Janet’s Nautical Vintage Map Party Invitations

Happy Monday everyone! I’m feeling refreshed after spending the weekend working in our garden, enjoying the beautiful spring weather, and visiting one of my favorite spring spots, the Mount Vernon estate just outside of DC. We’re starting the week with some really fun nautical and travel-inspired party invitations from Bonnie at Tenn Hens Design. I’m particularly loving the amazing map envelopes and gold wax seal!

Nautical Map Party Invitations by Tenn Hens Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (9)

From Bonnie: An event planner in Nashville that we’ve partnered with over the years, Elizabeth James, came to us with a very special project this past winter. Her client was hosting an intimate party at sea. And not just on any old boat, but a ship. They wanted to treat their guests to a truly unique affair. There were various parties tied around this weekend so we designed two different looks that still complemented one another.

Nautical Map Party Invitations by Tenn Hens Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (8)

Each invitation was hand delivered in an envelope made from map paper and secured with a gold wax seal. The first invitation was letterpressed on both sides and duplexed (just to make the cotton paper even more luxurious). We ended up adding an addendum tag at the last hour when Hurricane Sandy came into the picture, but mother nature certainly has a way of being unpredictable!

Nautical Map Party Invitations by Tenn Hens Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (7)

Nautical Map Party Invitations by Tenn Hens Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (6) Nautical Map Party Invitations by Tenn Hens Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (5)

Nautical Map Party Invitations by Tenn Hens Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

The main invitation was a more subdued palette of warm grey letterpress + gold foil. I adore the look of the foil and the texture it adds.

Nautical Map Party Invitations by Tenn Hens Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2)

Nautical Map Party Invitations by Tenn Hens Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)

Nautical Map Party Invitations by Tenn Hens Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1)

Thanks Bonnie!

Photo Credits: Tenn Hens Design

Friday Happy Hour: The Dark & Stormy

About this time last year, Nole and I were enjoying our first trip to the Caribbean. To celebrate the memories of the trip, here’s a quintessential Caribbean cocktail, the Dark & Stormy. This is a drink that’s really great on a hot day, rich and fizzy and full of flavor, and somehow both spicy and smooth at the same time. – Andrew

Signature Cocktail: The Dark & Stormy by Oh So Beautiful Paper (20)

Oh So Beautiful Paper Signature Cocktail Recipe Card: The Dark & Stormy

Illustration by Caitlin Keegan for Oh So Beautiful Paper

The Dark & Stormy

2 oz Dark Rum
3-4 oz Ginger Beer
1/2 oz Lime Juice

Combine everything with ice, give it a good stir, garnish with a lime wedge and enjoy!

The proper rum to use here is Gosling’s, a Bermudan rum that’s a little spicy and a touch funky. But any dark and heavy rum, like a rich Demerara, could do nicely. The lime is not original to the recipe, which also hails from Bermuda, but is a great addition that really makes the other flavors pop.

Signature Cocktail: The Dark & Stormy by Oh So Beautiful Paper (21) Signature Cocktail: The Dark & Stormy by Oh So Beautiful Paper (22)

The Dark & Stormy is a trademark of Gosling’s, which has been making rum since 1806, since the early 20th century. But the drink’s origins probably go a little further back than that. British sailors started receiving a daily rum ration sometime in the 17th century* which, by the mid-1800s, was two ounces of heavy, dark rum of the sort Goslin’s made. Sometime later, the British navy also decided to build a ginger beer bottling plant (weird, right?). Some enterprising sailors (the original inventors of so much of what we drink today) likely started putting together their rum rations and ginger beer quickly thereafter; Gosling’s just made it official.

Signature Cocktail: The Dark & Stormy by Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)

*British sailors received their last rum ration on July 31st, 1970 – Black Tot Day. There’s a very small amount left from the last consignment, and I hear it’s very unusual and very delicious. It’s also very, very expensive – I’ve seen bottles for sale for nearly a thousand dollars – so, sadly, I don’t think we’ll be featuring it in any Cocktail Fridays any time soon.

