Friday Happy Hour: St-Germain Brunch Cocktail

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that brunch is the greatest meal of all time. So how about some brunch cocktails? I’ve decided to spend the next few weeks covering some great drinks for that best meal of the day, the one that’s not quite breakfast and not quite lunch but something sublimely in between, starting with a very easy and very tasty aperitif brunch cocktail.  â€“ Andrew

St-Germain Blood Orange Brunch Cocktail Recipe via Oh So Beautiful Paper (29)

Read below for the full recipe!

St-Germain Blood Orange Brunch Cocktail

1 oz St. Germain
1oz Cocchi Americano
San Pellegrino Aranciata Rossa Sparkling Juice

In a highball glass filled with ice, combine the St. Germain, Cocchi Americano, and San Pellegrino (we used the Aranciata Rossa or Blood Orange). Give it a stir and enjoy.

St-Germain Blood Orange Brunch Cocktail Recipe via Oh So Beautiful Paper (25) St-Germain Blood Orange Brunch Cocktail Recipe via Oh So Beautiful Paper (26)

Nole is a big fan of the San Pellegrino sparkling juices, so I started playing around with recipes to find one that worked as a cocktail. I eventually struck upon a great combination of the St. Germain’s floral sweetness, the Cocchi Americano’s complex herbal bitterness, and the citrusy effervescence of the San Pellegrino. Match that with a mild alcohol content and you have something a great drink (or two or three) you can pair with brunch.

St-Germain Blood Orange Brunch Cocktail Recipe via Oh So Beautiful Paper (11) St-Germain Blood Orange Brunch Cocktail Recipe via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1)

Cocchi Americano is a really interesting ingredient. It’s an aperitif white wine made according to the original Kina Lillet recipe. Kina Lillet was first made in Italy in 1891, flavored with deeply bitter gentian and cinchona bark, along with a touch of brandy, orange peel, and herbs. (It’s the missing ingredient for such classic cocktails as the Vesper and the Corpse Reviver #2). For a long time, the only thing close to Kina Lillet available in the States was the much sweeter and milder (but still tasty!) Lillet Blanc. Fortunately, this complex and fascinating spirit is available again (thanks to the amazing Haus Alpenz), so you can enjoy it in great brunch cocktails or, as they do in Italy, over ice with a splash of soda water and an orange peel garnish.

St-Germain Blood Orange Brunch Cocktail Recipe via Oh So Beautiful Paper (20)

This is a great example of discovering a great recipe through experimentation. I started with an ingredient – the Pellegrino – and paired it with spirits until I found a combination that worked for us. Here, more than ever before, play around until you find what works for you!

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper

{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday!  This week was pretty awesome – on Monday I took a little field trip with the talented Michele of Meant to Be Calligraphy to visit Terrain.  Have you been?  It was my first time there and I was just floored by how beautiful everything is – I had to resist the urge to bring home a million new plants for our poor little garden (which sadly isn’t doing so well in the brutal DC summer heat).  And lunch at the cafe?  Sooooo good.  I can’t wait to go back!  But in the meantime…

Terrain via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4) Terrain via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

Terrain via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1) Terrain via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2)

Photos of Terrain by me via Instagram (@beautifulpaper)

A few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

We have a fun cocktail coming up for you this afternoon, so check back a bit later for the recipe!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday!  xoxo

Cristina’s Creative Map Moving Announcements

I love moving announcements – like birth announcements, it’s a chance to celebrate a happy life change in a creative way.  Designer Cristina Pandol commemorated her recent move with these super-creative moving announcements, which combine an everyday city map (from AAA no less!) with neon pink screen printed text and a modern arrow graphic.  So fun!

Cristina Pandol Map Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper (5)

From Cristina: I saw my recent move as an opportunity to make an epic printed piece to send to my family and friends.  A lot of my family live in pretty rural areas of central California and are intimated by downtown Los Angeles, so the main objective here was to make my very dense neighborhood seem simple and easy to navigate.

