A Pineapple-Coconut Rum Barrel

Spring is definitely here (the snow storm we’re supposed to have on Sunday not withstanding), and if you’re anything like me, the first warm weather of the year is a great excuse to start drinking Tiki drinks. We don’t mess around here: we’ve waited all winter and we can’t wait any more for summer. So here’s a fun Tiki drink featuring two of our infusions: the Pineapple-Coconut Rum Barrel! – Andrew

Pineapple-Coconut Rum Barrel Cocktail Recipe / Liquorary for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Pineapple-Coconut Rum Barrel Cocktail Recipe / Liquorary for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Pineapple-Coconut Rum Barrel

2 oz Pineapple-Coconut Infused Rum
1/2 oz Jamaican Rum
1 oz Lime Juice
1/2 oz Allspice Dram
1/2 oz Passion Fruit Syrup
1/2 oz Orgeat
4-6 dashes Angostura Bitters

To infuse the rum: first peel, core, and dice a whole pineapple. Then lightly toast half a cup of dried, shredded coconut in a sauce pan until golden brown and fragrant. Combine the pineapple and coconut with a bottle of rum – we used Sailor Jerry’s – in a nonreactive container (like a glass jar). Let it sit, shaking daily, for at least a few days and, if you can stand it, a few weeks. When you’re ready, filter the infusion through a cheesecloth, squeezing to extract as much liquid as possible. For a cleaner look, filter the rum again through a coffee filter. Bottle and enjoy!

To make the cocktail: combine the rums, lime, allspice dram, passion fruit, and orgeat in a shaker filled two-thirds with ice. Shake gently, just to mix everything up, then strain over fresh crushed ice. Dash the Angostura bitters on top to create a float. Enjoy!

Pineapple-Coconut Rum Barrel Cocktail Recipe / Liquorary for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Pineapple-Coconut Rum Barrel Cocktail Recipe / Liquorary for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Tiki drinks, which build layers of flavors by combining different rums, citrus, and sweeteners, seem like the perfect place to play around with infusions, which just add even more layers of flavor. This drinks is bursting with tart citrus and tropical fruit, with a nice finish of spice and toasty coconut. It risks being too sweet, but the float of Angostura bitters helps balance it out and adds a wonderful aroma of warm Caribbean spices.

Pineapple-Coconut Rum Barrel Cocktail Recipe / Liquorary for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Orgeat and passion fruit syrup are both ingredients you could make at home, there are also some really fantastic ready-made options available. You can find one of our favorite orgeats here and one of our favorite passion fruit syrups here.

(Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, where we’ve been posting our experiments before they make their way onto this column!)

Glassware by Liquorary

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Allspice Punch

We’re back again this week with another cocktail featuring our homemade Allspice Dram, because it’s too good and too easy to make to only give it one chance to shine. This week’s drink shows off not just our warmly spicy Allspice Dram, but also some gorgeous blood oranges that just happen to be in season: Allspice Punch. – Andrew

Allspice Punch Cocktail Recipe / Liquorary for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Allspice Punch

2 oz Aged Rum
3/4 oz Allspice Dram
3/4 oz Lime Juice
1/2 oz Blood Orange Juice
1 tsp Rich Simple Syrup
1 dash Angostura Bitters

Combine everything in a shaker filled two-thirds with ice and shake well. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with a candied cherry and a slice of blood orange. Enjoy!

Allspice Punch Cocktail Recipe / Liquorary for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Allspice Punch Cocktail Recipe / Liquorary for Oh So Beautiful Paper

For all intents and purposes, this is a gussied up Daiquiri. You have your rum, your citrus (lime and blood orange), and your sugar – the Allspice Dram is plenty sweet, and a dash of simple syrup helps balance out some of the allspice’s astringency. But it’s also warmer and spicier than a typical Daiquiri, and also delightfully pink, with a nice citrusy tartness to balance the spice. Alllspice is native to the Caribbean, so it only seems natural to show it off in a Daiquiri, the cocktail mascot of the tropics.

Allspice Punch Cocktail Recipe / Liquorary for Oh So Beautiful Paper

(Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, where we’ve been posting our experiments before they make their way onto this column!)

