Sarah + Brian’s Western Watercolor Wedding Invitations

Happy Monday everyone! I’m on my way up to NYC for the Winter NYNOW market (you can follow the show along with me via Instagram!), but I’m excited to start the week with a pair of really gorgeous wedding invitations! First up, a fun invitation suite from AllieRuth Design that mixes a western vibe with romantic details like calligraphy and floral patterns. Such a wonderful combination!


From Allie: We had SO much creating this suite. Sarah and Brian really allowed me to run with their ideas and put something together that stands out among the AllieRuth portfolio. We worked with Mama’s Sauce, our favorite rock star printers, to take on the unique task of letterpress printing a blind impression woodgrain texture and then screen printing in metallic ink.


The reception took place on a beautiful ranch, inside of a horse barn. The couple wanted to incorporate that western vibe in a subtle way, so we mixed a funky retro font with my calligraphy, and brought in soft details with the lace band, watercolors, and floral envelope liner.



Thanks Allie!

Design: AllieRuth Design

Letterpress and Screen Printing: Mama’s Sauce

AllieRuth Design is a member of the Designer Rolodex – you can see more of Allie’s beautiful work right here or visit the real invitations gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: AllieRuth Design

Friday Happy Hour: Hot Buttered Rum

Since there are so many amazing drinks out there, I don’t like to write about any one cocktail more than once – it takes away opportunities to introduce more. But this weather has been so accursedly cold that I’ll make an exception for the Hot Buttered Rum, which we first wrote about a long while ago but which is so perfect for winter that it deserves another look. – Andrew



Illustration by Shauna Lynn for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Hot Buttered Rum

2 oz Aged Rum
3/4 oz Simple Syrup
6 oz Hot Water
1/2 oz Unsalted Butter

Combine the syrup, water, and butter in a mug and stir until the syrup and butter are thoroughly melted. Add the rum and stir again. Garnish with cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. Enjoy!


Hot buttered rum is basically a rum Hot Toddy – rich, sweet, and so warming – but with the addition of melted butter, which adds to the body of the drink and a silky mouthfeel. I like to use Royal Rose’s Cardamon-Clove Simple Syrup here, to add an additional layer of spicy complexity.


Rum these days has lots of tropical connotations: Tiki drinks and Caribbean rum punches. But for a long time – from the late 1600s to the early 1800s –rum was the spirit of choice in the decidedly non-tropical New England. New Englanders got very good at a couple of things: mixing everything they could find with rum, and making drinks to ward off the chill of New England winters. Including butter, which might seem strange to us now but probably made perfect sense to a society that didn’t have modern cough drops to treat sore throats – and actually could use those extra calories to help stay warm. You’ll have to figure out what to do with those on your own.


*Some of those drinks turned out pretty good, like the Stone Fence. Some of those drinks turned out not so good, like the Black Strap – a mix of rum and molasses that is so dreadfully awful that it’s the one classic cocktail that I can’t recommend.

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you’re somewhere warmer than DC – it’s only the end of January and this is the coldest winter I’ve experienced since moving here more than 10 years ago! We’re supposed to have a couple of nice days this weekend, which I’m looking forward to enjoying before I head up to New York for NYNOW on Monday. Next week: reports from NYNOW! But in the meantime…


Photo by me via Instagram

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

Check back soon for this week’s cocktail! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here next week! xoxo

DC Guide: The National Postal Museum

We made an impromptu trip to the Smithsonian National Postal Museum on a rainy Saturday a couple of weeks ago. It was actually my first time at this museum, but I’m so glad we went – it’s now on my must-visit list for DC! The stamp collection alone is worth a visit, but there are also exhibits on the evolution of the postal service, from the original private letter carriers to the Pony Express to the modern U.S. Post Service, and a display of mail delivery vehicles and airplanes. Sophie even had fun at the museum pulling out the displays in the stamp gallery and pretending to drive a mail delivery truck!


The National Postal Museum is located in Northeast DC next to Union Station, and is housed on the lower level of the historic City Post Office Building, which was constructed in 1914 and served as the DC post office from 1914 to 1986. I love these old buildings – the architectural details are amazing! The Museum also houses a 6,000-square-foot research library, a stamp store, and of course a museum shop.



The stamp collection is amazing – not that you’d expect anything else! Everything from the first postage stamp to mail sent from the Moon, examples of engraving dies used to make antique stamps, and tons of international stamps.










As you can probably tell, the National Postal Museum is very kid friendly (which I love!). We’re looking forward to going back!

More fun things to do in DC right here!

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Lili Emma’s Colorful Split Fountain Baby Announcements

These adorable birth announcements come to us all the way from Hungary! Designer and printer Judit from Confettini created these vibrant announcements for a darling baby girl born back in September. Judit used the split fountain technique to infuse these announcements with lots of bright color, then paired the announcements with hot pink envelopes and handmade confetti. Such a wonderful way to celebrate a new arrival!


From Judit: Lili Emma was born on a sunny Thursday morning. This girl is a little ray of sunshine in her family. We made this letterpress printed, hand lettered baby announcement for her.


For the first time we used a special inking technique called a split fountain – or rainbow roll. The process was really exciting. I love this ombre result and I think it looks really good on this paper. We paired the announcement with a lovely fuchsia envelope filled with custom coloured confetti. I hope this card will be a great memory for the family and for Lili for many years to come.




Thanks Judit!

Photo Credits: Confettini