Cristina Pandol Map Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)

After a few days in my new loft I found myself constantly looking on google maps for the nearest grocery story, dry cleaner, etc. when the idea to incorporate a map hit me.  It was so obvious that I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of it before!  I went to a AAA office the following day and shamelessly flirted with the guy at the desk.  He gave me 50 maps for free (what a sweetheart).

Cristina Pandol Map Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

Designing the type for the map was simple; the entire design was inspired by the industrial nature of a city.  I scanned the map, then laid Gotham over it and created the arrow to point exactly to the building I live in.  After that, the mailing label and the custom postage stamp just fell into place.

Cristina Pandol Map Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1)

Cristina Pandol Map Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2)

Thanks Cristina!

Design: Cristina Pandol

Screen Printing: DIY at Grow Your Own Media in Los Angeles

Calligraphy: Calligraphy Katrina

Photo Credits: Damon Biviano of Nomadic Creations

Elspet + Thomas’s Whimsical Hand Lettered Wedding Invitations

These whimsical hand lettered wedding invitations come to us from the London-based design studio BerinMade.  Erin from BerinMade was inspired by the bride’s vision of a wedding filled with confetti.  Erin created an invitation suite with a kraft paper and pink color palette with Erin’s beautiful hand lettering in white ink – and of course, lots of confetti hidden in the envelopes!

BerinMade Wedding Invitations via Oh So Beautiful Paper (7)

From Erin: When Elspet and I met up for a chat, we came up with a vision of a fun and confetti-filled wedding celebration.  This is exactly what we did for her three-piece wedding invitation suite.

BerinMade Wedding Invitations via Oh So Beautiful Paper (6)

We wanted to focus in on just a few elements: the quality of the card stock, which is a heavenly brown stock from the GFSmith range; my hand-lettering which was printed with white ink and run several times through the printer to get that lovely solid white; and a scatter of confetti across the invitation suite, on the back and also on the liners.

BerinMade Wedding Invitations via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

Then we matched the suite with candy pink and kraft envelopes.  The idea was for loose confetti would also fall out of the envelope as guests opened their invitations, giving a real sense of excitement and festivities.

BerinMade Wedding Invitations via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2)

BerinMade Wedding Invitations via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)

Thanks Erin!

Check out the Designer Rolodex for more tal­ented wed­ding invi­ta­tion design­ers and the real invi­ta­tions gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: BerinMade

Molly’s Zoo Theme Holiday Card + Moving Announcement

After moving to a new home and welcoming a second child, Molly from Paisley Quill decided to get super creative with her family’s annual holiday card – combining all three into one package!  Molly embraced the recent chaos, going with a fun zoo theme for the entire package accented with cute plastic zoo animals and lots of fun vintage stamps.

Paisley Quill Holiday Card/Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper (7)

From Molly:  This year has been rather crazy for us.  We had another baby and purchased a new home that required lots of renovations in a short amount of time.  Needless to say, I fell behind on my correspondence.  So this year, I decided that it was high time I got caught up and sent everything out together.

Paisley Quill Holiday Card/Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper (6)

In a little blue box, I sent our son’s birth announcement, our moving announcement, and Christmas card all together.  Tied up in a pretty little package and mailed to family and friends with lots of vintage stamps.  My friend Holly from the Paper Nickel gifted me the baby buggy stamp in honor of Callahan.

Paisley Quill Holiday Card/Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2) Paisley Quill Holiday Card/Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Paisley Quill Holiday Card/Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper (8)

Since having two kids, our life has been a ZOO!  So I ran with the concept, creating both a birth announcement and moving announcement modeled after an information card from the zoo.  I had a custom stamp made and stamped all of the glassine envelopes with our new family “crest.”  I sealed the moving announcement with the zoo animals inside the envelopes and taped them shut with fabric tape.

Paisley Quill Holiday Card/Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper (5)

Paisley Quill Holiday Card/Moving Announcement via Oh So Beautiful Paper (9)

Thanks so much Molly!

Photo Credits: Paisley Quill

*Paisley Quill is a sponsor of Oh So Beautiful Paper