Seasonal Stationery: Valentine’s Day Cards, Part 2

As promised yesterday, I have a few more favorite Valentine’s Day cards to share with you today!

Social Proper

Moontree Letterpress


Cleanwash Letterpress

Wit and Whistle


Wildhorse Letterpress

Dingbat Press

Richie Design

Anemone Letterpess

Kathryn Whyte

Sweet Harvey

Lettuce Press

Check back in a bit for a fun Valentine’s Day giveaway!

{images via their respective sources}

Beth + Michael’s Chevron Stripe Calligraphy Save the Dates

My oh my, I’m seriously in love with these save the dates. Created by Sarah of August Blume, Beth and Michael’s modern and whimsical save the dates combine beautiful lettering from Feast Calligraphy, chevron stripes, a fun interactive layout, and cut-out details. So cute!

From Sarah: I had the pleasure of designing a save the date card (and getting extra creative) for photographer Beth Morgan and her beau, Michael, for their spring 2012 wedding.  With a palette of teal, plum, fuchsia & slate (and the occasional red heart), we mixed their “Mississippi is for Lovers” theme with custom silhouettes and a muted chevron pattern.

We wanted a unique, interactive save the date to set the tone for their April wedding and to get guests excited about traveling to the South.  The couple met and fell in love in Mississippi so we included little-known-facts about the couple and their state on the back of the trifold card with a teal watercolor background.



The last panel features a mini glassine envelope holding a hang tag so guests can mark their calendar!  The calligraphy was penned by the very talented Alissa of Feast Calligraphy.  The cards were digitally printed on solar white cover stock and each Mississippi was individually cut using my Silhouette Cameo.

I love it!  Thanks Sarah!

Check out the Designer Rolodex for more tal­ented wed­ding invi­ta­tion design­ers and the save the date gallery for more beau­ti­ful cus­tom save the dates!

Photo Credits: August Blume

Best of 2011: Watercolor

Like neon, 2011 was a big year for watercolor – from calendars to greeting cards to baby shower invitations.  I’m looking forward to seeing a lot more watercolor in 2012, but in the meantime here are a few of my favorite posts incorporating watercolor from 2011!

Caitlin + Sean’s watercolor wedding invitations by Constellation & Co.

Nancy + Elias’s watercolor letterpress wedding invitations by Oh Happy Day

Watercolor collection from The Aerialist Press

p.s. See how to make your own watercolor invitations and stationery right here!

The Aerialist Press and Constellation & Co. are mem­bers of the Designer Rolodex – you can see more of their beau­ti­ful work here and here – or visit the real invi­ta­tions gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: Constellation & Co., Alexis Birkmeyer for Oh Happy Day, The Aerialist Press

{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday everyone!  This weekend I’m looking forward to breaking out the holiday decorations and putting up our Christmas tree, and to helping my Mom celebrate her birthday on Sunday.  Plus, my Dad and step-mom are in Mexico this weekend to attend a wedding, and my 70 year-old Dad got to use his passport for the very first time!  Yay Dad!  We’ve also been dying to see the new Muppets movie.  Have any of you seen it?  But in the meantime…

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

On a personal note, if you follow me on twitter or instagram, you may have seen that we recently welcomed a foster cat, Simon, into our home.  We’ve been working with an organization called Homeward Trails over the last couple of weeks (through our friend Leah, the talented photographer who took the photos below) to rescue a few homeless cats in our neighborhood.  We think Simon was abandoned by his previous owners; he’s incredibly social and was living with a colony of cats in an alley.  When we first met Simon he practically jumped into our arms, and now that he’s indoors he loves nothing more than to curl up in someone’s lap and rub his head on their chin.  He’s incredibly well-behaved, affectionate, and playful.  We’re hoping to find a home for him soon to make room for a couple of other needy cats before it gets really cold.  So if any readers in the Mid-Atlantic area are looking to adopt a cat – please consider Simon!

There are an estimated 50,000 stray and feral cats here in Washington, DC.  Some of the stray alley cats are some of the sweetest cats you’ll ever meet and it breaks my heart to think about these cats trying to brave the winter outdoors.  If you’re not looking to adopt, but have a spare room or even a basement, please consider fostering rescue animals.  You can also donate to Homeward Trails here to help cover medical costs for rescued cats and dogs.

We’ve got an awesome cocktail recipe coming up a bit later this afternoon, but otherwise that’s it for me this week!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday! xoxo

Photo Credits: Camelia via With This Nest, Simon’s photos by Studio Juno

Elias + Nancy’s Watercolor Letterpress Wedding Invitations by Oh Happy Day

I credit Jordan Ferney for my obsession with watercolor and letterpress.  If you’re not already familiar with Jordan, she’s the writer of one of my very favorite blogs, Oh Happy Day (she always has the most creative ideas!) and a fabulously talented letterpress printer.  Jordan started experimenting with watercolor and letterpress last year, beginning with these business cards and her family holiday cards, and I’ve been hooked ever since.  Jordan sent over these amazing wedding invitations that she created for a destination wedding in Greece earlier this year.  The complete suite includes a bilingual invitation, accordion booklet with travel and accommodation information, along with ceremony programs and menus for the reception – and each element was watercolored by hand!

From Jordan:  The invitations were watercolored individually by hand before being letterpress printed in a very light grey ink.  The English and the invitation and the Greek invitation were then duplexed together with one language on the front and another on the back.

The accommodations and travel information were listed in an accordion booklet.  The booklet cover was letterpress printed then duplexed with a letterpress striped paper.  The inside was watercolored by hand, scored, and then it was all sewn together with metallic silver thread.


The complete invitation suite was tied together in silver thread.  The outer envelopes were also letterpress printed and watercolored, and addresses were calligraphed by Emilie Friday before being mailed to guests.   The menus and wedding program were also hand watercolored and printed with a dark grey ink.

Thanks Jordan!  For more from Elias and Nancy’s wedding in Greece, check out their feature on Martha Stewart Weddings right here!

Check out the Designer Rolodex for more tal­ented wed­ding invi­ta­tion design­ers and the real invi­ta­tions gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: Alexis Birkmeyer for Oh Happy Day