrott Design Studio

DIY Rubber Stamp Edge Painted Save the Date Tags

It’s the ladies of Anti­quaria, back with another fab­u­lous and cre­ative DIY project for you!  This week they’re here with instructions on how to create a rubber stamp save the date tag!

At Antiquaria, we love everything vintage!!  In this save the date DIY, we were inspired by the look of old luggage and parcel tags.  There is something very lovely and familiar about this tag shape but to have it professionally die cut can be quite costly.  We emphasized the shape with “edge painting” using a very nifty and easy trick!!

DIY Rubber Stamp Edge Painted Save the Dates

DIY Rubber Stamp Edge Painted Save the Dates
Step One: Cut your kraft paper into a 4.5″x6″ rectangle.  Ink your save the date stamp (we used our “Ribbons and Banners” stamp) with your desired ink and make a print on your paper.  Be sure to press evenly on a hard work surface.  Let the ink dry overnight.

DIY Rubber Stamp Edge Painted Save the Dates

Step Two: Next, draw 1.5″ diagonal lines on the top corners of the save the date.  Also draw a small dot in the center, about 3/4″ from the top.  Once you have your markings in place, cut off the corners with a pair of scissors or an X-Acto knife & ruler.  Punch a 1/8″ hole where you have placed the dot.  Insert a small craft grommet and install using a grommet tool.

DIY Rubber Stamp Edge Painted Save the Dates

Step Three:  Using the same or a coordinating ink color, drag edges smoothly through the pad to create the “edge painted” effect.  Let dry overnight.

DIY Rubber Stamp Edge Painted Save the Dates

Step Four:  Assemble the save the date. Tie twine or ribbon through the brad and add fun postage and calligraphy to bring it all together!!


“Ribbons & Banners” Save the Date Stamp

Kraft Card Stock, cut into 4.5″x6″ rectangles

Stamp Pad (we used navy)


Scissors or X-acto & Self Healing Craft Mat

1/8″ Hole Punch

A6 Envelopes

Gray Striped Twine

Photo Credits: Antiquaria