Love is Mightier: Postcards to end gun violence

Ed Note: Today we’re taking a bit of a departure from our regular content to introduce a new initiative from our very own Emily. Gun violence is such a big and overwhelming issue, and it’s so easy to feel like there’s nothing that we can personally do to help. Emily’s new initiative, Love is Mightier, is a reminder that we can make our voices heard and, together, we can make a difference. Emily has gathered some incredible designers (and is still accepting submissions!) to donate postcards spreading a message of love over fear, and 100% of the proceeds will go to support local organizations working to end gun violence. Read more below!

This is a more personal post than my usual brick + mortar column. Thank you to Nole for welcoming it and each of you for reading it!

As a mother and community member, the continual acts of gun violence have pierced my heart. In December, in the wake of another gun tragedy, I was tired of wringing my hands and wondering what I could do. I thought about my best skill sets and the creative community around me and knew it was time to act. I am at my best when I’m cheerleading and organizing others into action. I put out a call on social media to my creative community to create cards celebrating love over fear with the idea that we could support organizations and individuals working to end gun violence. I didn’t have a complete plan, but the response was overwhelming, so I got to work. Over the past few weeks, I have felt like a very lucky lightning rod for some incredible creativity and emotion. I am reminded each day that each of us can do something and together, we can ensure that love is mightier than fear. ~ Emily of Clementine

Amy Heitman for Love is Mightier / A Campaign to End Gun Violence

Amy Heitman, Love is Mightier

Details of the Love is Mightier campaign: Each designer contributed their designs and creativity for this project. They either funded or had the printing costs donated. The cards are currently for sale at my store, here, and I’m working to reach out to independent shops nationwide (there are some legal regulations that we’re working through to make this as easy as possible).  Each card set is $10 for 10 cards (plus some grassroots action to end gun violence in your community). The 10 cards presented here represent our first volume, I expect to have at least 3-5 volumes (30-50 postcards!) over the next few months. I hope those who send and receive the cards will share their messages on social media with hashtag #loveismightier so that we can increase the volume on this issue and contribute to ending gun tragedies in our communities.

The Nic Studio for Love is Mightier / A Campaign to End Gun Violence

The Nic Studio, Hands, Heart, Love. Printing donated by Catprint Inc.

Happy Cactus for Love is Mightier / A Campaign to End Gun Violence Happy Cactus Designs, Love More Fear Less
Hartland Brooklyn for Love is Mightier / A Campaign to End Gun Violence Hartland Brooklyn, I love you
Laura Macchia and May Day Studio for Love is Mightier / A Campaign to End Gun Violence

Laura Macchia with printing by May Day Studio, Love

Printerette Press for Love is Mightier / A Campaign to End Gun Violence

Printerette Press, Love Thy Neighbor

Steel Petal Press for Love is Mightier / A Campaign to End Gun Violence

Steel Petal Press, The True Protest is Beauty

Power and Light Press for Love is Mightier / A Campaign to End Gun Violence

Power and Light Press, Hate Generalizes Love Specifies

Thimblepress for Love is Mightier / A Campaign to End Gun Violence

Thimblepress, Shape the World with Love

Idlewild Co. for Love is Mightier / A Campaign to End Gun Violence

Idlewild Co., We are Love

I’m not sure there are words to adequately describe the experience of fielding these submissions, and the sentiments that are sent. I want to send a warm thank you to each designer who has already contributed, and those in progress. I love the postcards above, and believe me, we have some incredible work on the way. See the new arrivals here on the Love is Mightier instagram.

If this project moves you, I’ll be accepting new submissions (at least) through March, please send me a note [email protected]

All photos by Jessica Sipe who donated her time to this effort.

Stationery A–Z: Weekly Planner Notepads

As much as I love using a yearly planner, I really need room to spread out and plan my weekly schedule. So to help manage that weekly schedule and make sure nothing falls through the cracks, I rely on weekly planner notepads. I love revealing a clean sheet at the end of the week, not to mention the flexibility of just ripping off the current sheet and starting fresh if my week takes a random turn. I use my weekly notepads to keep track of everything from everyday errands and school events to business appointments and household tasks. So today I’m sharing a dozen of my favorite weekly planner notepads with you!

