Dominic + Devin’s Summer Camp Wedding Invitations

I wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye to summer – and while the cooler weather is starting to grow on me, I’m making a last grasp for summer sunshine with these camp-inspired wedding invitations from Blake and Irene at Sparkvites. The invitation suite features a canoe silhouette, a custom illustration of the wedding venue, and vintage-inspired design details. Fun!


From Blake and Irene: We designed this custom invitation for Dominic and Devin’s September wedding at Lake Morey in Vermont. Their camp wedding theme was reflected from start to finish as we worked with them on everything from save the dates to the guest itineraries.


The invitation and envelope were letterpress printed, while the additional cards were digitally printed and featured a custom illustration of Lake Morey Resort, along with a pretty kraft envelope and rounded corners for a more vintage look.





Thanks Blake and Irene!

Check out the Designer Rolodex for more tal­ented wed­ding invi­ta­tion design­ers and the real invi­ta­tions gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: Sparkvites


Hello again! Introducing our newest addition: Alice Evelyn! We couldn’t be more in love. I’ll do a longer post about her arrival when I have a bit more time to sit down and write – so maybe a year from now? Kidding! – but I thankfully avoided a repeat of my postpartum experience with Sophie, so I’ve been able to spend the last few weeks enjoying this sweet and tiny baby. Not that everything has been sugar and rainbows so far – we’re definitely still adjusting to being a family of four and having a newborn in the house again. But it’s all worth it. Two girls! I love it.

 Photo by me via Instagram

I’m so excited to dive back into my lovely world of beautiful paper and will be easing myself back into my routine over the next couple of weeks. I’ve got a ton of wedding invitations to share – not to mention 2015 calendars coming at you real soon! But first a huge thanks to the wonderful guest bloggers who helped out while I was away – from Hello!Lucky to Audrey, Erin, Lisa, and all the other amazingly talented mamas – and my wonderful team of contributors! Thank you all a million times over!

Since I haven’t been able to do my normal Friday posts for a few weeks, I thought I’d start off with a few favorite links from the last month:

I’ll be back with more soon!

The Adonis

We here at Oh So Beautiful Paper tend to showcase some pretty powerful, boozy drinks. Let’s not beat around the bush. But sometimes you want a drink that’s not going to leave you drunk. And that’s ok too. Fortunately, there’s a family of drinks out there that are lighter on booze but not light on flavor. Here’s one of my favorites: the Adonis. – Andrew



Illustration by Shauna Lynn for Oh So Beautiful Paper

The Adonis

1 1/2 oz Dry Sherry
1 1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth
2 Dashes Orange Bitters

Combine the sherry and vermouth with ice and stir well. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and top with the bitters. Garnish with a lemon twist and enjoy! The Adonis is dark and rich, with lots of spicy, herbaceous notes and tangy from its two key ingredients, both fortified wines. It finishes with some bright citrus notes from the twist and bitters; Dale DeGroff recommends adding in a muddled orange slice, and I can’t argue with him. It’s big on flavors but has a very mild proof, letting you tip back one or two without risk of drunkenness or hangover.


Letterpress print by Ink Meets Paper

This is also a really great showcase for the value of the lemon twist as a garnish in a cocktail. Take a sip before you’ve added the twist, and you’ll taste exactly what you have: sherry and vermouth together in a glass. But take a sip after those oils in the lemon peel have worked their magic, and you’ll have a real cocktail on your hands. That lemon peel really helps to bind the ingredients into something greater.


The Adonis dates back to 1884 and honors a Broadway musical of the same name. Adonis the musical, about a statue that comes to life and then finds people so wanting that he returns to stone, was one of the longest running in Broadway history at the time and ran for over six hundred shows. Just so happens it was at the Bijou Theater at 1239 Broadway, which was founded by famed bartender Jerry Thomas, author of the first cocktail guide. Who I’m guessing invented this drink as one of history’s first product tie-ins.



To mix things up, consider a close variation. Keep the sherry but replace the sweet vermouth with dry, add two dashes of aromatic bitters to the orange bitters, and you have the Bamboo cocktail, invented in the 1890s by Louis Eppinger in Yokohama, Japan, of all places.

