{happy weekend – and happy new year!}

January is a time of natural reflection, and it seems like most of us are in the process of looking back on the past year and getting ready for the changes to come. 2012 was obviously a big year for me and my family; we found out we were expecting a baby in early 2012 and welcomed our little Sophie to the world in September. This past year was a complete whirlwind from start to finish, and while I’m not the type to set resolutions, I thought it would be good for me to talk a bit about of my goals and thoughts for the next twelve months…

2012-2013 by the Mandate Press via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Photo Credit: The Mandate Press

This is our big challenge for 2013, and I’m both excited and absolutely terrified at the same time. In early December, my husband and I found out that our current landlords are planning a complete renovation of our rented rowhouse – so we have to find a new place to live by the end of March. And while we were hoping to buy a home of our own in the near future, we also hoped to have a bit more time to save and prepare. Well, I guess there’s no time like the present! The DC real estate market is both super expensive and extremely competitive, which is the part that makes me nervous, but I’m trying to remain optimistic that we’ll find the right place in our timeframe.

This isn’t exactly about finding work/life balance, although that can be even more difficult when your work is done inside your home, but more about keeping everything in perspective. I absolutely LOVE what I do and cherish the opportunity to share beautiful paper goods with all of you every day, but I know that I can sometimes lose the big picture when I’m focusing too hard on my daily to-do list or when I fall victim to feeling like I have to constantly keep up with what everyone else is doing. This year, I’d like to do a better job of letting go of things that aren’t really that important in the long run and instead focus on what is best for me and my family, whether that’s spending more time with friends or just dedicating an entire afternoon to my daughter (away from email) without feeling guilty.

I’ve been a night owl my entire adult life, and I got into the terrible habit of doing blog work at night when I was still working in a regular office during the day for those first couple of years. So while my nighttime habits may have worked just fine when I was 25 (and pre-Sophie) it’s definitely starting to catch up with me now that I’m in my 30s. It may seem like a relatively small goal, but for me it’s going to be a major (and much-needed) overhaul – one that I think will make me much more productive and happy in the long run.

So! Those are my goals for 2013 – and now, as always, a few links for your weekend:

This (short) week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Top photo via The Mandate Press, all other photos by me via Instagram

Calligraphy Inspiration: Papermade Design

It’s really quite wonderful to see how a project comes together when the design, illustration, and calligraphy are executed by the same person. In this case, Elaine Chou of Papermade Design is that person. Incorporating hand-drawn illustrations and hand-written calligraphy, Papermade’s wedding and event stationery has such a handmade and rustic charm. (Elaine chose the name Papermade as a derivative of “handmade” for that very reason.) As elements are completely customized, Papermade can tailor-make correspondence to suit your personal style! – Julie

Papermade Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Papermade Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Looking through her body of work, I’m amazed at how each project has its own distinct personality. Printed on luxe cotton paper, clients can choose from modern flat printing or traditional letterpress.

Papermade Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Papermade Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Never one to overlook the details, Elaine takes every opportunity to make each event special with hand-lettered matchboxes and paper fans. Be sure to check out Elaine’s matchbox tutorial here for a little DIY fun!

Papermade Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Papermade Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Elaine’s hand-drawn illustrations are in perfect harmony with her calligraphy, adding an air of homespun elegance to her designs.

Papermade Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper

To stay up to date with sneak peeks at new projects, be sure to follow Papermade‘s blog, Twitter, and Facebook page.

Photo credits: 1, 2, 5 Erin J Saldana Photography;  3, 4, 6, 7 Christine Hahn

Camden’s Typographic Year In Review Holiday Cards

I’m a big fan of Year in Review cards – particularly for families that have undergone major changes that year, from big moves to welcoming a new family member. Camden from Studio Ephemera recently relocated her family to the Bay Area in California, so she combined her annual holiday card with a moving announcement and big update on her family’s recent changes. For the design, Camden chose a mix of fun typefaces with a few graphic icons scattered throughout to help anchor the text.

Graphic Moving Announcment Holiday Cards by Studio Epherma via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2)

From Camden: Our family has had a really busy year. We went through a long period of transition from the East Coast to the West Coast, as well as to new careers, so there was a lot to catch people up on. I decided to make our card two sided: the front a recap of the past year and hints for what awaits us next year, and the back an apology for falling out of touch and a summary of our new address and contact information.