Weekly Planner Notepads Round Up / Oh So Beautiful Paper

1. Love the floral illustrations on this version from Shannon Kirsten

2. …and the jungle vibes version from Idlewild Co.

3. The slim profile of this weekly notepad from One Canoe Two is perfect for keeping on your desk

4. This weekly planner from Poketo is a cross between a notepad and a sticky note – it’s one of my personal favorites!

5. Okay, so technically not a notepad, but this weekly jotter from Moglea was just too pretty to pass up. There are three different cover options with gold foil and hand painted elements!

6. This weekly notepad from Rifle Paper Co. looks like my actual desk

7. This gorgeous weekly notepad from Smitten on Paper is printed in rose gold foil!

8. Nothing like bright color and a happy pattern from Thimblepress to keep you motivated for the week

9. A modern geometric weekly planner notepad from Ferme à Papier

10. I love that this weekly notepad from the Sugar Paper for Target collection has a space on each page for general thoughts and brainstorming for the week.

11. Technically this notepad from In the Daylight is a daily planner, but you could write things down (and cross them off) as you go and just keep a running list for the week!

12. This shoulda, woulda, coulda notepad planner from Farewell Paperie makes me laugh – it speaks directly to the procrastinator inside me!

I put a few more weekly planners up in the Market List – you can find them here!

Behind the Stationery: Our Heiday

This installment of Behind the Stationery features a stationer who creates some of the most beautiful acrylic and gouache work I’ve seen. Patricia at Our Heiday is a talented artist who left the world of law to grow a stationery company in LA. This sister act has found great ways to break out responsibilities and grow the team. I’m so excited to have them here! Take it away, Patricia. –Megan

Behind the Stationery: Our Heiday / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Hello, friends! Patricia here, founder and creative director at Our Heiday. We’re so excited to give you a little peek into what goes on behind the scenes at our studio in downtown Los Angeles. I started this company in June 2014 after leaving two years of law school at UCLA. A lifetime of reading contracts or writing legal briefs was not a commitment I was willing to make and so pivot I did! Our Heiday is named after my mom and her four sisters who fostered so much of my creativity growing up. I’m a self-taught artist who draws so much inspiration for my family’s endless repertoire of painting, graphic design, dance, and film. My sister and I were given drawing pads before we could even write properly and working with our hands was part of the daily.

Behind the Stationery: Our Heiday / Photo Credit: Lily Glass Photography / Oh So Beautiful Paper

I spent about 9 months prior to starting Our Heiday refining the first release and because my mom had run a robust wholesale business my entire life, I knew that was the direction I wanted to take the company. When the website launched, I expected nothing more than to grow organically, one shop at a time, one order at a time. After months of running solo (read: living room was a warehouse, dining table a worktable, floors a packaging station), our “Ooh Those Baby Toes” card was picked up by Anthropologie in March 2015 and this gave me so much momentum heading into the National Stationery Show that year.

So much changed after May 2015 – we had an incredible experience debuting at NSS and after running the booth with me, my sister, Donna, also left her career in teaching to join Our Heiday full time. Working with family, let alone your best friend, has been the most amazing shift!

Behind the Stationery: Our Heiday / Photo Credit: Lily Glass Photography / Oh So Beautiful Paper

We moved into a separate studio space (my husband is still singing praises) immediately after we returned from New York and hired two more employees so that I could focus solely on the creative side. These big moments have shaped so much of how efficient and effective we’re able to be day-to-day. Prior to having a team, I was shouldering all of the daily responsibilities of running a creative business and being able to delegate was one of the best things that happened after the show. Amber and Megan head up packaging and production, making sure that all of our orders are fulfilled quickly and carefully. Donna handles all of our operations, accounts, customer service, and communications so that no one slips through the cracks. We wouldn’t be here without our customers and it’s so important to us that every one of them feels invested in Our Heiday.

Behind the Stationery: Our Heiday / Photo Credit: Lily Glass Photography / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Behind the Stationery: Our Heiday / Photo Credit: Lily Glass Photography / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Behind the Stationery: Our Heiday / Photo Credit: Lily Glass Photography / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Details, details, we love them. From the branding stamps on our shipping boxes to the labels on our wrapping paper, each element is meticulously thought through before we send our products.

