Tyler + David’s Floral Watercolor Wedding Invitations

With beautiful hand painted floral details and stunning calligraphy, these watercolor wedding invitations from Julie Song Ink are exactly what I need this Monday morning. I also love the way Julie incorporated the paint drips and ink splatters into the design at the couple’s request. White calligraphy on kraft envelopes was the perfect finishing touch!


From Julie: Tyler and David appreciate the organic fluidity of watercolor, as well as all its painterly imperfections – so their suite incorporates romantic flowers spilling cheerfully onto the invitation and suite, paint drips and calligraphy ink splatter. The simple map highlights the venue where all the festivities take place. The suite was printed onto textured cotton paper to preserve the authenticity of the watercolor.





Thanks Julie!

Julie Song Ink is a member of the Designer Rolodex – you can see more of Julie’s beautiful work right here or visit the real invi­ta­tions gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: Julie Song Ink

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! And thank you so much for all of your kind words about the OSBP redesign – it has made my heart so very happy this week! That, and I booked a long overdue (and much, much needed) beach vacation to celebrate the husband’s birthday in a couple of weeks. I can’t wait to escape this never ending winter and bury my toes in the sand for a few days! Can. Not. Wait. But in the meantime…


Photo Credit: Better Homes & Gardens

…a few links for your weekend:

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

That’s it for us this week! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here next week! xoxo


Calligraphy Inspiration: Mon Voir

With spring just around the corner, I really wanted to showcase the work of some fresh talent. Something playful and charming; something that feels like a breath of fresh air. I found just what I was looking for in self-taught calligrapher and illustrator Jenna Rainey of Mon Voir. Her illustration work really comes through in her style, as it has smooth painterly quality. I’m quite smitten with Jenna’s calligraphy and I’m sure you will be, too!  – Julie



Jenna’s lively style floats and dances its way across the surface. Elements of her writing have an air of romance, much like that of an old love letter.




Youthful and lighthearted, I love that even a single word can bring the ordinary to life. Jenna’s calligraphy is all the embellishment you need!



For more of Jenna’s work check out her blog and Instagram which is filled with beautiful peeks at projects.

Photo credits: No. 1, 2; 3 left, +4 Jenna Rainey; No. 3 right, 5 +  7 left Megan.Jeanne ; No.6 Kristen Rae Photography; No. 7 right Erich McVey 

DIY Tutorial: Hand Tinted Letterpress Save the Dates

Hand tinting was historically used to color black and white photographs before color photography was invented. It was also used on prints made by etching as a means to color them. For this tutorial, we’ll show you how to use this technique to bring a unique, vintage look to your letterpress save the dates or wedding invitations. Not only is it beautiful, it’s also super easy (as in two steps)! – Bailey and Emma of Antiquaria

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Step One: We chose two colors for this design: green and pink. When deciding what to do with your letterpress design, consider historical references for colors (searching hand tinted etching or photographs yields nice results).

First, we mixed our green color. We wanted it to be a little yellow tinged so we added some yellow to the green in our palette (see the upper left mixing area). The color needs to be very diluted to have it tint and not paint too heavily cover your letterpress print. Make sure to test your colors on an extra piece to make sure you have the technique down before starting the project.

Another key factor is how dry the brush is when it’s tinting the paper. You do not want it to be wet. Brushing it first against a paper towel helps keep the tint from being to watery. Again, it helps to work through this in testing.

Paint your first color in the desired area (in our case, green on the leaves) and set it aside to dry. Repeat on all cards.

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Step Two: Next, you’ll be adding in your second color to the flowers on the design. Mix up your desired color and test it on your spare piece until the color and dilution is right. Brush on the color (in our case, pink) in the desired areas. Set aside to dry and repeat on the rest of your cards.

Hand-tinted-Save the Date-Final-5

Letterpress printing works exceptionally well with hand tinting because it created an indented texture when the print is made. This helps keep your tint in place and prevents coloring outside the lines or blotchiness. If you do end up with too much water on the print, it’s easy to quickly dab it with a clean paper towel and absorb any excess. No harm done!

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We found that the tinting technique worked most beautifully and effectively on our botanical collection of letterpress cards. The softness and vintage appeal lends to the charm of the designs. Of course, the possibilities are as endless as your imagination!


Savannah Letterpress Save the Date Card. We recommend ordering extra pieces (10% overage) for testing.


Paint brush. We recommend a very nice, small brush so that you have control and precision.

Water cup

Anti­quaria is a mem­ber of the Designer Rolodex – you can see more of their beau­ti­ful work right here or visit the real save the dates gallery for more save the date ideas!

Photo Credits: Antiquaria for Oh So Beautiful Paper