Graphic Moving Announcment Holiday Cards by Studio Epherma via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1)

I used lyrics from the Bob Dylan song “The Times They Are A ‘Changin'” to tie both sides together thematically. Because there was so much information to convey, I decided to keep the card typographic in nature, using graphic icons and symbols to create visual interest and break up/balance the text.

Graphic Moving Announcment Holiday Cards by Studio Epherma via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)

For the type, I wanted something lighthearted but easy to read with a bit of a retro feel, so I used a combination of typefaces that I felt complemented one another (albeit in a quirky/non traditional way): KG Two is Better than One and KG All Things New, by Kimberly Geswein, Carton by Nick McCosker, and VAG Rounded by Gerry Barney.

 Graphic Moving Announcment Holiday Cards by Studio Epherma via Oh So Beautiful Paper (5)

For the color, I chose a deep teal on white to keep things streamlined, clean and fresh – a good way to recap the old and welcome the new! Matching envelopes kept everything tied together. Because I really wanted the cards to convey a handmade, quality feel, I letterpress printed them onto Rives BFK using a Vandercook (special thanks to Peter of Peter Koch Printers for letting me use his press!)

Graphic Moving Announcment Holiday Cards by Studio Epherma via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

Thanks Camden!

Photo Credits: Studio Ephemera

{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday everyone! So, we managed to get our tree and string lights… and haven’t made an ounce of progress since. I actually kind of love the look of our minimalist tree. This week Sophie turned 3 months old and my husband and I celebrated our 7-year dating anniversary by hiring a babysitter and going out to dinner alone for the first time in three months. We went to a new semi-secret restaurant in our neighborhood – very good food, but definitely not baby appropriate. Sophie handled the whole thing so well, I’m already looking forward to our next date night out! But in the meantime…


Photos by me, via Instagram

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

That’s it for me this week! I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday! xoxo

2012 Louie Award Winners – and Call for 2013 Entries!

For the past two years I’ve had the honor of serving as a judge for the Louie Awards, which recognizes creative excellence in the greeting card and social stationery industry, along with fellow online and magazine editors, buyers for some of the most influential national retail outlets, and owners of brick and mortar stationery stores. The Louies are celebrating their 25th anniversary this year! The Call for Entries deadline is next week (December 12!), so I thought I’d highlight a few of the winners from this year’s Louie Awards.

2012 Louie Award Winners via Oh So Beautiful Paper (18) 2012 Louie Award Winners via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Cards of the Year – above $3.50, Maginating (left), $3.50 and below Amy Smyth Made It (right)

2012 Louie Award Winners via Oh So Beautiful Paper (7)

Invitation Suite above $7 – Mr. Boddington’s Studio

2012 Louie Award Winners via Oh So Beautiful Paper (23) 2012 Louie Award Winners via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2)

Rising Star above $3.50 and Everyday Boxed Notes above $2.50 – Rifle Paper Co.

2012 Louie Award Winners via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1)

Valentine’s Day above $3.50 – Smock

2012 Louie Award Winners via Oh So Beautiful Paper (14) 2012 Louie Award Winners via Oh So Beautiful Paper (13)

General Friendship above $3.50 – Maginating (left), and Get Well above $3.50 – Bold Face Type (right)

2012 Louie Award Winners via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

Mother’s Day above $3.50 – Wild Ink Press

2012 Louie Award Winners via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)

Most Humorous – Old Tom Foolery

2012 Louie Award Winners via Oh So Beautiful Paper (9)

Humorous Friendship above $3.50 – Old Tom Foolery

2012 Louie Award Winners via Oh So Beautiful Paper (12) 2012 Louie Award Winners via Oh So Beautiful Paper (17)

Humorous Birthday $3.50 and below – Amy Smyth Made It (left), and Congratulations/Special Occasions above $3.50 – Sugarcube Press (right)

2012 Louie Award Winners via Oh So Beautiful Paper (15)

Custom Invitation or Announcement above $2.50 – Two Paperdolls

2012 Louie Award Winners via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Invitation Suite Honorable Mention – Sugar Paper

2012 Louie Award Winners via Oh So Beautiful Paper (25)

Invitation Suite Honorable Mention – Printerette Press

The Louie Awards are announced during the National Stationery Show and the deadline for entering is December 12th.  All stationery companies are encouraged to enter!  Details can be found at the GCA website.

{images via their respective sources}