2011 Calendar Round-Up, Part 8

As promised, I have just a few more calendars to share with you!


{I’m in love with the watercolor illustrations in this new calendar from Flora Douville}



{a coaster calendar from Meadowlark Creative – what a great idea!}


{Brown Parcel}


{a fun field guide to insects calendar from 42pressed}


{The Lily X}


{Paper Boat Studios}




{fun zig zags from may day studio}


{Joie Studio}



{moontree letterpress}


{Spread the Love – also available in wood veneer!}

{all images via their respective sources}

*42pressed is an Oh So Beautiful Paper sponsor

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi everyone!  I’m heading out a bit early to enjoy the long holiday weekend here in the U.S. and go to finally bring our cat (who as you might remember was in the animal hospital last week) back home where he belongs.  The poor guy didn’t get to come home last weekend as we’d hoped and ended up needing surgery, so we can’t wait to have him home.  As a result of his illness, we’ve also changed our plans and are now staying home for the holiday – our first Thanksgiving on our own!  It’ll actually be nice to have a quiet weekend and just be grateful for my little family.  But in the meantime…

thanksgiving-centerpiece thanksgiving-centerpiece

…a few links for your weekend!

…and in case you missed it, here’s what happened on OSBP this week:

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and for those of you celebrating this weekend I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.  I’ll see you all back here on Monday!

{image credits: country living}

p.s. We’re taking advantage of the long weekend to do a server switch, so if things are a bit wonky over the weekend please bear with us.  Hopefully there won’t be any major disruptions, but just in case I promise it’s only temporary. 🙂

Watercolor + Calligraphy Save the Dates

Happy Monday everyone! Our poor kitty is still in the animal hospital, so I’m trying to cheer myself up with these gorgeous watercolor + calligraphy save the dates from Courtney of Swiss Cottage Designs and Jenna of Love* Jenna Calligraphy.

Blue Watercolor Calligraphy Save the DatesBlue Watercolor Calligraphy Save the Dates

Courtney hand painted the names of the bride and groom with watercolor and matched them with Jenna’s amazing calligraphy to create this beautiful and tranquil save the date.

Blue Watercolor Calligraphy Save the Dates

I love the subtle tone and color changes in both the watercolor and calligraphy inks – just stunning!  You can see more from Courtney and Jenna here and here.  Thanks ladies!

Photo Credits: Love* Jenna

{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday everyone!  As you all read this, I’ll be in the middle of a long drive with my husband to visit his family in upstate New York.  I’m not looking forward to the long drive up, but it’ll be nice to chase after our niece and nephew all weekend.  Before I head off, I’ll leave you with one last reminder to enter the holiday card giveaway from Satsuma Press – the contest closes tonight at midnight!  But in the meantime…

…a few links for your weekend!

And in case you missed it, a quick round-up of this week’s posts:

That’s it for me this week!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see you all back here on Monday!

{image credits: cheska annellise via mary ruffle}