Illustrated Honeysuckle Vine Wedding Invitations

If you aren’t quite ready to say goodbye to summer, we’ve got some wedding invitations for you! Designer Rolodex member Amanda of Wide Eyes Paper Co. designed these stunning illustrated honeysuckle vine wedding invitations with a custom hand painted envelope liner as the main focal point. Along with the custom envelope liner, the invitation suite features an earthy green and kraft color palette and subtle rustic touches to honor their outdoor wedding venue. So pretty!

Illustrated Honeysuckle Vine Wedding Invitations by Wide Eyes Paper Co.

From Amanda: This sweet little three piece letterpress invitation suite is surely going to make it hard to say goodbye to summer. Rebecca and William wanted a simple two color invitation that captured the elegant beauty of their outdoor wedding in New Jersey. We created a whimsical design focused around illustrated honeysuckle vines and subtle rustic details. The letterpress cotton card stock added the perfect texture to the earthy color palette.

Illustrated Honeysuckle Vine Wedding Invitations by Wide Eyes Paper Co.

Illustrated Honeysuckle Vine Wedding Invitations by Wide Eyes Paper Co.

We loved working with the couple to create the RSVP card, details card, and adorable “good morning” card to make sure that every important detail was covered in style for the lucky guests of this rustic wedding.

Illustrated Honeysuckle Vine Wedding Invitations by Wide Eyes Paper Co.

Did we forget to mention the custom watercolor map? There is no better way to give your guests a lay of the land than highlighting all of the spots that are close to your heart. We included many landmarks that are special to the couple such as the location of their first kiss and first sailing adventure to the iconic Normandy Hotel.

Illustrated Honeysuckle Vine Wedding Invitations by Wide Eyes Paper Co.

Illustrated Honeysuckle Vine Wedding Invitations by Wide Eyes Paper Co.

The custom floral watercolor liner and wood engraved tags were the perfect finishing touches to this whimsical invitation suite, with the wood engraved tags and natural twine adding a dose of rustic texture. We chose vintage-inspired floral postage stamps to enhance the natural feel of the invitation set.

Illustrated Honeysuckle Vine Wedding Invitations by Wide Eyes Paper Co.

Thanks Amanda!

Design: Wide Eyes Paper Co. 
Letterpress Printing: Clove St. Press

Wide Eyes Paper Co. is a member of the Designer Rolodex – you can see more of their beautiful work right here or visit the real invi­ta­tions gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: Kelly Wild

Calligraphy Inspiration: Kelsey Malie Calligraphy

Hey everyone! Somehow it’s August and summer is zooming by at full speed (with hints of fall even in the air.) Before our focus goes full-on about the new school year and fall plans, let’s dive into a fresh dose of calligraphy to keep our summer senses floating on high. Once I stumbled on the work of calligrapher Kelsey Carpenter, I was blown away by her work’s natural lightness and organic style. Let’s take a peek into the world of Kelsey Malie Calligraphy. Jen

Calligraphy Inspiration: Kelsey Malie Calligraphy

Photo Credit: Ivory + Bliss Photography

Kelsey stumbled into calligraphy when she was getting married. “I didn’t like any paper goods out there and couldn’t afford something custom so I picked up a dip pen and learned.” Then she literally hand wrote each wedding invitation (as a beginner!). After that experience, she was hooked on calligraphy.

Calligraphy Inspiration: Kelsey Malie Calligraphy

Photo Credit: Donny Zavala Photography

Kelsey hails from the beautiful state of Hawaii, and that’s where she and her husband got married, too. They now are city dwellers in Chicago.

Calligraphy Inspiration: Kelsey Malie Calligraphy

Kelsey shares: “The most wonderful part of invitation design is working in the personality of each client into their wedding paper goods. I just had a client who had a sketch of each member of her wedding party done for her program and another that, in lieu of favors, hand-wrote a message on custom stationary to each guest to be placed at their seat during dinner.”