Behind the Stationery: Our Heiday / Photo Credit: Lily Glass Photography / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Behind the Stationery: Our Heiday / Photo Credit: Lily Glass Photography / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Every week, we have a team meeting so that everyone is contributing to the conversations about new product releases, systems that need improving, projects with upcoming deadlines. Donna lives in New York currently and joins us remotely unless she’s in town visiting. This will change when she’s back in LA this August!

Behind the Stationery: Our Heiday / Photo Credit: Lily Glass Photography / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Behind the Stationery: Our Heiday / Photo Credit: Lily Glass Photography / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Behind the Stationery: Our Heiday / Photo Credit: Lily Glass Photography / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Having a team means I can focus most of my time on creative and high level growth. I spend my days painting and lettering new work and making sure that we’re always coming back to the core vision of the company. I’m so grateful that my hands have been freed to do what they’re best at; it’s been the ultimate blessing. We currently offer cards, art prints, gift wrap, phone cases and table decor items, but my goal has always been to become a lifestyle brand, offering a wide-spanning range of products that elevate the everyday. We’ll be showcasing a new line of desk products full of fresh patterns and a calendar for 2017, which was so fun to put together. Sneak peek below!

Behind the Stationery: Our Heiday / Photo Credit: Lily Glass Photography / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Thanks so much for joining along today! You can shop all of our products including the newest release on our website at and follow along with us on instagram, facebook, and twitter at @ourheiday.

Photos by Lily Glass.

If you’re interested in participating in the Behind the Stationery column, contact Megan at megan[at]!

DIY Donuts About You Toppers

Ahh, donuts. The unsung hero of confectionery. Like the cute guy next door, they are down-to-earth, yummy, and familiar. I can’t say enough about how much I love donuts (although I wouldn’t say no to a box of chocolate truffles or macarons…) but enough about that, because this post is actually about the cute toppers you can put on top of them to give to that cute guy (or gal) in your life! – Erin from BerinMade Paper Goods

DIY Donuts About You Toppers / BerinMade for Oh So Beautiful Paper


Some donuts (mini ones work best, but regular sized ones will work too)

Skewer sticks

White card stock

Black marker


PVA Glue

Scissors (fringing scissors optional)

Pink tissue paper


DIY Donuts About You Toppers / BerinMade for Oh So Beautiful Paper

To make the heart donut toppers:

Step 1. Cut your skewer sticks to the desired length depending on the size of your donuts.

Step 2. At this point, you can do a topper that has the message on the front (like a sign) or a folded card for the cute little surprise element. To do the folded card version, draw rough horizontal lines with your black marker onto your white card stock. Draw a heart on the card, then fold it to cut out the heart-shaped card. Make sure that one side of the heart has the fold still intact. Write your message inside!

Step 3. Squeeze out a line of PVA glue on a scrap piece of paper, and run the edge of your heart through it. Pour out some glitter, and run the glue side of the heart on the glitter, so you get a line of glitter around the edge of your heart.

Step 4. Tape the back side of the heart card to the non-pointy edge of the skewer stick, leaving about 4cm (about 1.5″) on top for the tassel.

Step 5. To make the tassel, cut out a rectangular piece of tissue paper about 10 x 3cm (about 4″ x 1″). Fringe it about 2/3 of the way, then line the un-fringed edge with glue. Don’t overdo the glue as tissue paper is pretty thin and will get messy if there is too much!

Step 6. Wrap the tissue paper strip around the non-pointy edge of the stick, rolling and squeezing with your thumb and index finger as you go along. Let dry.

Step 7. Ta-daa!! Make multiples for a little party, or a single cute one for your valentine.

DIY Donuts About You Toppers / BerinMade for Oh So Beautiful Paper

DIY Donuts About You Toppers / BerinMade for Oh So Beautiful Paper

DIY Donuts About You Toppers / BerinMade for Oh So Beautiful Paper

DIY Donuts About You Toppers / BerinMade for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Photo Credit: Julie Michaelsen