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper

{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday everyone! With all the gorgeous spring weather we’ve been enjoying lately, I just want to close my computer and sit outside all day long! The lilacs are blooming, peonies are just around the corner, and my favorite Kazan cherry blossoms are in bloom all over the city. Yay spring! Also, I just realized that there’s only ONE MONTH until the National Stationery Show! I can’t believe it’s coming up so soon! But in the meantime…

Oh So Beautiful Paper Instagram Photos (3) Oh So Beautiful Paper Instagram Photos (4)

Oh So Beautiful Paper Instagram Photos (2) Oh So Beautiful Paper Instagram Photos (1)

Photos by me via Instagram

…a few links for your weekend:

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Check back soon for this week’s cocktail!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday! xoxo

OSBP at Home: In the Garden

It’s been a few weeks since we moved to our new house, and although we’re still not completely unpacked I have lots of house-related things on the brain as I dream about all the updates and improvements I’d love to make to our home. I hope you won’t mind if I share some of my thoughts with you from time to time? And since spring has firmly arrived here in DC, I thought I’d start with my plans for our outdoor spaces!

Oh So Beautiful Paper at Home: Garden Inspiration (3)

1. Patio; 2. Rain Spout Trellis; 3. Foundation Garden; 4. Foundation Garden; 5. Camellias; 6. Herb Garden

Outdoor space wasn’t a high priority when we first started looking for houses, but somehow ended up with a house with a bit of green space in both the front and back! Our back yard is more of a patio with a large area of paver stones and a smaller space for planting, but it should be more than enough for my limited gardening skills. We’re planning to fill our space with some of our favorite flowers and shrubs, including lilacs, English garden roses, peonies, and hellebores. I’m also hoping to train a few vines (I’m thinking jasmine and clematis) around the yard and perhaps even create some narrow raised beds for herbs and select veggies along the fence. My goal is to create a colorful and fragrant little oasis for eating and grilling outdoors during warm weather months.

Oh So Beautiful Paper at Home: Garden Inspiration (2)

TOP ROW: Roses, Peonies, Lilacs

BOTTOM ROW: Phlox, Jasmine, Hellebores

In our front yard, the previous owners left us a mystery rosebush (I can’t wait to see what color blooms emerge soon!) against the foundation and some wonderfully fragrant lavender closer to the sidewalk, but there are some bare patches to fill. The front yard receives lots of direct sunlight in the morning, so I’m thinking of doing pretty spring-blooming phlox next to the lavender and a colorful foundation garden under the mystery roses. The yard in front of our old apartment was completely shaded by a giant old maple tree, so I’m excited to have a full sun area to dig into!

Are any of you planning new garden projects for spring?

Tania + Nick’s Coral and Mint Modern Wedding Invitations

Coral and mint green happen to be two of my favorite colors at the moment – so how could I resist when James and Vinti of OOXX sent over these modern wedding invitations? In keeping with the bride and groom’s personalities, James and Vinti kept the design on the informal side with playful wording and the bright color palette.

Colorful Modern Wedding Invitations by OOXX via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1)

From James and Vinti: Nick and Tania are a couple based out of Stratford Ontario. They are a really young couple who didn’t want their invitations to feel like they take themselves too seriously, especially since their are just having a small ceremony with their family and friends and then a cocktail reception to follow on a Thursday.

Colorful Modern Wedding Invitations by OOXX via Oh So Beautiful Paper (7) Modern Mint and Coral Wedding Invitations by OOXX via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Their wedding colors were coral and mint and they wanted their invitations to reflect that, so we created this dynamic invitations using the different colors for different cards and this helped make this invitation more playful. We really love the simplicity and graphical elements in the design of this invitation. We used a great font with lots of movement to contrast the hard edges of the black borders.

Colorful Modern Wedding Invitations by OOXX via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

Colorful Modern Wedding Invitations by OOXX via Oh So Beautiful Paper (5) Colorful Modern Wedding Invitations by OOXX via Oh So Beautiful Paper (6)

Colorful Modern Wedding Invitations by OOXX via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)

Thanks James and Vinti!

Check out the Designer Rolodex for more tal­ented wed­ding invi­ta­tion design­ers and the real invi­ta­tions gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: OOXX