I’m such a sentimental sap when it comes to special details like that, and little ways to connect with people in your wedding. Since that connection with friends and family is certainly part of the joy of a wedding!

Calligraphy Inspiration: Kelsey Malie Calligraphy

Kelsey likes to changes things up in her work and play with different lettering styles. “I love learning new scripts and am constantly challenging myself to work on older script styles like Spencerian and Copperplate.” But if you try to nail her down to describing her calligraphy style in a couple words, she’ll share it’s “romantic and messy”. Kind of feels like the perfect mix, right? Far from fussy, her romantic messy style of lettering work feels effortless and organic.

Calligraphy Inspiration: Kelsey Malie Calligraphy

Photo Credits: Jenni Kupelian Photography


“I love when I can just play with wild, illegible script and ink splatters,” shares Kelsey. But she definitely keeps everything more readable when it comes to invitation suites for real brides.

Calligraphy Inspiration: Kelsey Malie Calligraphy

Calligraphy Inspiration: Kelsey Malie Calligraphy

Leaving you with this sweet wedding program where Kelsey’s calligraphy is the star. Thanks so much to Kelsey for sharing her beautiful work! See you back here soon.

All images via Kelsey Malie Calligraphy, except where noted.

Learning New Things with Skillshare

I’m a big proponent of lifelong learning and always trying out new skills and hobbies. Learning new things and skills is such a great way to keep your mind fresh, and I find that you can often apply lessons learned from new disciplines to other things in your life. Plus, picking up a new hobby can be a fantastic way to spark creativity and inspiration. And even if you’re not looking for a new hobby, it’s a good idea to continue honing your skills – you’re always bound to pick up a new technique or learn something new. I’ve been feeling a bit uninspired lately, so I decided to take a few classes on Skillshare focused on a couple of my favorite hobbies, calligraphy and photography, along with something that was totally new for me – watercolor painting! Skillshare is offering Oh So Beautiful Paper readers two FREE months of premium membership, so it’s the perfect time to try something new! It’s usually $15 a month, but if you click here you’ll get two free months with unlimited access to stream their online classes.

Learning New Things with Skillshare!

Skillshare offers more than 16,000 classes on topics such as calligraphy and hand lettering, illustration, watercolor painting, and photography – even marketing and creative writing! – all taught by masters of their crafts. One of my favorite things about Skillshare (other than all the amazing class topics, of course) is that you can watch the classes anywhere, anytime: watch them on your laptop, on your phone through the Skillshare app, or download them to your phone or tablet to watch later without an internet connection.

Learning New Things with Skillshare

Here are the classes that I took:

Fun & Loose Watercolor Florals, Leaves, & Butterflies / Skillshare

Fun & Loose Watercolor Florals, Leaves, & Butterflies / Skillshare

Fun & Loose Watercolor Florals, Leaves, & Butterflies

I grew up in an artistic home. We had an art room instead of a traditional playroom, and my mom signed me up for lots of art classes and summer camps as a kid. But I’ve never taken a watercolor class! My painting style as an adult has always trended towards modern abstract painting, and I’ve felt intimidated by the idea of trying to paint something with a lot of detail. I also have a deep love of flowers, so when I saw Fun & Loose Watercolor Florals, Leaves, & Butterflies with Yasmina Creates, I thought it would be the perfect way to combine my love of flowers with my more abstract painting style. This class was so much fun! I loved the way Yasmina taught me to break each flower down into its basic shape and loosely interpret that shape in the painting, instead of worrying about representing a flower exactly as it appears in a photograph. Yasmina also shares some fantastic tips and techniques in the class, like how to put different amounts of pressure on the brush to create different leaf shapes and sizes and when to new colors to wet paint as a way of adding dimension to the painting. The paintings in the two photos at the top of the post are what I created after taking this class!

