Can you believe it’s already mid-July?? This summer is flying by! We’ve been filling our summer with early evening swims at the neighborhood splash pad, walks around the monuments on the National Mall, and we’ve even stumbled upon a couple of free live concerts – including a performance by the U.S. Army Band on the steps of the Capitol building! But since my girls are now three and five, I really want to start creating some summer memories that we can all love and cherish as a family. I teamed up with Kim from Bright Room Studio to create an illustrated summer bucket list that I could fill with our plans for summer fun – and I’m sharing the printable summer bucket list so you can create your own summer memories!
So yes, we’re pretty much halfway through summer here – but it’s never too late to create family traditions and memories that you’ll cherish forever. So go ahead and print out the bucket list, then add some of the things you’ve already done on the list just so you can cross them right off. It’s the best feeling! Use the rest of the spots to list all the other things you want to do this summer, whether it’s as simple as painting your nails in rainbow colors (a very specific request from my five year-old) or collecting seashells at the beach.
So far we’ve gone for a couple of evening swims, eaten pizza on the boardwalk, had a picnic on the 4th of July, visited the Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens to see the beautiful lotus blossoms, and fed the ducks at least half a dozen times. We’ve got plans for spending a weekend at the beach very soon and I think we’ll be heading to the movies this weekend since it’s supposed to rain. We’ve been wanting to see the Incredibles 2!
And how cute are all of Kim‘s illustrations featuring all the little emblems of summer?? I absolutely adore them! A bucket with seashells, summer fruit, books, a suitcase, and a swimsuit – even a tiny ferris wheel! Can’t even handle the cuteness.
All you have to do is download the printable file below and print it at home or at your local copy & print shop. I recommend printing on a bright white card stock, ideally 80 lb weight or higher so it’s nice and sturdy for hanging up on your wall!
Now tell me, what are you going to put on your summer bucket list?? You can see my bucket list items above, but I’d love more ideas and suggestions for fun summer traditions!
Download the printable summer bucket list right here!
p.s. Printable ice cream cone wrappers and printable tropical envelope liners
Bright Room Studio is a member of the Designer Rolodex – you can see more of Kim’s beautiful work right here!
All artwork © 2018 Bright Room Studio created exclusively for Oh So Beautiful Paper. All artwork is made available for personal use only. By downloading the patterns you agree to the terms of use.
Photos by Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper
I create a Summer Fun List with my daughters (age 4 and 7) and they love it! This summer includes buying clip on earrings, family slumber party, smores and donating toys.