Rustic Hand Lettered Wedding Invitations

I love the mix of elegant and nature-inspired details in these rustic hand lettered wedding invitations from Kim at Bright Room Studio – from the burgundy website tag and envelope calligraphy to the leather cord and kraft paper welcome reception invitation! So beautiful and perfect for a fall wedding!

Rustic Hand Lettered Wedding Invitations by Bright Room Studio / Oh So Beautiful Paper

From Kim: I loved creating this invitation suite for Adam and Lauren. Together we created what I think is the perfect mix of rustic and elegant. We kept the suite neutral with a small red accent on their website tag.

Rustic Hand Lettered Wedding Invitations by Bright Room Studio / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Rustic Hand Lettered Wedding Invitations by Bright Room Studio / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Everything in the suite was lettered by hand, giving it a casual feeling, but the double-thick paper, leather cord wrap, and vintage stamps made it all feel really special (the leather cord also made it smell amazing!). The kraft paper for the welcome dinner was a perfect way to set that piece apart, while still making it feel like it coordinated with the whole suite.

Rustic Hand Lettered Wedding Invitations by Bright Room Studio / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Rustic Hand Lettered Wedding Invitations by Bright Room Studio / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Rustic Hand Lettered Wedding Invitations by Bright Room Studio / Oh So Beautiful Paper

I was also lucky enough to design a modern Ketubah (Jewish marriage contract) for Adam and Lauren. Their promises to each other were hand lettered and surrounded by simple vines and then screen printed with gold ink on to a beautiful cotton paper. They signed it on their wedding day!

Rustic Hand Lettered Wedding Ketubah by Bright Room Studio / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Rustic Hand Lettered Wedding Ketubah by Bright Room Studio / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Rustic Hand Lettered Wedding Ketubah by Bright Room Studio / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Rustic Hand Lettered Wedding Ketubah by Bright Room Studio / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Thanks Kim!

Design: Bright Room Studio

Invitation Letterpress Printing: Mercurio Brothers

Ketubah Screen Printing: Jill Fawcett/Studio Mamas

Bright Room Studio is a member of the Designer Rolodex  – you can see more of Kim’s beautiful work right here or visit the real invi­ta­tions gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: Bright Room Studio

DIY Tutorial: Mini Love Note Pegboard

I think an important part of any relationship is reminding your partner (and perhaps even yourself) of all the reasons why you love, like, and just generally enjoy them. While I think this is an important thing to do all year round, tis the season for acts of love, so I say we turn this little piece of relationship advice into a craft activity! With this tutorial, we turn a plain ole pegboard into an expression of the dozens of ways that we love our significant other. When the Valentine’s season has passed, keep the wooden bead pegs in place and use it as message board or even an escort card display for a big event. – Mandy Pellegrin

DIY Tutorial: Love Note Pegboard by Fabric Paper Glue for Oh So Beautiful Paper

DIY Tutorial: Love Note Pegboard by Fabric Paper Glue for Oh So Beautiful Paper



DIY Tutorial: Love Note Pegboard by Fabric Paper Glue for Oh So Beautiful Paper


Pegboard (mine came pre-cut in a manageable size from the hardware store)
Wooden Beads
Card Stock
Heart Punch
Mini Hole Punch

DIY Tutorial: Love Note Pegboard by Fabric Paper Glue for Oh So Beautiful Paper


Step One: String each bead onto a piece of twine about 6″ long. Create a grid of pegs with the beads by passing both ends of each piece of twine through a single peg hole. On the backside of the pegboard, tie the ends tightly around a toothpick. My grid ended up being 6 beads wide by 9 beads tall for a total of 54 pegs.

DIY Tutorial: Love Note Pegboard by Fabric Paper Glue for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Step Two: Punch out lots and lots of card stock hearts — as many as you have wooden bead pegs. If you don’t have a heart punch, you could also just cut out hearts the good old fashioned way…with scissors.

DIY Tutorial: Love Note Pegboard by Fabric Paper Glue for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Step Three: Punch a small hole in the top corner of each heart.

DIY Tutorial: Love Note Pegboard by Fabric Paper Glue for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Step Four: Attach each heart to a string. Tie the ends of the string together using a long knot to create a loop from which to hang each heart.

DIY Tutorial: Love Note Pegboard by Fabric Paper Glue for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Step Five: Now, here’s the couple’s therapy part! Add sweet love notes to each heart, and hang onto your grid of wooden bead hangers.

DIY Tutorial: Love Note Pegboard by Fabric Paper Glue for Oh So Beautiful PaperDIY Tutorial: Love Note Pegboard by Fabric Paper Glue for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Photo Credits: Mandy Pellegrin for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Fresh Cut Paper Flowers: Anemone

You guys, I am not a winter person. Like, at all. Here in the Mid Atlantic the trees are bare and everything is brown and gray and lifeless – and I’m just completely over it. But spring? I live for spring. Cherry blossoms, lilacs, peonies, wisteria… I can’t get enough. So how could I resist when Rachael from Appetite Paper offered to stop by Oh So Beautiful Paper on a regular basis to share some of her gorgeous paper flower creations?? Today Rachael is here to share her first creations and give us something pretty to look at in the doldrums of winter. Welcome Rachael!


When you’re in the dead of winter, some fresh cut paper flowers certainly do the trick. These cute, dainty paper flowers are inspired by a personal favorite of mine, the Anemone. They are always so welcoming with their cheerful bloom. Made famous by their classic black and white combo, I couldn’t resist playing around with some fun coral hues and blush pink petals for some paper inspiration today! – Rachael



Photo Credits: Appetite Paper for Oh So Beautiful Paper