Pen and Ink Calligraphy: The Art of the Envelope / Skillshare

Pen and Ink Calligraphy: The Art of the Envelope / Skillshare

Pen and Ink Calligraphy: The Art of the Envelope

With two young daughters and a slew of nieces and nephews, I’m always sending cards in the mail: birthday cards, holiday cards, feel better soon cards, etc. My envelope addressing game definitely needs some work, so I signed up for The Art of the Envelope with Bryn Chernoff of Paperfinger. This class is great for just about anyone, from an aspiring professional calligrapher to a bride or groom hoping to address the envelopes for their own wedding invitations. Young kids almost never receive mail, so you can just imagine their surprise when a fancy envelope with their name on it shows up in the mailbox! Bryn also teaches a fantastic Introduction to Modern Script Calligraphy class with foundational instruction on calligraphy tools and creating beautiful letterforms. If you prefer brush lettering over pointed pen calligraphy, I also highly recommend this Waterbrush Lettering Essentials class.

Photography and Visual Storytelling

Food Photography: Shooting in 5 Styles / Skillshare

Photography is one of those skills where I always feel like I have more to learn, no matter how many times I pick up a camera. Visual storytelling is such a large part of what I do online, from photographing our cocktail recipes to sharing images on Instagram, and there’s always room for improvement. I took a couple of photography classes with a focus on food photography, but I think there’s plenty of lessons to take away from these classes whether you’re a stationer looking to take better styled product photos or an artist looking to share a behind the scenes peek of your space.

Food Photography: Shooting in 5 Styles / Skillshare

Food Photography: Shooting in 5 Styles / Skillshare

Food Photography: Shooting in 5 Styles

Lifestyle Photography: Visual Storytelling / Skillshare

Lifestyle Photography: Visual Storytelling / Skillshare

Lifestyle Photography: Visual Storytelling

Both of these classes focus on food photography, but the lessons are applicable to any type of lifestyle photography. In Food Photography: Shooting in 5 Styles, food photographer Leela Cyd talked about shooting the same subject (milk and cookies!) in five different styles: light and airy, dark and moody, bright and crisp, in progress, and lifestyle (aka with a person in the photo). She provided a bunch of really helpful tips on camera settings without getting too technical, and I loved her advice of drawing an image storyboard of each shot that I want to get BEFORE the photo shoot. In Lifestyle Photography: Visual Storytelling we get to see Marte Maria Forsberg’s process from start to finish: shopping at a local market to purchase ingredients and props for a photo shoot, working with a model, and styling the meal that serves as the focal point of the session. Marte Maria’s lessons taught me to think about each type of image that I want to get out of a photo shoot – similar to Leela’s storyboarding process â€“ and a totally different way to use light to enhance my images.

Don’t forget! Skillshare is offering Oh So Beautiful Paper readers two FREE months of unlimited access to stream their more than 16,000 online classes. Click here to get started!

Top two photos by Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper. This post is sponsored by Skillshare. All content and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make Oh So Beautiful Paper possible!

Calligraphy Inspiration: Emily Rose Ink

Hello friends! I’m super excited to dive into the work of calligrapher Emily Asher of Emily Rose Ink today. It’s summertime, and we’re right in the peak season of being outdoors, where you want pretty things around you that feel fresh and organic, and even maybe a little romantic. That pretty much wraps up Emily’s style of calligraphy. So let’s jump in with a whole dose of lettering work that I think you’ll love. Jen

Wedding Calligraphy Inspiration from Emily Rose Ink

Photo Credit: Lea Emerson Photography

Of her inspiration, Emily shares, “I’ve found that I gravitate towards a style that feels romantic and organic but refined, a little imperfect without being too messy. I want my invitations to convey the formality deserving of a wedding without feeling stuffy or too traditional.”

Calligraphy and Vintage Stamp Envelope Inspiration from Emily Rose Ink

Emily likes to use vintage stamps with her wedding projects. “It’s fun for me to choose stamps that correspond to the couple’s geographical location, their history, or their interests, and they dress up an envelope in a way that makes each guest feel like they are opening a beautifully decorated gift when they receive their invitation.”