Glassware by Liquorary

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! Sophie and I are up in New Jersey for the weekend to celebrate my dad’s 75th birthday! We took the train up yesterday afternoon and our arrival was a total surprise for my dad. Then my sister showed up and also surprised him! She flew in all the way from California, and we’re all excited to spend a few days together to celebrate our dad’s big milestone. But in the meantime…

The Lovely Ave Paper Flower Bouquet via Instagram / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Paper flower bouquet by The Lovely Ave via Instagram / Photo by Elisha Braithwaite

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

That’s it for me this week! Check back a bit later for this week’s cocktail recipe! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday! xoxo

Behind the Stationery: E. Frances Paper

In honor of family, these three sweet ladies started the beloved E. Frances Paper. Sharing their beginnings story and how they collectively create as a team and family, Ali, Jenni, and Pippi are here to divulge their experiences with us on this installment of Behind the Stationery! –Megan

Behind the Stationery: E.Frances Paper / Oh So Beautiful Paper

E. Frances Paper! It’s still fun just writing it, this real dream come true to work every day and run a business with your sisters. Well, we are technically two sisters and a cousin, but we’ve been so close the term “sisters” has always seemed more appropriate. (We carried our little Pip for so long her parents had legit concerns about her learning to walk.) We’re sure it’s a common feeling among those who have also started their own businesses… some days you have to give a little pinch to remind yourself you’re not just playing office… it’s all real!

Behind the Stationery: E.Frances Paper / Oh So Beautiful Paper

It was never a stretch for Ali, our Creative Director, to enter the world of stationery. As far as we can remember, no piece of paper was safe from her grip. Our childhood soundtrack was one of scissors, tape and the crinkle of paper. We’ve seen entire boxes of tissues turn into parades, rolls of tape into paper fashion shows. Our parents have graciously lived through decades of homemade everything, especially cards. She grew into the world of fashion illustration, graphic design, and eventually her own design business, but we have always tried to think of the best way to exploit her talents. Eventually, it seemed cards were the perfect fit for her artwork and illustrations. A weekend in LA for Katie Hunt’s Paper Camp, and an early mentorship from Carina Murray (Queen of Crow & Canary) opened the door to the industry through which she skipped forward and never looked back.

Behind the Stationery: E.Frances Paper / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Our factory is currently located in Newport, Rhode Island. It’s hilarious to look back on our past offices: from Ali’s guest room (“Dad, seriously just walk between Holiday and Birthday, the bed is in there on the left”), to an attic, to a basement, and we’ll never forget the storage unit where the lights went out every 90 seconds. The building we’re in now is an old Bubble Gum Factory built in 1912 which we love, because it was also run by women! We are happy to carry on the girl boss tradition. The gum produced was sent to soldiers during during WWI. It’s cool to be an all-women team in the same factory space. They did gum wrappers; we do cello sleeves. It’s basically the same thing.

Behind the Stationery: E.Frances Paper / Oh So Beautiful Paper

E. Frances is named for our Grandmothers, Elizabeth and Frances, who must be looking down on us and sending us the gifts from heaven that are our employees. We currently have three full time employees and two to three part-time stuffers we call the Pit Crew. To trust your entire company to girls you actually want to be around every day is a gift. Also, it’s a special atmosphere to work with all girls! Aside from when our favorite UPS guy Joe comes in each day, it’s a free atmosphere to discuss facial hair, coconut oil for everything, and wayward toddlers. The stationery industry in general is one that builds each other up. We’ve been grateful to find how open and helpful other stationers have been, both with advice and support. It’s really a beautiful thing.

Behind the Stationery: E.Frances Paper / Oh So Beautiful Paper

It definitely takes all three of us to come up with our product ideas. We always say we each have a third of a brain and it only works when we put them all together. The artistic third is Ali, amazing combo of brilliant artist and wicked paper dork. We try to balance our designs between beautiful and sweet and happy. We want our products to always feel positive. It seems easy to veer off in new directions, so to stay true to E. Frances, every product has to pass a little test we’ve created in order for us to print it. Sometimes it’s tempting to do something we think will sell well, but if all three of us don’t want to buy it ourselves, it gets the boot.

Behind the Stationery: E.Frances Paper / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Behind the Stationery: E.Frances Paper / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Ali does all the artwork in large, hand-painted watercolors, then scans them in to add text and get print ready. Everything is offset printed and foil stamped. Years ago when we started we were told that ‘watercolor’ has an old-fashioned connotation, but we believed in Ali’s modern, washy look. Today we see a lot of gorgeous watercolors out there, which is awesome. It’s not just a cliché – believe in yourself.