Technique Tip: When I say “lemon twist,” I basically mean a thin piece of lemon peel twisted over the drink to express its fragrant essential oils. Take a paring knife or vegetable peeler and remove a broad but very thin piece of lemon peel, avoiding the bitter white pith directly under the peel. Twist or bend it over the drink to release the oils, then rub it along the rim of your glass. Some people then discard their twist, but I like to throw it into the drink to continue releasing flavor. You should be able to see a spray of oil drops on the top of your drink if the light catches it just right. Fresh lemons are best; older lemons will dry out and you won’t get crisp snap of oils bursting onto your cocktail.

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper / Letterpress print by Ink Meets Paper

Guest Post: Jen of The Haystack Needle

I’ve asked some of my favorite creative mamas to help out while I’m away with our new baby. Today, the wonderful Jen from The Haystack Needle is sharing some thoughts on motherhood – specifically some things she’s learned as a mama of two! Thanks Jen! –Nole


Hello! I’m Jen and feel lucky to have connected with the ever-inspiring Nole through blogging (back when I did blog.) I’m now a freelance writer/editor working from home and mostly being a mama to Juniper (3) and Leo (18 months). My kids are 20 months apart and are the sweetest spirits who keep me feeling light and searching for little moments of amazing in each day. We just moved to Portland, Maine, from Brooklyn back in January. And I have to say, Portland has stolen my heart. It was such a dream spending this summer going blueberry picking, swimming in lakes, making sand castles at the beach, flying kites, loading up on lobster rolls by a lighthouse, and feeding goats at the farm where we get our milk. I was mourning the end of summer, till I remembered we have apple cider doughnuts to look forward to. Location-wise, I will say it’s incredibly easier being a mama to two when you don’t have to get everyone up and down three flights of stairs (and deal with getting to your car that stores your stroller being two blocks away thanks to alternate side street parking) like we did back in Brooklyn. But no matter the location, two little ones can feel like triple the chaos in moments. Here’s what I’ve tried to pass onto friends moving into being a mama to two.


+ Go on dates with your kid. I don’t mean this in the formal way. A date could simply be curling up on the sofa with a longish book that you wouldn’t read while your younger one’s attached to you. It’s the simplest advice and it helped us through hurdles in the beginning, when I was nursing nonstop and couldn’t actively play with her the same way, and even now when random toddler tensions build up (and then I remember, wait! When was the last time I got 20 minutes of quality alone time with her?). Kids need so little to refuel with your love. And you’ll miss your alone time with your first and need to reconnect. You’ll know you’re desperately in need of a date if you think back on what you’ve said in the last day to your oldest, and if it’s a lot of don’ts, let’s not, and let’s go. Then yes, you need a date. It could be as simple as looking through old photos together or taking a walk where she takes the lead on how fast you go. But, I found it needs to be you and her, no babywearing the younger one, or half looking at your phone. True together time. And then I found the meltdowns and odd behavior calm down for a bit.


+ Don’t forget the tricks that worked when she was little. I’ll never forget the day that putting Juniper in a sling saved me. And I’m not talking about when she was a newborn and I got to have my first hot meal or do some laundry. I’m talking about two-and-a-half year old Juniper who was having a tough moment out with me and Leo, and it was dissolving fast. Leo, by default as the younger one who wasn’t walking yet, always was in the carrier and Juniper would walk or ride in the stroller. And then, as you learn with kids 2+ years in age, having options always helps, and I thought to offer her the sling in the heat of the moment. And that’s when I heard it in her voice. That she’d been missing some mama love. She happily went in the sling and just wanted to be held for a short time. And then all was calm. That’s repeated itself for us, and it always works. I wore Juni in wraps, carriers, and slings from birth through most of my pregnancy with Leo (in a back carry). But as soon as Leo arrived, of course he was the one I carried. It took me a few months to figure out she missed that part of our relationship.


+ Be positive in how you talk about your kids, especially when they’re around. We’re all blogging and snapping beautiful Instagrams of our little loves. But I find it’s so easy, especially when you’re hanging around other mamas, to endlessly talk about how hard it is or how much your little guy sleeps or how tough it is when your two-year-old doesn’t want to get dressed in the morning. Yes, we all need to release some of the pressure and know that we’re not alone in the challenges of parenting. But I’ve tried to spend less time talking about the hard stuff, especially on playdates or on the playground. Because in a way, I think it sets up this tone of you against the kids or one kid against the other (since it’s so easy to talk about how different your kids are), rather than celebrating the moments that are pure awesome. And there are so many! I’ve read about how bad it is for a marriage to cut your partner down in conversation with someone else, and I think it applies to kids too. Sometimes just talking positive helps. I have a lot of days where I’m zapped, but those are the days I try to remember to say to my two, “hey we’re a team this morning, the three of us, let’s go have a good day.” And then there’s a high five and we’re off.