Wedding Calligraphy Inspiration from Emily Rose Ink

Wedding Calligraphy Inspiration from Emily Rose Ink

Wedding Calligraphy Inspiration from Emily Rose Ink

Photos: Leah Emerson Photography

“I am definitely inspired by nature and often my invitations have a sense of place – whether it’s a venue illustration or a floral border inspired by the local colors and varieties of flowers that will be used in their wedding,” shares Emily. This is one invitation for a welcome party that I’d want to frame afterwards!

Wedding Calligraphy Inspiration from Emily Rose Ink

Photo: Tim Tab Photography

I love this color palette for an invitation suite. That’s such a pretty blue and I love how it pairs with the reds.

“Lately I’ve been doing a lot of venue illustrations – both detailed architectural line drawings and watercolor scenes inspired by the natural beauty of the venue — and I love giving guests a preview of the wedding in this way,” says Emily. “The invitations also then serve as mementos for the couple, pieces of art that they can cherish forever.”

Wedding Calligraphy Inspiration from Emily Rose Ink

Photo Credit: Lea Emerson Photography

Wedding Calligraphy Inspiration from Emily Rose Ink

Check out these Save the Dates by Emily! Talk about a keeper — the California landscape looks so cool on those cards.

Wedding Calligraphy Inspiration from Emily Rose Ink

Photo: Maria Harte Photography

Here’s an example of when subtle is so perfect. The soft gray tones of the lettering and vine illustration on this table card makes the design feel more modern.

Thanks so much to Emily of Emily Rose Ink for sharing a peek of her work. See you soon, friends!

Emily Rose Ink is a member of the Oh So Beautiful Paper Designer Rolodex – you can see more of her work right here!

Tropical Flamingo Pink and Green Birthday Party Invitations

Summer is here and an adorable flock of pink flamingos is here to kick off summer! How fun are these tropical flamingo pink and green birthday party invitations that designer and calligrapher Holly Hollon created for her daughter’s first birthday soirée?? Tropical leaf illustrations, pink cabana stripes, touches of gold foil, and of course Holly’s beautiful calligraphy are all focal points of these gorgeous invitations!

Tropical Flamingo Pink and Green Birthday Party Invitations by Holly Hollon Design and Calligraphy

Tropical Flamingo Pink and Green Birthday Party Invitations by Holly Hollon Design and Calligraphy

From Holly: For Biscuit’s First Birthday, I wanted to do a backyard birthday with a tropical theme as it was the first of summer and I was feeling all the summer time vibes while planning.

Tropical Flamingo Pink and Green Birthday Party Invitations by Holly Hollon Design and Calligraphy

I had some pink yard flamingos for years and never used them and they helped inspire the flamingo motif of the birthday party. These pink flamingos were perfect for our backyard golf course that we set up for the birthday party. Then one day in the grocery store I saw some silver urn plants and those further inspired a flamingo pink and green invitation.

Tropical Flamingo Pink and Green Birthday Party Invitations by Holly Hollon Design and Calligraphy

I love the Royal Hawaiian Hotel on Waikiki Beach and used a pink similar to the color of the hotel. Pink and green are such festive and summery colors. It was fun to play with bright colors and pull in touches of gold in the day-of party goods.

Tropical Flamingo Pink and Green Birthday Party Invitations by Holly Hollon Design and Calligraphy

I designed scorecards with the flamingo logo and my dad crafted wooden putters for the children at the party. Napkins, koozies and cups were a fun way to have special touches and not have to go overboard with party decor. I simply love how it all came together!

Tropical Flamingo Pink and Green Birthday Party Invitations by Holly Hollon Design and Calligraphy

Tropical Flamingo Pink and Green Birthday Party Invitations by Holly Hollon Design and Calligraphy

Tropical Flamingo Pink and Green Birthday Party Invitations by Holly Hollon Design and Calligraphy

Thanks Holly!

Design: Holly Hollon Design and Calligraphy & Dixie Design
Party Goods: Print Appeal

Photo Credits: Mary Margaret Smith Photography