Behind the Stationery: E.Frances Paper / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Along with our signature watercolor washes, we have our unique illustrated pieces. Pip and Jenni love coming up with new ideas and sending them to Ali. “Can you just draw a chicken who’s nervous, maybe a little shady, but cute and perfectly chubs?”

Behind the Stationery: E.Frances Paper / Oh So Beautiful Paper

A typical day is…Ha! Nonexistent! Our days are constantly changing and in motion. Most days are spent fulfilling orders, packaging raw goods, organizing inventory, and lately, planning for the National Stationery Show this May (Should we change hotels this year in order to be closer to Whole Foods?). Aside from the painting, Ali is busy re-designing our website, sourcing everything, trying to be clever for social media, and keeping the wheels of new design ideas spinning. Pippi, with her insane talent of being able to do 21 things at once, manages the daily office, works with the bookkeeper, and usually has her leg up doing a barre exercise all while constantly on the phone with customers and reps. Jenni is presently on maternity leave so she spends most of her time ‘doing milkins,’ as her three-year-old would say. And the whole office runs on jelly beans.

Behind the Stationery: E.Frances Paper / Oh So Beautiful Paper

There seem to be lessons and struggles on almost a daily basis. How many cards to order? How will we know which ones will sell better than others? Which of the kabillion shelves from Uline do we choose? Do we seriously need to actually count physical inventory again? What is girth? It’s a constant potpourri of unknowns and a lot of (we hope educated) guessing. But we’ve learned that guessing is an intrinsic part of it. Sometimes we’re very wrong, but you have to go for it. There has also been a lot of learning, and then then more learning on top of that! Balance sheets and budgets and bonus structures, oh my! We have made a lot of mistakes along the way but it turns out our moms were always right: You learn the most from the mistakes. There has definitely been a learning curve but we have truly enjoyed all of it. Ok… most of it. 🙂

Behind the Stationery: E.Frances Paper / Oh So Beautiful Paper

We want to grow bigger and bigger. We want to own a forklift one day and laugh at how excited we were when we bought a dolly and cheered we’ve made it! It’s a very challenging and fun dream to be living. We are grateful to be doing what we do – working hard alongside one another and our amazing crew, having our products in stores across the country and overseas, making new friends in the industry, and learning how to run a real business and say, “Whaaaattt?! We built that!”

Behind the Stationery: E.Frances Paper / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Thanks to Nole and Megan for letting us wax on about our sweet little company. We’d love to stay in touch with you through Instagram!

xo Ali, Jenni & Pippi

Photos by Maaike Bernstrom.

Interested in participating in the Behind the Stationery feature? Shoot me an email at megan [at] ohsobeautifulpaper [dot] com.

Signora e Mare + A Giveaway!

GIVEAWAY CLOSED – Thank you to everyone that entered!


I’m a huge fan of the gorgeous organic calligraphy of Katie Decker Hyatt of Signora e Mare, you can check out her work in our monthly calligraphy column here! In addition to being a super talented calligrapher, Katie also makes beautiful handmade, heirloom-quality goods for artists and makers – and we’re giving some of those beautiful goods to a few lucky readers today!

Signora e Mare Handmade Paper Notebooks / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Up first, these beautiful pocket notebooks! Each notebooks features a hand drawn and calligraphed design, letterpress printed in matte gold in Atlanta on 100% cotton rag and cotton paper made by Katie. Measuring 4.25 in x 5 in, the inside of each notebook features 40 blank uncoated text weight sheets in warm gray. Each notebook is finished with brass colored staples in saddle stitch binding and is available in two cover color options: old white and soft rose. I love those deckled edges!

Signora e Mare Handmade Paper Notebooks / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Next, the leather pencil case! Crafted from German leather and individually hand made by Katie’s mother, the pencil case features one large pocket with two leather ties for easy closure. Measuring 8 in x 2.75 in, the pencil case can hold several pens, nib holders and small brushes!

Signora e Mare Leather Pencil Case / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Signora e Mare Leather Pencil Case / Oh So Beautiful Paper

To enter, just follow the options on the Rafflecopter below – there are a bunch of ways to enter! You’ll have until midnight on Thursday, March 10 to enter! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Sorry, limited to U.S. readers only. Please enter via the Rafflecopter boxes below. Limit one entry per entry method per person. $66.50 approximate total retail value. Winners will be contacted via email after comments close.

Photo Credits: Signora e Mare