+ Nothing is permanent. Do what works for you now. As with everyone, my kids sleep, eat, play, and have gone through their first years in totally different ways. It’s easy (especially thanks to grandparent schools of thought) to think if you do this, you’ll never be able to do that or transition them out of this or that. I disagree. Do what you need to survive right now, not what you think you have to be doing because you’re afraid of some permanent habit. Especially with regards to sleeping arrangements. Just follow what works for you, and when it doesn’t work, change it up and it will naturally move on to the next phase. You’re the best expert on your kids, anyhow.


+ Say less. Once your littlest is moving around, the sibling relationship really starts to shine. I’ve found the easiest way to help support my kids bonding is to not play referee. Don’t intervene with little squabbles or minor sharing/pushing moments and let them work it out themselves. For the most part, they do and no one gets hurt. And that’s when you find your 15-month old running in circles on squares of felt in a fit of giggles with your 3-year-old because they just made up some new game, just them.


Oh and prepare to have your heart melt every time they hug each other, read books together, or you watch your oldest feed your little guy strawberries that she just sliced for him. And then you’ll really feel silly that you spent all that energy worrying about not being able to focus on your oldest child after your second arrives. I’m pretty sure Juniper would say I gave her the best gift ever with our little Leo. And I would agree.

Filed under: jen

Guest Post: Thoughts for Other Moms Running a Business

I’ve asked some of my favorite creative mamas to help out while I’m away with our new baby. Today, the wonderful Erin Austen Abbott of Amelia shares some thoughts on running a business as a mom! Thanks Erin! –Nole

As moms, we always have to think two steps ahead. What will my child need when we leave the house? Will they need to eat while we are out and about? Etc… You are always thinking about the next step. I apply the same thought process to running my business AND raising a small child. â€“Erin


I organize my life as I would a diaper bag, as silly as that sounds. Each pocket, filled with what will be needed next. I plan my days around my son’s schedule and I got him on a schedule so that we would all know what was coming next. He knows what his day entails therefore we have less meltdowns. Being two is probably a bit scary I imagine, but he pretty much always knows what’s coming next, which means he doesn’t have to worry. This means that I can work in the most time with him and also be the most productive for my business.

I write it all down… I make to do lists daily and I also make a weekly list, so that I always know what is coming next, then I move those things to my daily list as they need to happen. I stay away from weekly calendars and only use a monthly calendar, so I can see what’s coming in two weeks, three weeks, etc… I don’t let things sneak up on me, just like my two year old always knowing his schedule…. less meltdowns to fix.

I get to school drop off and pick up a little early so that I can send emails or look over what I need to do for the next few days. If you stay ahead, then you never feel frantic and if you do get behind, you aren’t really getting behind…. just in line with where you need to be.

People ask me all the time how do you juggle so much and my answer is always the same… organization. Always thinking ahead to what you will need next and planning accordingly. In business, you know what you will need next, just plan for it. If you work with fabrics, have a spot in the roll that tells you when you need to reorder. Work with paper? Have a sheet in the stack that tells you when to reorder, rather then running out and then reordering and getting behind in your turn around to your customers. That’s why I package up online orders the day they come in and mail out them just as quickly. I don’t want to get behind.

Staying organized allows me to take off on Saturday and Sunday and just spend it with my family. If I need to do some work on those days, I save it for when my son is napping. I don’t pretend to have it all together and get it all done, all the time. Email is a black hole to me, but I’m trying to get better about answering faster. Like with a child, you pick your battles.

For those of you that work from home while juggling a child (kudos by the way), I can’t stress this enough… have your own space. Have an office space that isn’t a catch all, but an actual real space. Convert a closet if you have to, but have a place that you sit and work daily, that is all yours. I don’t think you will be as productive if you just have a little pile of work here and more stashed there.

Create office hours for yourself, even if it’s an hour here, four hours there. Do what you need to do during those office hours so that you can play with your family the rest of the time. Maybe you have a helper come watch your children two days a week and you pack it all in to those two days. It all counts, but set those hours. You and your business will be glad you did.