{happy weekend!}

This has been quite a whirlwind of a week and a long weekend is just what I need to help recover.  My husband and I are approaching the last phase of our first pregnancy, and earlier this week we found out that our baby will be making a slightly earlier entrance than originally expected – possibly in just a couple of weeks!  To be honest, I’m both a little freaked out by our new accelerated timeframe, worried about making sure that our baby stays healthy, and excited to finally meet this little person!  But in the meantime…

Photo Credit: Lisa Teso Photography

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  Since Monday is the Labor Day holiday here in the U.S., I’ll be taking the long weekend to rest and refocus, but I’ll see you all back here on Tuesday! xoxo

Sneak Peek – Martha Stewart Weddings Fall 2012 Issue!

Oh my, this summer has just flown by – and fall is just right around the corner!  And with the changing season comes a new issue of Martha Stewart Weddings!  I’m super excited to see all the beautiful stationery featured in the Fall 2012 issue, and today I have a fun sneak peek to share with you!

For the Fall 2012 issue, the stationery focus is all about reflecting a couple’s personal style – whether traditionalist, modern, or anything in between. The stationery feature includes five invitation suites with fun typography, color combinations, and unique design elements.  And of course the editors have chosen some of my favorite stationers for this feature, including Mrs. John L. Strong, Stripe & Field, Paper + Cup, MaeMae Paperie, and Ladyfingers Letterpress!

Keep an eye out for the new issue on newsstands soon!

Photo Credits: Cover by Dirk Kikstra, story photographs by Bryan Gardner, both for Martha Stewart Weddings Fall 2012

{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday!  This week was pretty awesome – on Monday I took a little field trip with the talented Michele of Meant to Be Calligraphy to visit Terrain.  Have you been?  It was my first time there and I was just floored by how beautiful everything is – I had to resist the urge to bring home a million new plants for our poor little garden (which sadly isn’t doing so well in the brutal DC summer heat).  And lunch at the cafe?  Sooooo good.  I can’t wait to go back!  But in the meantime…

Terrain via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4) Terrain via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

Terrain via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1) Terrain via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2)

Photos of Terrain by me via Instagram (@beautifulpaper)

A few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

We have a fun cocktail coming up for you this afternoon, so check back a bit later for the recipe!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday!  xoxo

{happy weekend!}

Happy Friday everyone!  As much as I’d like for the days and weeks to slow down just a smidge (pleaseandthankyouverymuch), I’ll be happy to wave goodbye to summer in a few weeks.  Being 7+ months (we’re at 32 weeks!) pregnant during the hot and humid DC summer?  Maybe not the best idea I’ve ever had… so I’m distracting myself with daydreams of cooler days and beautiful fall foliage.  But in the meantime…

The cutest confetti letterpress printed muslin bags from Paper Lovely

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

That’s it for me this week!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday! xoxo

Calligraphy Inspiration: Laura Hooper Calligraphy

Sometimes you have to search for something.  Other times you just happen upon it.  I certainly didn’t have to go digging to find Laura Hooper Calligraphy.  I kept seeing her gorgeous work in real weddings, (including her own) and seeing her name in glowing recommendations.  Laura has 10 years of experience under her belt, as well as work featured in Martha Stewart Weddings and Town & Country Weddings.  (Ed Note: Laura also provided place card calligraphy for my wedding four years ago! –nole)  Laura has calligraphed everything from ginkgo leaves to sand dollars and offers some great products, including her wonderful maps, in her Etsy shop.  Take a look for yourself and I’m sure you’ll understand why she has such satisfied customers!  – Julie

Laura Hooper Calligraphy Wedding Menu via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Laura Hooper Calligraphy Wedding Invitations via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Laura has a wide selection of invitation designs (like the one pictured above) available in her Etsy shop, as well as on her website.  She also offers a number of printing processes like letterpress to thermography.

Laura Hooper Calligraphy Wedding Calligraphy via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Laura Hooper Calligraphy Map via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Whether you’re having a destination wedding or simply have a lot of out of town guests, Laura’s custom maps are a great addition to your invitation suite.

Laura Hooper Calligraphy Seating and Escort cards via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Laura Hooper Calligraphy Wedding Calligraphy via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Laura Hooper Calligraphy Wedding Calligraphy via Oh So Beautiful Paper

I’m a huge fan of great wedding details.  With charming wooden signs, embroidered napkins and even totes, Laura’s got you covered!  Be sure to check out her blog, website and shop for more.

Photo credits: 1, 2, 3 left, 6, 7 left Laura Hooper; 3 right Kate Headley; 5 left Agnes Lopez; 4, 5 right, 7 right Steve Steinhardt