Katie’s Red + Orange Baby Shower Invitations

We’re almost at the end of another summer week, so what better way to help transition to the weekend than with these bright (and sunny!) red and orange letterpress baby shower invitations?


Miguel from Heavy Metal Letterpress created these baby shower invitations for his sister (congrats Katie!), stitching together the tops of two sheets of cotton paper for a playful design:





Thanks so much Miguel!  You can check out more of his work over on the Heavy Metal Letterpress blog.

I’ll be back a bit later with my usual Friday round-up!

{image credits: heavy metal letterpress}

{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday everyone!  The siren song of the weekend is absolutely calling my name today.  I’m off to go check out a new-to-me farmer’s market (I can’t get enough of all the amazing summer fruit and produce!) and then get the house ready for a visit from my husband’s parents this weekend.  I’m looking forward to showing his parents around our new neighborhood (it’s their first visit since we moved back in January) and to a visit to one or two of the Smithsonian museums (we usually save trips to museums for a visit from out-of-town family or friends).  But in the meantime…


…a few links for your weekend!

And in case you missed it, a few favorite posts from this week:

That’s pretty much it for me this week!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you all back here on Monday!

{image credits: evs media via once wed}

Summer Cloud Wedding Invitations

With the summer heatwave beating down on the East Coast this week, I’ve been dreaming about an escape to the beach (or the mountains, really anywhere with a breeze and cooler temperatures).  These dreamy cloud invitations from Moontree Letterpress remind me of breezy afternoons on the beach, just watching the clouds roll by in the sky:



So, so beautiful.

{image credits: moontree letterpress}

{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday everyone!  Between plans to go blackberry picking and hanging out with good friends over the long 4th of July weekend, I haven’t been this excited for a weekend to kick off in a long time.  I really can’t believe it’s July already – the summer is flying by so quickly!  I’m heading off to enjoy the weekend, but in the meantime…


…a few links for your weekend!

And in case you missed it, a few favorite posts from this week:

That’s it for me this week!  Oh, and you all are totally awesome with the kids party invitations!  I’ve received so many submissions that I’ll be doing a few more round-ups over the next couple of weeks.  So keep them coming!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you all back here on Tuesday!

{image credits: snaphappyraa}

Seersucker Wedding Invitations

Nothing epitomizes summer quite like seersucker – once June rolls around it’s seersucker suits, skirts and dresses galore here in DC as Capitol Hill and government staffers try to escape the perennial DC heat and humidity.  So when Kathryn posted a link to these amazing seersucker invitations photographed by Brookelyn Photography, I was instantly smitten with the beautiful seersucker fabric invitation pockets:






Of course, once I looked past the seersucker I also fell in love with the handwritten text and illustrated line details.  Turns out this couple DIY’d the entire invitation suite – learning how to use a letterpress so they could print their own invitations!  The result is absolutely stunning.  I can’t wait to see Brooke’s photos from their wedding!

{image credits: brookelyn photography}